What Does It Mean When My Bearded Dragon Turns Yellow?

The main reason your bearded turns yellow is to prevent their body from absorbing too much heat. The lighter shades reflect away the excess heat and lift, as lighter colors reflect more UV rays.

Bearded dragons have the unique ability to change color based on body temperature or during social situations. They do also change the color to camouflage their environment.

Therefore, You can tell a lot about a bearded dragon by its skin color changes. For this reason, it’s essential for owners to learn what each change means, as this will help them know what the lizard goes through and how to give the best care.

New research shows that bearded dragons can partition color change depending on whether they control the temperature or communicate with others. When the color change occurs near the neck area, it’s linked to social interaction with other bearded dragons. When it’s on their backs, it’s linked to the weather and temperature.

What Are Yellow Bearded Dragons Called?

There are about five yellow morphs, but the number of yellow patterns can vary from one species to another. Citrus species are the most popular yellow morphs with a darker orange-red stripe that runs down the center of their back and along the sides. The lemon fire bearded dragons are also yellow but not as popular as the citrus species. The sandfire gold beardies appear tan-like with unique stripes across the body.

How Much Does a Yellow Bearded Dragon Cost?

Yellow bearded dragons are very popular due to their attractive golden skin. The yellow morphs could cost anywhere in the $100 – $300. The shade of yellow varies from light tan to orange. Experienced bearded dragon keepers say it’s worth spending the extra penny for a yellow beardie because they retain their beautiful color for life.

Do All Bearded Dragons Turn Yellow?

Every type of bearded dragon in Australia is yellow in color, but the appearance is different. The most common colors are yellow, tan, red, and olive green. Herpetologists today mate bearded dragon morphs to achieve different colors and patterns.

Why Is the Reason My Bearded Dragon Turning Yellow?

Typically, when a bearded dragon turns yellow, there’s a likelihood they might not be feeling well and should be checked immediately by an experienced vet.

Yellow skin disease is caused by a fungus that invades the internal layers of the skin, causing discoloration and even ulcers under the skin layers. The disease is common in reptiles and is caused by Chrysosporium anamorph of Nannizziopsis vriesii.

You can distinguish yellow fungus by the different texture characterized by a small yellow-brown crust that gets bigger over time. A common early sign of YFD is a bad shed that leaves dull scales with a roughened appearance. If the disease progresses, the fungus can make its way to internal organs and cause inflammation and extreme pain.

How Do Bearded Dragons Get Yellow Fungus?

From the time of infection, it can take several weeks or months before the first signs show, which makes the illness tricky. It becomes trickier if you are new to bearded dragons’ care. Here are the most common causes of yellow fungus in bearded dragons.

Poor Conditions in Their Habitat

A bearded dragon thrives with proper UVB exposure, optimum temperature, and proper hygiene. Without getting these conditions right, your beardie is likely to suffer poor immune function and become weak. It’s important to keep their habitat at par at all times by offering enough UVB, using a heater to cater to their temperature needs, ensuring you perform once a week bath, and disinfecting everything in their tank.

Pathogen Exposure

YFD is extremely contagious and can spread through contact and air from one dragon to another. They may become infected by living in groups, being handled by someone who has handled an infected bearded dragon, or using accessories that another dragon has touched.

Essentially, the most common way is when your dragon comes into contact with another infected dragon or touches something or someone who has touched an infected dragon. It’s why you should consider housing your dragons separately and making sure you wash your hands before and after handling a dragon.

Also, if you spend time with your dragon while on the couch, bedding, or any other surface outside the tank, try to wash these surfaces before allowing your other beardie to spend time on the same surface.

Signs and Symptoms of Yellow Fungus in a Bearded Dragon

So, you want to make sure you are well-versed with the signs of Yellow Fungus because you suspect that your little guy may be already afflicted. If you notice any of these signs, immediately take your dragon to a reptile vet.

Discolored scales – a common sign of yellow fungus is when your dragon scales start turning yellow and sometimes greyish, if not black. The discoloration begins on a small area but spreads over time. Ultimately, they become crusty and dark.

Irregular shedding – if your beardie sheds and leaves dull scales that are greyish or brown, it could be a cause for concern. Additionally, if the beardie doesn’t stop shedding without any recent growth spurt, then you could get a vet to rule out YF.

Random Troubling Wounds – When there are discolored and dull-looking scales on your dragon’s body, it’s very likely they could have Yellow Fungus. Check to see if the wound is swollen or leaking puss.

Restlessness – bearded dragons suffering from this illness are known to have a frustrated demeanor and poor appetite. In this case, take them to the vet.

Some of the affected parts might begin to rot and fall off in the later stages of yellow fungus. If the fungus reaches the tail or hind limbs, they might lose them. At this point, the wounds may begin to leak fluid and puss. The dragon is likely to seem always irritable due to pain.

How to Treat Yellow Fungus in bearded Dragons?

If you suspect your dragon might be suffering from fungus, then you need to move faster. Your priority needs to be taking them to an experienced vet. They are likely to remove a few of the affected scales and run PCR testing on the fungus. If the test confirms Yellow Fungus, expect the vet to prescribe Voriconazole, terbinafine, itraconazole, or a similar antifungal medication. It’s worth noting that the medication may affect the pet’s kidneys over time. As such, you need to offer plenty of water to detox the organs and offer supplements if possible.

Home Remedies for Yellow Fungus in Bearded Dragons

If you don’t have money to make an appointment right away or can’t find a respectable reptile vet, try out these home remedies as you wait to see the vet.

Betadine Baths

Betadine baths may not heal the fungus but may help remove the falling fungus and keep your dragon squeaky clean. However, you should avoid frequent bathing using betadine as it can quicken the spread. Once after a few days for 10 minutes is enough. Ensure you dry the dragon using a clean towel after the bath to rid any moisture that could facilitate the spread. As for the ratio, put ¾ cup of betadine in every 10 gallons of water.


A topical antifungal cream can be effective for yellow fungus. In fact, some owners claim that Lamasil alone stopped yellow fever, while others say there was no improvement. The effectiveness is likely different for every dragon, probably due to the severity of the infection.

Raw Unpasteurized Honey

Some owners have also suggested using raw honey to fight yellow fungus in bearded dragons. Yes, the idea may seem weird, but some say it works to heal wounds, especially those caused by fungus. An effective way to apply the honey on your dragon is to apply it on the affected skin, then wrap it in gauze to allow soaking for a few hours.

Here is an article about Yellow Fungal Disease and how to treat it.

Yellow Bearded Dragon

How to Prevent the Spread of Yellow Fungus Disease?


If your dragon has signs of YFD, the first step is to look for signs of the disease on any cage mate. You should isolate all the mates to minimize cross-infection. Other exposed reptiles should also undergo vet examinations to check for YFD before it spreads.


Any new dragon should not be placed in the main collection until it has been tested for YFD, especially if it has a skin problem.

Proper Hygiene and Sanitation

Proper sanitation and hygiene reduce the risk of transmitting YFD. Make sure to clean the cage, feed a proper diet, and offer the right heating, lighting, humidity, and accessories. Avoid buying your reptiles in crowded areas as there might be a higher risk of skin illnesses.

Wrap up

The most likely reason why your dragon has turned yellow is for thermoregulation and communication with other bearded dragons. If you suspect your dragon has yellow fungus, don’t fret because this is curable if you act quickly and consult a respectable vet.

Finally, simply practicing excellent husbandry and knowing the signs and symptoms will make all the difference in ensuring a healthy and happy dragon.

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