Are Green Beans Good For Bearded Dragons?

Yes, green beans are good for bearded dragons. It’s one of the vegetables that contain a lot of beneficial nutrients. Bearded dragons also like eating green beans. This vegetable is packed with essential vitamins and other minerals. Green beans are also low in sugar, carbohydrates, and fat.

Are Green Beans Good For Bearded Dragons?

Can You Feed Frozen Green Beans to Bearded Dragons?

Frozen beans and other frozen vegetables should not be fed right away. They are dangerous to be consumed in their frozen state. Bearded dragons must not be fed frozen green beans. Let it thaw before giving it to your pet to make it safe. It can choke your bearded dragon.

Aside from that, it can be hard for them to digest frozen green beans. This can result in an infection that can be life-threatening.

But frozen green beans have more nutrition for bearded dragons. These are usually frozen as soon as they are harvested. A lot of nutrients are retained by feeding them.

The nutrients in green beans can degrade over time. Even if they look fresh from the store, frozen green beans are more nutritious.

Also, it can be tough to find a variety of vegetables for your reptile during the winter. Frozen vegetables are your best option to provide your bearded dragon with some greens.

Cook the green beans or thaw and feed it to your reptile raw. If you decide to cook them first, make sure it’s not too hot for the bearded dragon to eat.

It’s a good idea to grow it yourself to ensure safety for your bearded dragon. You can grow green beans indoors as long as you have grow lights.

But if you have a sunny window, that should be enough to grow green beans. It’s a good idea to let your bearded dragon also enjoy the plant.

Have it near the terrarium and when it’s time to harvest them, you can freeze some. It will ensure that your bearded dragon will have enough supply to last a long time.

Can You Feed Canned Green Beans to Bearded Dragons?

Technically you can feed canned green beans to your bearded dragon. However, it’s not recommended to do that. Canned vegetables are convenient and affordable. It can also be stored for years to come. But it’s not as good as feeding your bearded dragon fresh vegetables. Canned food is not a good option.

Canning can remove vitamins and B since it involves high heat. It also contains bisphenol-A or BPA. Based on some research, BPA can migrate from the lining to the food.

That’s why it’s better not to expose your bearded dragon to BPA. It will be bad for your beardie’s health to eat canned vegetables.

Canned green beans will no longer be an ideal food for your reptile. It might contain a lot of salt, sugar, and other preservatives to make it last.

Those ingredients may have harmful effects on bearded dragons’ health. If it consumes it regularly, that can cause some health concerns.

bearded dragon

Why Canned Green Beans are Not Recommended for Bearded Dragons?

Some canned foods may contain Clostridium botulinum. It’s a deadly bacteria that may be present if the canned food is not processed properly. When bearded dragons get exposed to this bacteria, it can cause diseases. It may lead to paralysis and even death. It’s best to avoid this from happening.

If you don’t have many options but to feed your bearded dragon canned green beans, make sure to get a reputable brand.

Check if you can find one that doesn’t have preservatives added. That’s a safer way to feed your bearded dragon canned green beans. But if there are other fresh options, skip the beans until it’s available.

How Much Green Beans Can You Feed Bearded Dragons?

You have to consider the bearded dragon’s dietary requirements first. That’s how you will know how much green beans you can feed them. For adult bearded dragons, they need to have a balanced pellet blend once a day. That must be their main feed and you have to measure it according to their age.

They need to have a variety of vegetables and leafy greens. 70% of the bearded dragon’s diet is plant-based. But you should consider that they need more leafy greens.

Vegetables such as carrots and green beans are not as important. While fruits should only be 5% of their diet.

The 20 to 30% of the bearded strains diet should be insects like mealworms or grasshoppers. A small serving of green beans every few days should be enough for them.

Although you can feed your beardie green beans every day, it’s not a good idea. It’s better to feed them other types of vegetables.

Eastern Bearded Dragon Pogona barbata

Why are Bearded Dragon Stages Important to Their Diet?

Another thing you have to consider is their unique requirements during different stages of their lives. Young bearded dragons need to have more iron compared to adults. While the adults need vitamin D3 and calcium more. It’s essential for their bone development. Provide your beardie with the right nutrition they need.

Make sure to provide your bearded dragon calcium and vitamin D3. If they are lacking vitamin D3, they can’t absorb calcium.

They can get it from the sun while they are in the wild. But for pet beardies, you can provide them with the vitamin D3 supplement they need. It will help them to stay healthy.

How to Feed Green Beans to Bearded Dragons?

The best way to feed green beans to your bearded dragon is raw. Chop the green beans into bite-sized pieces to allow them to enjoy it easily. But if you have frozen green brands, thaw them before feeding them to your bearded dragon. Make sure they are not too cold before serving them to your reptile.

Once you have your bearded dragon as a pet for a while, you will know how they like their veggies. You should also observe how often they like to have them.

Avoid overfeeding your reptile with vegetables they don’t like. It will end up rotting in the cage. You also need to clean more frequently if you do this.

When preparing the green beans for your bearded dragon, don’t let them see it. These pets can be very active when they see food.

They might try to escape their enclosure to reach the food right away. Bearded dragons can get too excited when they see their favorite food being prepared.

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