Are Snakes Immortal?

Different species of animals have various life spans. Some live for only a few years, while others can live ten times as long. Snakes have been known to live so long that there is a myth that says they’re immortal. 

Snakes are not immortal and eventually die because of diseases or old age. Under the right conditions, snakes can live for up to 30 years, which is longer than most animals.

In this article, I will discuss how long snakes can live and what conditions affect their lifespan. Let’s jump right in. 

Can a Snake Live Forever?

Snakes can’t live forever. They do live for quite some time, but they are not anywhere close to being immortal. Snakes can die from diseases or old age, just like any other animal. 

The amount of years a snake lives also depends on its living situation and health conditions. 

How Long Do Snakes Live?

Now that we know that snakes don’t live forever, how long do they live?

Snakes can live up to 30 years in captivity if they’re well taken care of. Snakes that live in the wild have a greatly reduced lifespan because of predators, diseases, and the struggle for survival.

Pet snakes don’t have to go through the same worries. They always have shelter and food available to them, and they don’t face predators or competition with other snakes. Their chances of living a long time increase. 

A snake living out in the wild could die after a few years or live to reach 25 years—there is no guarantee. 

Not all snakes kept as a pet will live the entire 30 years. But supposing they’re correctly taken care of, they live an average of 20 years.

Causes of Death in Snakes

Several things can contribute to a snake dying, even when being kept as a pet. Unfortunately, even if you do everything right when caring for your snake, it can still get life-threatening diseases that can be hard to detect. 

A cause of death that’s out of anyone’s control is old age. Like humans and other animals, snakes can die from old age. The closer they are to the 30-year mark, the more likely it becomes. 

Snakes can catch diseases. Some can be life-threatening if not seen in time. Some of the diseases most commonly seen in snakes are mouth rot, skin infections, respiratory infection, parasites, and inclusion body disease.

Most of these are curable if you seek a vet as soon as you notice an issue, but you should know that inclusion body disease is not curable. You’ll have to put your snake in quarantine and, in many cases, it will have to be put down.

It can be hard to judge if a snake is sick or not. There are subtle signs that can cause concern, and you should take your snake to a vet as soon as you notice them.

Snakes will lose their eyesight and appetite and become dull in color when they close in on their last few years of life. 


Snakes are not immortal, although they can live up to 30 years. If a snake is kept as a pet and given the proper care, it’s likely that it will be 20 years or more. 

However, snakes out in the wild have a lower lifespan. This is due to competition for food, shelter, and the risk of them being killed by a predator. 

Snakes can also die in captivity, even with proper care. Snakes can get diseases, and while most are curable with medical treatment, not all are. Snakes also die of old age, just like other animals. 

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