Do Bearded Dragons Form Bonds With Humans?

Ever wonder if bearded dragons form bonds on humans? Bearded dragons are amazing creatures as well as fascinating. Scientists are constantly discovering different things about their behavior. As a bearded dragon owner, it’s nice to know if your pet can actually like you. Keep on reading to learn more about the behavior of these reptiles.

Do Bearded Dragons Get Attached to Their Owners?

Yes, bearded dragons get attached to their owners like cats or dogs. They will eventually love their owners after some time. Bearded dragons are also proven to recognize their owners through their voice and scent. They will feel more comfortable with their owners than with strangers.

1. Enjoy Being Handled by Their Owners

Bearded dragons are friendly reptiles, and they are considered to be the most docile around the world. You will know if your bearded dragon enjoys being handled. It will just be chilling on your hand or shoulder without complaints. That means they feel comfortable with you holding them.

Another way to know if your bearded dragon is comfortable is it will even fall asleep as you hold it. That means that your beardie is delighted around you. If they see you as a threat, they will stay awake and alert. It may even puff up to show its dominance. But if it seems relaxed, that means your bearded dragon likes cuddling with you.

2. Beardies Will Watch You

Bearded dragons are curious, and they can be seen resting in bed or computer. They are known to like watching their owners.

Your bearded dragon will protect you as you work. It’s unknown why they display this behavior. But some think that they are entertained while doing this. Others speculated that they were waiting to be handled.

3. Prefer Their Owners Over Others

Beardies seem to prefer their owners instead of other people around them. If others handled the beardie, it may squirm and try to get away.

But if their owner handled them, thru don’t show that behavior. It’s because bearded dragons can recognize their owners. They also know if it’s a stranger whose holding them and not their owners.

4. Beardie’s Licks

It’s strange, but bearded dragons lick things to be familiar with their surroundings. They do this for different reasons, such as mating, hunger, and exploring.

It’s also how they show their affection for their owner. If your bearded dragon licks you, that means that it’s being affectionate towards you.

5. Chilling On Shoulder

When your bearded dragon enjoys chilling on your shoulder, it means that it’s very comfortable and with you. That only shows that your pet trusted you enough to stay on your shoulder.

But it doesn’t mean that your beardie didn’t love you if it didn’t hang on your shoulder. It might just be scared about falling and end up getting injured.

Do Bearded Dragons Recognize Their Owners?

Yes, bearded dragons recognize their owners. It may react when it hears your voice. Beardies can also catch your smell and know it’s you. They like to be handled by their owners. These reptiles are known to be calm and don’t mind being touched. Many owners reported that their beardies display recognition when they enter the room or speak.

What are the Signs Your Bearded Dragon Recognizes You?

The beardie will rush near the glass to greet you when it hears your voice. It will turn its head in your direction when you start talking. Your beardie will not shy away when you try to hold or feed it.

If you observe that one or all of these things are displayed by your bearded dragon, it’s a good sign.

It means that your pet feels a strong bond towards you, and the beardie won’t see you as a threat. But if it seems that none of these seems to happen, don’t worry. Bearded dragons have different personalities.

You can bond with your beardie in various ways to feel more comfortable towards you. Below are the things you need to do.

How to Create a Bond Between You and Your Bearded Dragon?

1. Be Patient

You have to be patient as a new bearded dragon owner. It takes time for the beardie to get used to its new surroundings. Don’t rush your new pet to get close to you instantly. Bearded dragons are not the same as for dogs. It cant be friends right away with its new owner.

Give it some time and be patient with your bearded dragon. Don’t expect it to like you right away since it’s still trying to understand its new surroundings. Give it some time since you’re also still learning how to handle your beardie. It may still be scary for you since you haven’t spent enough time together.

It would be best to offer your beardie some treats whenever you come near. It will associate you with food and eventually feel excited to see you. The bearded dragon may also greet you whenever you come to feed it. Once it’s no longer scared of you, try holding the beardie.

2. Spend Time

Bearded dragons need to feel comfortable before they will show affection towards you. Spend some time every day with your beardie. That will help it to get used to seeing you around. Beardies can recognize you over time if they can see you regularly. Please spend some time with your pet so it will identify you.

Your bearded dragon needs to have your consistent presence. Be friendly and respectful towards your reptile. It will get used to you and see you as trustworthy.

Like other pets, bearded dragons need to know if they trust you. Bond with your pet as much as you can. It will trust you sooner the more you spend time with it.

It would be best if you talk to your beardie or even sing for it to be familiar with your voice. Treat your pet as a friend and spend time with your beardie. It depends on the bearded dragon’s personality.

It should be comfortable with you the more time you spend together. Next thing you know, your beardie will rush to the glass of its enclosure to greet you.

3. Take It Slow

Bearded dragons can be cute, especially if it’s a new pet. It makes you want to hold it right away. But you have to resist the urge. Make sure not to be too aggressive with your beardie. Move your hand slowly into the enclosure. Check if the bearded dragon is not scared of your hands.

Make it realize that you’re not a threat to them. Avoid giving the beardie too many stimuli all at once. Hold the bearded dragon for only ten minutes.

After that, gently put it back inside the enclosure. You can do this again the next day for 15 minutes. Keep on holding your bearded dragon longer every day until it gets used to you.

4. Be Understanding

When your bearded dragon suddenly becomes aggressive towards you, be understanding. It may be scared because of its new habitat. The beardie may also look defensive. It will hiss, puff, turn the beard black, and even bite you. Don’t be discouraged when your beardie does these things.

The bearded dragon doesn’t know if it can trust you just yet. Be understanding towards your pet and try the next day again. It may upset the beardie, but it will eventually trust you. Once used on your presence, it will no longer try to attack. Just give it some time to get used to you.

Try talking to your bearded dragon and calm it down. It may work after a few tries since it’s still working on recognizing your voice.

When it calms down, give it a small treat. It will help the bearded dragon that you don’t mean harm. You can tame it eventually, and it will trust you more. Keep on trying and be gentle when you approach it.

5. Play with the Beardie

Another way to get close to your beard dragon is by offering enrichment. Try doing activities outside of their habitat. It will help strengthen the bond you have created between you. Take your bearded dragon for a walk. You can pit a dragon leash to ensure it will not escape.

Take your bearded dragon to a safe place such as your garden. Bring your beardie when you watch TV and let it sit on your lap.

Offer it some toys to play with as well. Don’t leave your beardie unattended as well. Just play and entertain the reptile for some time. It will get used to you the more time you spend together.

Playing with your pet will show the bearded dragon that you are not a threat. It will enjoy your activities together after several days.

Take this opportunity to train your bearded dragon to respond when you call its name. It will be helpful in case you cant find your beardie. Just call its name, and it should run towards you. It will save your pet from getting lost.

Do Bearded Dragons Show Affection?

Yes, bearded dragons are one of the few reptiles that shows affection. They can warm up with their owners quickly and may even look forward to seeing you. Beardies consistently show love for their owners. It’s one of their qualities that most reptile enthusiasts like the most about them.

1. Pace of Displaying Affection

Bearded dragons have different paces of displaying affection to their owners. It may be short for some, but other beardies may take time before showing affection.

If you go near the enclosure to feed your beardie, it may take some time before it associates you with food. Some may show signs of affection faster than other bearded dragons.

Unlike other animals, bearded dragons may not show signs of affection right away. They need to take some time before they bond. However, it may be as fast as other bearded dragons. They usually show signs of affection after a few days of feeding them. Just be patient with your beardie if it seems to warm up slower than others.

2. Voluntary Keenness On Handling

Another clear sign of the beardie’s affectionate nature is it will voluntarily seek handling. They usually initiate it themselves. Sometimes, before you even extend your hand, the bearded dragon may attempt to get it.

You can see that it’s anticipated to be handled. They don’t usually shy away like other reptiles.

If that’s the case, all you have to do is hold your new pet. It already initiated the bond, so all you have to do is reciprocate its affection.

Do You Need to Wait More Time to Get Affection From Your Beardie?

Most reptiles don’t show much emotion and affection. But bearded dragons still manage to show affection as a form of attachment. Snakes are also known to feel comfortable with their handlers. It will not try to bite them or hiss at their handlers when they get used to them.

Time spent is crucial for bearded dragons and other reptiles. You can gain their trust over time, and they will feel more confident around you. Meaning the more time you spend with your beardie, the more affectionate it can be towards you. Actions such as petting, letting it walk over you, feeding, and treating it with food can form a stronger bond between you and the beardie.

These actions will contribute towards strengthening your bond with your bearded dragon. Ensure to keep interacting with your pet if you want to get more affection.

The more time you spend with your reptile, the more love you can get from your beardie. Don’t worry if it seems like ignoring you at first. Over time, the bearded dragon will get used to you.

Can Reptiles Get Emotionally Attached to a Human?

Yes, reptiles can get attached to a human. Bearded dragons can be attached to their owners. Like other pets, they can also form a bond with you. But if you’re worried about your bond with your bearded dragon, don’t worry. There are many ways to strengthen your relationship.

If you want to make your bind with your beardie stronger, you have to talk to it and handle it regularly. Spend time with your bearded dragon so it will get used to your presence. Give it some treat so it can associate them with you.

Bearded dragons can easily sense that you don’t mean harm and eventually provide you with more affection.

Like other reptiles, bearded dragons appreciate the person who feeds them. Over time, your bearded dragon will be anticipating your visit. It will recognize your voice eventually.

Talking to your beardie is the best way for the reptile to memorize the sound of your voice. Try to spend more time with your beardie if you think you are not close enough.

How to Get Closer with Your Bearded Dragon?

If you want to be closer with your beardie, you must first build trust. It will form a closer bond between you and your bearded dragon over time. Below are some tips on getting closer to your pet.

1. Handle the Bearded Dragon Daily

It’s one of the things you have to do if you want to get closer with your beardie. Even if you have a busy schedule, you have to handle your pet regularly. Try to hold it for at least 5 to 10 minutes every day. If it’s not possible, you can do this every week instead.

Holding your reptile is the best way to develop a bond with them. It will make them comfortable with you if the beardie gets used to being handled. Avoid forcing the bearded dragon if it’s being defensive. Let it calm down, and try holding it again. Take it slow and be patient.

2. Take the Beardie Outside

Bearded dragons like being in a warm place, so you should take them outside and allow them to bask in the sun. It can also be a good bonding time for you and your beardie.

Not to mention, your bearded dragon, will also get natural UVB rays. It’s good for their bones and overall health. Just find some time to do this so you can get closer.

If you do this often, your bearded dragon will enjoy it. You don’t have to go somewhere to have some outdoor bonding. Carry your beardie to the beach or even bring it to pet stores. They will appreciate seeing other places. Your beardie will trust you more since you’re the only familiar face around.

3. Talk to Your Beardie

Talking to your beardie may sound crazy, but they like hearing your voice. It’s also the best way for them to recognize your voice and associate it with your presence.

Talking to your bearded dragon can also help them get used to you. When they hear your voice from afar, the beardie will know it’s you even before seeing you. That’s a good bonding formed between you and your pet.

What to Do If Your Bearded Dragon Don’t Like You?

If you’ve been trying to bond with your bearded dragon for months and nothing is happening, don’t worry. Your bearded dragon may always seem to become aggressive when it sees you.

It may also be kept on squirming whenever you’re trying to handle it. That means your beardie bond slower or not into cuddling like others.

1. Communication Problem

If you have a communication problem, it can be a bonding issue. Maybe your beardie is trying to tell you something. The problem is, you can’t get what it’s trying to say. Beardies have clear body language, and you might be missing something. Try to observe the reptile first. It would help if you eventually understood what it’s trying to tell you over time.

2. Tank is Too Hot or Too Cold

If the enclosure feels too hot or cold inside, bearded dragons may display aggressive behavior. The wrong temperature can make it sick and feel bad. The beardie will try to inform you about it by displaying odd behaviors.

It’s best to check if the tank’s temperature is correct before you think it doesn’t like to bond with you. Try to observe what seems to be the problem. Maybe the beardie feels uncomfortable about its habitat. That will solve the bearded dragon’s problem, and you can proceed in bonding as well.


1. Are Older Bearded Dragons More Affectionate?

Bearded dragons’ affection increases as they grow older. Age can make a bearded dragon more affectionate. When they are younger, especially in their initial stages, they are less affectionate. The younger the beardie is, the lesser affectionate t is. They can be jittery and don’t like to be handled by anyone.

This behavior is because of the nervousness they feel towards you. But as the bearded dragon gets older, it will recognize you as a friend.

You will become a nonthreat to the beardie. When it trusts you more, it will also be more affectionate. The longer you spend time together, the more trust and affection it will provide you.

2. How Bearded Dragons Affection Varies?

Bearded dragons may show their affection differently. As a new beardie owner, you should know that these reptiles don’t show affection the same way. It may vary depending on the bearded dragon’s personality. They don’t have the same form of showing affection.

Some bearded dragons may like to curl up while being handled. Others may even be happy by just anticipating being handled by their owners.

When their owners hold them, the beardie may be too excited to stay still. Some may even like staying at the top of their owner’s shoulders.

3. Can Bearded Dragon Dislike Someone?

It’s not hard to form a bond with your bearded dragon. However, some owners may end up turning off their reptiles because of their behavior. Like other animals, beardies know if their owners are abusing them.

Handling it roughly, holding it by the tail, playing loud music, or even putting the habitat in a noisy area can make the bearded dragon feel unsafe. It will result in seeing you as a threat if you display these behaviors.

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