Bearded Dragon Sleeping Upright? All You Need To Know

Caring for a bearded dragon makes you understand more about their habits. Keeping this amazing reptile can sometimes surprise you. They have different antics of their own and you can’t help but fall in love with them. As adorable bearded dragons are, you can’t deny that they also have weird habits especially when it comes to sleeping.

Bearded dragons usually display unexpected behaviors. Watching your beardie from the enclosure can be entertaining. They are adorable while awake or even when asleep. Beardies can sleep in the most unusual part of the enclosure. They may also display some strange sleeping positions such as sleeping standing up.

Seeing your bearded dragon sleeping in the upright position is enough to make you worried. It may look as if the reptile is uncomfortable in that sleeping position. Don’t worry, your beardie will be unable to sleep if it’s not comfortable. Keep on reading to learn more about why bearded dragons sleep standing up.

Why Did My Bearded Dragon Sleep Standing Up?

Bearded dragons may sleep while standing up but there’s no specific reason for this behavior. Although there are different possible reasons for this it depends on a specific bearded dragon. If you see your bearded dragon sleeping standing up, don’t worry about it. The reptile may find that sleeping position comfortable during that moment.

The sleeping behavior of bearded dragons may look odd for lizards. Bearded dragons have their own way and habits when it comes to sleeping. As a bearded dragon owner, you can just make a good guess. Beardies may display weird behaviors but it’s nothing to worry about. They just do whatever they feel like doing and want to be comfortable.

Sometimes bearded dragons might display odd behaviors to inform you that something is wrong. That includes an issue about the temperature inside the tank or it may be stressed. Usually, bearded dragons sleep upright against the tank. Ask for guidance from a veterinarian that can help you to understand your bearded dragon better.

Do Bearded Dragons Sleep Upright?

Yes, bearded dragons sleep upright sometimes. Normally, they sleep on their bellies like other lizards. It’s also normal for them to sleep standing up if they feel like it. This may be due to stress or they just want to find a comfortable position. Another reason why bearded dragons do this is because of the temperature of the tank.

The good news is, the bearded dragon’s sleeping position is not something to worry about. As long as your beardie gets everything it needs, it should be fine.

It’s unclear why bearded dragons end up sleeping upright instead of laying down on their stomachs. But it’s a common behavior for reptiles so it’s nothing serious.

Doing this will help the bearded dragon to feel more comfortable. If you see your beardie doing this, don’t worry it’s not harmful.

bearded dragon

What Position Do Bearded Dragons Sleep?

1. Upright Position

It’s not just in captivity that bearded dragons sleep in the upright position. Even in the wild, they are known to sleep against the tree.

It keeps them to be on an upright position. But since they don’t have a tree available inside the bearded dragon’s enclosure, beardies can be caught sleeping against the glass instead.

Pet beardies sometimes just feel like pressing up against the glass. There’s nothing to worry about most of the time.

But it can also be a sign that there’s something wrong with the temperature inside the tank. If it’s not warm enough for these reptiles, you can see them sleeping upright.

2. Covered in Sand

It’s normal for bearded dragons to cover themselves with sand. They do this when they sleep and it’s one of their natural behaviors.

Some bearded dragons may even do this every time they sleep. It’s best to allow your beardie to feel comfortable during bedtime to help them relax.

Monitor the temperature inside the enclosure to ensure that your beardie is comfortable. The lights should be turned off during the night.

Bearded dragons need darkness to sleep well. Avoid housing more than one beardie in one tank. The stronger will dominate the other and get stressed.

3. Breathing Slowly While Sleeping

If you’re a new bearded dragon owner and noticed that your pet has slow breathing, don’t panic. Bearded dragons breathe slower when they are sleeping.

It’s normal behavior for reptiles since their metabolism drops when they are asleep. Let your beardie sleep without any interruptions.

However, if your reptile is also sluggish when it’s awake, it can be due to impaction or other health problems. Bearded dragons will look like it doesn’t have energy even after sleeping. If this occurs, bring your beardie to the vet to get checked. Doing so will help your beardie to get back to good health.

4. Brumation

Brumation is similar to hibernation for other animals. There will be a time when your reptile will brumate during the cold months. When winter arrives, reptiles will enter the brumation process. It will help them to survive during the season when the food is scarce due to the cold weather.

It’s critical to ensure that you feed your bearded dragon regularly. Make sure that they also have the optimal tank temperature. When the enclosure gets too cold for the beardie and you forget to feed your pet, it will enter brumation. It’s a natural process but your pet doesn’t have to brumate anymore.

Brumation is natural for bearded dragons but it can stunt their growth. Baby bearded dragons should not go through brumation to avoid this from happening. When bearded dragons are in captivity, they don’t have to go through brumation anymore. Bearded dragon owners should be feeding and caring for them.

Can Bearded Dragons Sleep on Their Back?

Yes, bearded dragons can sleep on their back especially when they are sick. Its also possible that the beardie is suffering from dehydration, infections, and even when they are being attacked.

If you notice that your bearded dragon is laying on its back often, consult the vet right away. But if it’s doing that because of a threat, solve the issue immediately.

The reason why bearded dragons may lay on its back is due to vitamin absorption. They bask under UVB light to produce vitamin D3.

Why Do Bearded Dragons Sleep on Their Back?

1. Infections and Illnesses

Even pet beardies can suffer from infections like their wild cousins. They can be infected with salmonella, yellow fungus disease, and other infections.

These reptiles can also show changes in their skin color, grow crusts, and other symptoms of infection. Make sure to monitor your beardies’ health all the time to avoid complications.

The major cause of infections in bearded dragons is poor hygiene. If you have more than one reptile in the house, it may also mean that they both have an infection.

When the bearded dragon lay on its back, it can be a symptom that it’s infected with something. If it’s turning over, it might be due to a sickness or other health conditions.

2. Response to Threats

When a bearded dragon feels threatened when a predator is around, it will play dead. It’s their defense mechanism to lay down on its back.

Predators don’t want to eat dead animals. It’s how preys defend themselves and avoid getting eaten. If the bearded dragon keeps laying on its back, it may be seeing a predator near the enclosure.

3. Head Trauma and Injuries

When bearded dragons fall from high surfaces, they will be exposed to bruising, lumps, and swelling. When a beardie hits its head on the floor, it will end up laying on its back.

Head trauma can be fatal even in reptiles. Don’t put the bearded dragon in high places or it may fall.

Beardies have poor depth perception and when it falls, they can end up with injuries. Place your beardie where it will not experience a head trauma when it falls.

Also its better to keep your bearded dragon on the floor when you let it out of the tank. Caring for a bearded dragon includes keeping it safe from harm.

Do Bearded Dragons Like Blankets?

Yes, bearded dragons like blankets since they are cold-blooded. They cant generate their own body heat and the blanket can keep them warm. But covering your bearded dragon with blanket for too long can make them feel colder. It’s best to use some blankets to keep your reptile comfortable.

The beardie can relax under the soft blanket instead of wrapping it with a blanket. Having a soft area can be enough for them.

Bearded dragons can only absorb heat from their surroundings. Putting your beardie under a non-thermal blanket cant keep the reptile warm.

Unlike humans, we will feel warm when under the blanket. It’s different in bearded dragons since they cant produce body heat.

Allow your beardie to enjoy the comfort of using a blanket as a cushion. If your goal is to keep it warm, add a heat source instead. It will help them to feel warm and cozy.

1. After Bathing

Aside from staying clean, bearded dragons need to take a bath to stay hydrated. Bathing will help them to increase their water intake. It’s the best way to make sure that it will not end up dehydrated. They need to take a bath regularly. After the bath, use a blanket and allow your beardie to relax.

2. Boost Chemoreception

The sense of smell of bearded dragons reacts to chemical stimuli. In the wild, beardies use chemoreception to protect themselves from their predators. It’s dangerous out there and they have to use chemoreception to survive. This will help them to know if there are upcoming threats around.

Bearded dragons recognize their owners’ scent which stays on their smell receptors. The beardie will feel safer and more confident upon smelling their owners. Using blankets can be a good way of keeping your beardie to feel safe. Wipe your hands on the blankets to leave your scent. It will keep your beardie feel safe and comfortable.

3. Nap Time

When it’s nap time, most bearded dragons will hide. Provide a blanket for your pet to have a good cover when it’s time to take a nap. Put your bearded dragon under the blanket to make it feel safe. It will provide your pet extra comfort. Having a blanket can make the beardie feel more confident during nap time. It will help it to relax and feel secure.

4. Extra Comfort

When it comes to blankets, bearded dragons also have their own preferences. Some like to relax with old towels when they go outside the enclosure. But most beardies like to rest on fleece and cotton blankets. It depends on what you have provided them that made them feel more comfortable.

5. Add a Safe Heat Source

Beardies will enjoy being under a blanket but you need to add a heat source. It will keep your reptile warm by using hot water bottles. This is a good choice since you can easily replace the water when it’s no longer giving off heat. Use a blanket to help to retain heat inside the bearded dragon’s habitat.

Bearded Dragon

Do Bearded Dragons Need Darkness to Sleep?

Bearded dragons are diurnal like humans which means that they are also awake during the day and they sleep at night. Beardies are awake when the sun is up and when it started to get dark, they will be sleeping. That makes them the perfect reptile pets since you don’t have to worry about them at night.

These reptiles need to sleep at least 8 to 12 hours. They are used to sleeping in total darkness. Make sure to keep the enclosure dark at night. It will help your beardie to sleep well. Cover the side of the tank where you need to have a light. It will disturb their sleep pattern if they don’t get darkness.

Rapid eye movement and slow-wave sleep can be experienced by bearded dragons. Juvenile beardies twitch their muscles more than their adult counterparts. Bearded dragons have the same sleep cycles as birds and mammals. But the sleep cycle of reptiles is not easy to identify. Some reptiles sleep during the day but beardies are awake.

How Do I Get My Bearded Dragon to Sleep?

There is a specific number of hours of sleep bearded dragons need to stay healthy. Beardies sleep at night so it’s best to help them to achieve the right amount of sleep they need. If not, your beardie will end up having health problems. Leave the tank in total darkness when it’s time to sleep.

Most bearded dragons will sleep when it gets dark. Sometimes, they might struggle to do that but they will eventually fall asleep. In the wild, they don’t have any light source after dark. Try to recreate the day and night cycle inside the tank. Use an automatic lighting system to make it consistent.

It’s the best thing to do to help your beardie to fall asleep at night. Keep in mind that they need to sleep at least eight hours. It’s also a good idea to place the enclosure where you don’t need to turn on the lights at night. Your beardie needs to sleep well to avoid health issues caused by lack of sleep.

Why Do Bearded Dragons Sleep Upright?

1. Temperature Issues

When in captivity, bearded dragons need to have a temperature gradient inside the enclosure. It will help them to stay comfortable in their new habitat. Bearded dragons are ectothermic like other reptiles. They mostly rely on their environment to have the right body temperature to stay in good health.

The overall temperature inside the enclosure should be 75 to 85 F. The basking area should be the warmest part of the tank which should be 95 to 105 F. Bearded dragons need to be in warmer temperatures. It will help their body to function properly like their digestion, mating, and sleep.

If the bearded dragon ends up sleeping upright, it means that the reptile is trying to cool down. The beardie usually has its stomach against the glass to stay in a standing position. They need to have a cooler temperature at night. The enclosure should be at between 70 to 75 F to sleep well. This is a reason why your bearded dragon standing against the glass.

When your beardie seems to be sleeping upright most of the time, check the temperature inside the tank. It should be slightly cooler at night to help it sleep. The humidity levels should also be on the right levels. If the current tank is not big enough to have a temperature gradient, get a bigger one.

When it’s too hot, the bearded dragon’s body color may appear lighter. If the color seems to look almost white while sleeping, it means that the tank temperature is too hot during the night. If it’s hot inside the enclosure at night, the bearded dragon may have a hard time falling asleep.

2. Stress-Related

Stress can cause the bearded dragon to display odd behaviors. It includes glass surfing when you beardie tries to climb the glass of the enclosure to attempt escape. Glass surfing occurs when the tank is too small. If it has temperature or lighting issues, and if the beardie can see its reflection.

Boredom is another reason bearded dragons might glass surf. Seeing a bearded dragon sleeping upright and glass surfing during the day means that it fell asleep when attempting escape. It can stress out especially baby bearded dragon therefore you need to provide it with a bigger tank. That way, a proper temperature gradient can be set up inside the enclosure to avoid issues.

When the bearded dragon sees its reflection, it will think that there’s another reptile inside the tank. They are territorial by nature and will try to dominate another bearded dragon. Use a terrarium wrap to avoid reflection and stress inside the tank. Make sure to keep the enclosure clean, calm, and comfortable for your bearded dragon to be happy.

3. Preference

After trying everything you and your beardie still sleep upright, it might be because they enjoy doing it. Even in the wild, bearded dragons are known to sleep on the sides of tree branches. If you put a branch inside the tank, the beardie will make use of it and sleep in an upright position.

There’s nothing to worry about f you keep your beardie hydrated, well-fed, and provide its requirements. Chances are, the beardie may prefer to sleep in the upright position instead. It’s common for a bearded dragon to show strange behaviors. Don’t panic and find out first why your beardie is displaying odd behavior.

Observe your beardie regularly to learn more about its personality. They don’t have the same way of reacting to things. What’s normal behavior for your beardie may be bad for others. Learn how to tell the difference between normal from harmful behavior. It will help you to understand your pet better.

Bearded Dragon Sleeping Upright

Bearded Dragon Sleeping Positions

Bearded dragons have similar sleeping habits to humans and other mammals. They lay down and sleep when its night time. Although beardie needs more sleep than humans, they also sleep in odd positions like us. When asleep, bearded dragons have their eyes closed and sleep on their stomach.

In addition, bearded dragon sleeps in other positions. They may sleep while standing against a tree branch. It means that it’s normal for bearded dragons to sleep upright in captivity as well. If you see your beardie sleeping against the glass of its enclosure, find out why it’s displaying this behavior.

Burying themselves in the sand before sleeping may also occur. Bearded dragons will do anything to keep their optimal temperature. The sand helps to regulate their internal body temperature while sleeping. You may also notice that the dragon’s color may change to a lighter color. The beardie’s color may turn dark when they wake up. Don’t worry since it’s a common occurrence for bearded dragons. Remember not to wake up your pet especially if it’s in deep sleep.

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