Are Leopard Geckos Omnivores? (All You Need To Know)

The most important aspect of leopard gecko care is providing healthy and diverse food. Although leopard geckos are relatively low-maintenance pets, they have a few unusual nutritional requirements that you will need to remember.

The big question is, are leopard geckos omnivorous? No, leopard geckos don’t eat everything. They don’t need plant and animal foods in their diet. They feed solely on insects and hence are said to be insectivorous. Leos should be given a diversified diet of insects such as mealworms, dubia roaches, crickets, and black army fly larvae as their primary food source.

Are you unsure of what to feed your leopard geckos? Read on for some helpful information about the subject.

Which Is the Ideal Diet for Leopard Geckos?

Contrary to what most people think, Leos are not omnivores and shouldn’t be fed plants, vegetables, or fruits. Leopard geckos need a diet of gut-loaded insects sprinkled with calcium powder. Mealworms, crickets, and Dubia roaches are all viable options for these scaly friends.

It is recommended that the insects you feed your leo be approximately the size of the gap between the gecko’s eyes.

Though a gecko’s diet may sound monotonous and boring, you can find a variety of healthy and tasty feeder insects at your local pet store or online.

Your leopard gecko’s growth and well-being depend on a balanced diet. Inadequate nutrition can result in various health difficulties, respiratory infections, metabolic bone disease, and other digestive disorders.

Which Types of Food That Are Beneficial for Leopard Geckos?

The following are examples of common insects consumed by Leopard Geckos:

  • Crickets
  • Dubia Roaches
  • Grasshoppers
  • Mealworms
  • Silkworms
  • Superworms
  • Wax Worms
  • Black Soldier Fly Larvae

However, there are certain things you should not be given to your geckos because: either they are poisonous, too large for them to consume properly, or they contain very little nutrients.

Which Foods Shouldn’t Be Fed To Geckos?

Leopard geckos only eat what is specifically designed for them. Since they are insectivorous, geckos shouldn’t be fed things like plants, vegetables, or even meat. Conversely, some insects shouldn’t be given to leos since they are poisonous and may produce toxins that may make your scaly friend sick.

They include:

  • Lightning bugs
  • Fireflies
  • Bugs that are sick or dead

Should I Feed My Leopard Gecko Wild Insects?

No, It’s not safe to feed your leopard gecko wild insects. Wild insects may carry chemicals, viruses, and parasites that may get your leo sick. Preferably, you should get your leopard gecko’s insects from reputable pet stores.

Additionally, feeder insects can be purchased online these days. You can breed them at home if you have more time and resources.

You need only look up the specific requirements for breeding the insects you’re interested in. So, your leo should not eat wild-caught insects since they often contain parasites or are coated with toxic chemicals and insecticides.

Can You Give Your Leopard Gecko Fruit and Vegetables?

No, because these reptiles feed on insects, their digestive systems are not adapted to process food consisting of fruits and vegetables. Leos lack a working Cecum, essential for breaking down the cellulose in fruits and vegetables. In addition, their digestive tract is shorter and more alkaline than herbivores, which is much longer and more acidic.

Despite being smaller and weaker than herbivores, their skulls and jaws have adapted to eat insects, not plants and fruits.

Although captive Leopard geckos have been observed eating fruit, this behavior provides little nutritional value because the geckos cannot digest such food.

Your leo may eat fruits not because they are healthy but because they are available. Conversely, fruits have high carbohydrates and sugars that may lead to the formation of plaques.

Are Other Gecko and Lizard Species Omnivorous?

Interestingly, some lizards and geckos eat both plants and animals. A crested gecko is a nice example of a lizard that feeds primarily on insects and fruit. The bearded dragon is another omnivore lizard that requires a varied diet of vegetation and insects to flourish.

While most lizards are omnivores and may thrive on a broad diet, some, like leopard geckos, primarily feed on insects. Therefore, do your homework before trying anything new with your lizard’s diet, as different species have different requirements.

Is It True That Leopard Geckos Usually Eat Their Shed Skin?

Yes, Leopard geckos usually eat their skin after shedding. Essentially, shed skin contains nutrients that may be re-absorbed into the body through digestion. Instead of letting the skin go to waste, most geckos usually munch on it after shedding.

Therefore, if you find your reptile friend eating its skin, don’t panic, as this is normal behavior. It might not sit well with you at first, but if you think of it critically, it’s an eco-friendly way for leos to reuse the nutrients that could have been lost.

How Long Can a Leopard Gecko Go Without Food?

Leopard Gecko can go up to one month without consuming any food. Having said that, it’s important to note that only healthy adult leopard geckos can go for a month without food.

However, never let young Leopard Geckos go for days without food. Conversely, geckos that have lost their tails, are sick, underweight, or recuperating from disease should always have access to food.

FAQs about Leopard Geckos Diet

Should I Feed My Leopard Gecko Meat?

No, It is not healthy for leopard geckos to consume meat. Leopard geckos are insectivorous and not carnivorous. Because of their inherently rapid metabolism, leopard geckos must consume many insects to maintain their health.

If they consume meat, the fat in their diet will increase to an unhealthy level, and they will most likely begin to have health issues.

Is It Wrong to Feed Leopard Gecko Human Food?

Yes, it’s wrong to serve geckos anything else apart from gut-loaded insects and calcium and vitamin supplements. Human food can put your Leo’s health at risk. For instance, meat is high in fat, and giving it to them can cause obesity and hurt their livers. Additionally, fruits can make them overweight due to their high sugar concentration.


You can help your leopard gecko live a long and healthy life by learning a little about its food. If you wondered whether or not leopard geckos are omnivorous, this guide thoughtfully explains why they are not.

They are insectivorous, meaning they should only get their nutrients from insects such as crickets, dubia roaches, and mealworms, among others.

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