Are Leopard Geckos Fast? All Questions

It’s estimated that leopard gecko can move around 3-5 miles per hour (mph). This is pretty fast, considering their size and temperament. These scaly reptiles usually take flight when chasing prey, threatened, or running away from predators.

How Swift Is a Leopard Gecko?

While there’s no definitive research or study on how swift geckos are, herpetologists and experienced owners claim that these lizards can run about 3-5 miles per hour (mph). Their swift speed allows them to escape predators like foxes and other bigger lizards.

Their speed is commendable, considering they boast one of the tiniest bodies. However, there are other lizard species that are faster than leopard geckos. Some lizards are four times faster than the leopard gecko!

It’s normal for different species of animals to move at different speeds because they live in different ecosystems. For instance, some snakes cannot move, while others can traverse sweltering, sand-covered deserts in seconds.

When and Why Do Leopard Geckos Run?

In captivity, Leos are always relaxed, and it’s hard to know how fast they can run. However, leopard geckos may take flight or move faster in the wild for various reasons. These include:

Escaping From Danger

Feeling threatened is one of the primary causes behind leopard geckos’ fast flight. A potential danger does not always imply the presence of a potential predator. The sight or sound of something moving or falling can startle them and make them scamper to safety. When leos are surprised or threatened, they quickly run in the opposite direction to hide.

So, you may always witness your leo running away if you suddenly place your hand in its cage or introduce a new animal. Although geckos aren’t the least in the food chain, they are still hunted by various predators and are instinctively inclined to run away.

Getting Away From Predators

For leopard geckos in the wild, the presence of potential predators is an ever-present reality. In addition to their excellent senses of smell and vision, leopard geckos have developed an instinct to flee from danger.

Besides the usual threats, the other reason why leopard geckos run fast is when they detect a predator nearby. Due to their small size, leos aren’t great fighters.

So, fighting back is not their strong suit when faced with danger. Blending into their surroundings and fleeing would be two of their best survival tools.

Once a leopard gecko detects an approaching predator, it will bolt for safety. You should be aware that your pet has many potential dangers, even if you don’t think about them.

Geckos boast superb hearing that allows them to hear even the slightest predatory sounds. So, your leopard gecko may just run and hide when they hear sounds from outside the cage.  

When They Are Starving

When a leopard gecko is starving, it is more likely to look for food with more zeal than normal. Seeing a gecko dash straight to a food source won’t be surprising.

If your gecko is hungry, it will quickly seize the opportunity to feed, whether it has spotted a giant bug in the desert or seen you approaching with a plate of fresh mealworms.

When hungry, these scaly friends will rapidly move toward a food source. Geckos’ versatility in movement is one of their most intriguing characteristics.

What Should You Do If Your Leopard Keeps Running Due To Fear?

As discussed in the last section, your Leos will run fast when they are scared or hungry or spot a predator nearby. To make sure that they don’t keep taking a flight, you have to.

Don’t Mishandle or Approach Them When They Don’t See You

In most instances, captive-bred leopard geckos usually run away if they are not handled properly. If you pick your leopard gecko abruptly from the cage, it’ll always take flight when they see you approaching.

Before you handle your scaly friend, ensure it’s comfortable and let them come to you. If they seem startled or scared, wait until they get comfortable to come to you.

Keep Other Pets Away From the Leopard Gecko Terrarium

Since leos perceive all animals bigger than them as predators, letting other pets like cats and dogs near their cages can be frightening.

If you don’t want your leopard gecko to keep scampering to safety, put its cage in a protected place you can access. 

Attend To All Gecko Needs

Giving your leopard gecko the attention and care it needs will undoubtedly strengthen its relationship with you. Leopard geckos who aren’t accustomed to their surroundings or owners’ routines will almost certainly bolt at the first available chance.

Be sure to give your gecko a nice home, plenty of good food, and the ideal temperature. Sooner or later, it will warm up to you and start actively seeking your company.

Final Verdict

How quickly is a leopard gecko able to move? Well, not as slow as we think when we see them lazing around the cage and not as fast as the spotted animal they got their name from.

Although these scaly reptiles can run between 3 and 5 mph, they do not have the lightning-fast speed of certain other reptiles. However, leopard geckos can make a daring escape into cracks and crevices when threatened.

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