Can Bearded Dragons Eat Rose Petals? Full Guide For You!

Providing greens is essential for your bearded dragon. They need fiber-rich foods, and they need to eat greens every day. Adult dragon’s diet must consist of 80% of greens and veggies. As a bearded dragon owner, you have to ensure that your pet gets all the essential nutrients it needs.

But if you want to add more food variety for your bearded dragon’s diet and your beardie seems to be getting tired of the same leafy greens, try giving it some flowers. Yes, bearded dragons eat flowers in the wild. But not all flowers are safe for them.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Rose Petals?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat rose petals. Unfortunately, feeding the bearded dragon rose petals has its risks. This is because roses may be exposed to fertilizers, pesticides, and even parasites. You should find an organic source to ensure the safety of your beloved pet.

Generally, rose petals are safe for bearded dragons to eat. It is high in fiber and water content which is suitable for reptiles.

However, it’s low in phytochemicals and proteins. That’s why even if rose petals may have a decent amount of nutrients, the nutritional value may be canceled out by different factors.

Bearded dragons can eat rose petals and be helpful for their health. It aids with digestion and also keeps them hydrated.

But consuming too many rose petals is not recommended. It can be given as an occasional treat and not make up a considerable portion of their diet.

Like other types of food, rose petals should be consumed in moderation. Overeating one kind of food will be harmful to their health.

It can cause the bearded dragons to lack other essential nutrients to stay healthy. Control the portion and frequency of feeding rose petals for your bearded dragon to avoid health issues.

Can Rose Petals Be Bad For Beardies?

Yes, rose petals will not be suitable for beardies if they eat them frequently. The nutritional value of rose petals is not enough for what bearded dragons need. They need to have a good variety of food from their diet and eat insects for protein. If the beardie is bloated or constipated, stop feeding rose petals.

It only means one thing, it’s having an issue digesting them. However, there are no other risks involved when you offer rose petals to your beardie.

Rose petals can even be good for bearded dragons if provided sparingly. It’s considered a healthy food, but it should only make up a small portion of the bearded dragon’s diet.

Advantages Of Rose Petals For Bearded Dragons

  • It can be grown from your garden.
  • Adds color to the beardie’s salad.
  • High in fiber and water content.

Disadvantages Of Rose Petals For Bearded Dragons

  • Doesn’t have much nutritional value.
  • Be selective where you pick them.
  • Not usually available in shops.
  • It will not stay fresh long once picked.

Is It Dangerous to Feed Bearded Dragons Flowers?

Rose petals are not poisonous for bearded dragons. As long as it doesn’t have any harmful chemicals, it should be okay. But not all flowers are safe for your beardie. Plus, pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals can harm them. It’s best to be vigilant should you decide to feed your bearded dragon different kinds of flowers.

Flowers may contain harmful chemicals depending on the source. It’s not recommended to provide any type of flowers to your beardie if it contains pesticides and parasites.

Chemicals are used to control pests that can kill the plant. Fertilizers are also used to help the flowers to grow faster.

Rose petals are usually safe to be consumed by bearded dragons, as mentioned. But the harmful chemicals can sabotage your beardie’s health.

Make sure it’s safe before offering flowers to your pet. It’s better to grow them on your own if you plan to feed them to your beardie.

Just avoid using any chemicals on your plants to make them safe. Pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides are chemicals that should be avoided.

Growing your bearded dragon’s food supply in your garden will assure the safety of the plants. It will be a good hobby for you, and it’s also relaxing, aside from the fact that it’s safe for your beloved pet.

How Should I Feed Rose Petals To A Bearded Dragon?

You can provide the rose petals to your beardie by hand. Another way is to add them to their salad. It will add color and appeal to the bearded dragon’s veggie platter.

How Many Rose Petals Should You Feed Your Beardie?

Rose petals don’t contain much nutritional value, and it’s also safe for reptiles. You can provide as many as the beardie can eat. But keep in mind that your bearded dragon needs to have enough nutrients. Add the rose petals as a decoration for their salad instead.

Feed your bearded dragon rose petals in moderation. It should only be an occasional treat for them as well. Rose petals should not take a considerable portion of your beardies diet.

It can be used as a salad garnish to make it look appealing. But avoid giving a handful of rose petals to your pet since it needs to eat other types of food as well.

Can I Grow My Own Rose Petals For Bearded Dragons?

Yes, you can grow your rose plants for the sake of feeding them to your bearded dragon. It’s better than buying rose petals since they may contain harmful chemicals. Growing your roses can ensure your bearded dragon’s safety. It can supply a good amount of food variety for your pet.

If you decide to plant roses for your reptile, make sure to avoid using any pesticides. That will be harmful to your bearded dragon if you plan to feed it to your pet. Let the roses grow organically to ensure it will be safe for your reptile to consume them.

Are Rose Petals Poisonous?

No, rose petals are not poisonous for bearded dragons. It’s good news since rose petals are edible, and beardies can eat them. But if you’re sure how the roses were grown, it’s best to avoid feeding them to your beardie. It may contain traces of chemicals that can harm your pet.

Ensure that the rose petals are clean before feeding them to your bearded dragon. If you’re sure that it’s organic, you can go ahead and provide it to the beardie.

Roses are not toxic for bearded dragons as long as they are grown organically. Check your sources before risking them.

What Nutritional Benefits Do Rose Petals Have for Bearded Dragons?

Rose petals came from the rose plant that usually grows in Asia. These perennial plants are members of Genus Rosa and belong to the family Rosaceae.

Roses are in high demand during Valentine’s day. It’s a symbol of love and affection, making them popular, especially when it has been discovered that rose petals are also safe to eat.

It makes roses more popular than other flowers available. Chinese culture uses rose petals for cooking and even medicine.

That will make you wonder if rose petals are that nutritious. But it’s disappointing to know that rose petals don’t offer sufficient nutritional value. That’s why they are not a popular ingredient.

Based on a study, rose petals contain 95% water. It also has small amounts of vitamin A and C, iron, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. The good news is it doesn’t contain substances that can cause harm to bearded dragons. As long as it’s free from harmful chemicals and parasites, beardies can eat them.

However, it’s not recommended to feed your bearded dragon rose petals every day. It lacks the nutritional value your dragon needs to stay healthy.

Another reminder is to avoid feeding your beardie rose petals that you pick somewhere. It might contain parasites and other chemicals that can harm your beardie’s health.

Bearded Dragon Eating Rose Petals

What Flowers Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Bearded dragons can eat flowers as long as it’s not toxic and does not contain pesticides or parasites in them. Dandelion is one of the best treats you can feed your beardie. Dandelion greens are considered a staple diet for bearded dragons.

As long as you get them from a trusted source, the dandelion flowers should be safe to be consumed by bearded dragons. The flower can be given as an occasional treat for your pet. Make sure to only provide your beardie a small amount after a while.

What Flowers are Safe for Bearded Dragons?

If you’re looking to add some color to your beardie’s salad, you should try to add some flowers to it. But aside from rose petals, are there other flowers that are safe for your bearded dragon? Fortunately, there are other safe flowers that you can use to garnish your beardie’s salad.

Safe Flowers to Feed Your Bearded Dragon:

  • Rose petals
  • Violets (not African)
  • Dandelions
  • Dahlias
  • Day Lilies
  • Geraniums
  • Carnation
  • Hibiscus
  • Pansies

Keep in mind to never allow your beardie to consume the stems or thorns. It can end up wounding the dragon’s mouth or throat.

Break the petals first before feeding them to your beardie. Please don’t feed your pet with the flowers you pick outdoors since they may contain pesticides.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Flowers?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat flowers. There’s a common myth that flowers can make bearded dragons sick. It can be partly true since there are many different types of flowers. Some flowers are toxic for them. However, some of them are pretty harmless for beardies.

Including flowers for the bearded dragon, salad is a safe way to provide color in their food. As long as it’s pesticide-free, offering flower petals will be fine for them.

Flowers have protein as well as other vitamins and minerals. Make sure to feed your dragon assorted flowers to get different nutrients.

You can feed your bearded dragon dandelions, hibiscus, hollyhocks, daisies, zinnias, sunflowers, and violets.

Every flower has its own nutritional value. It’s best to provide a variety of safe flowers for your pet to get their essential nutrients. Make sure to avoid tulips, carnations, and lilies.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Hibiscus Flowers?

Hibiscus flowers are not nutritious by themselves. But it’s a safe flower for bearded dragons in small quantities. This flower does not contain calcium, vitamin A, E, D3, B12, and magnesium. Hibiscus flowers are lacking in fiber and protein as well. Bearded dragons may nibble on them if there’s nothing to eat anymore.

Even if hibiscus flowers lack nutrients, it’s a good source of carbohydrates. It can be a snack or an occasional treat for bearded dragons.

These flowers should not be a part of the beardies staple diet. Your pet will end up lacking the essential nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Just add them as a salad topper.

What Plants are Toxic to Bearded Dragons?

Bearded dragons will eat anything if given a chance. But as the beardie owner, you have to ensure that they avoid plants that are harmful to them.

If your pet accidentally consumes any toxic plants, bring them to the vet right away. Immediate treatment is required to avoid a fatal reaction for your bearded dragon.

Toxic Plants for Bearded Dragons:

  • Chives
  • Mushrooms
  • Lemon and Oranges – citrus fruits can upset the bearded dragon’s stomach.
  • Iceberg Lettuce – it’s mostly water and does not contain any nutritional benefits.
  • Avocados – there are chemicals in avocados that are toxic for beardies and can even be fatal.
  • Rhubarb – contains high levels of oxalic acid and can be deadly for bearded dragons.

Unsafe Plants for Bearded Dragons

  • Acokanthera 
  • Amaryllis 
  • Angel’s trumpet 
  • Azalea 
  • Bittersweet
  • Black locust 
  • Boxwood 
  • Bracken fern 
  • Buckthorn 
  • Burdock
  • Buttercup 
  • Caladium 
  • Calla lily 
  • Catclaw acacia 
  • Castor bean
  • Chinaberry 
  • Clematis 
  • Coral Plant 
  • Crocus 
  • Daphne
  • Death camas 
  • Delphinium 
  • Dieffenbachia 
  • Elderberry 
  • Elephant’s ears
  • Euonymus 
  • European pennyroyal 
  • Four o’clock 
  • Heliotrope 
  • Henbane
  • Holly 
  • Horse chestnut 
  • Horse nettle 
  • Hyacinth 
  • Hydrangea
  • Iris 
  • Ivy 
  • Jack-in-the-pulpit 
  • Jerusalem cherry 
  • Jonquil
  • Juniper 
  • Lantana 
  • Larkspur 
  • Laurel  Lily-of-the-valley
  • Lobelia
  • Mistletoe 
  • Mock orange 
  • Monkshood 
  • Moonseed
  • Morning glory 
  • Narcissus 
  • Oak 
  • Oleander 
  • Peony
  • Periwinkle 
  • Peyote  Philodendron 
  • Poison hemlock 
  • Poison ivy
  • Poison oak 
  • Poison sumac 
  • Poinsettia 
  • Pokeweed 
  • Poppy
  • Primrose 
  • Privet 
  • Ragwort 
  • Red maple 
  • Rhododendron
  • Rosary pea 
  • Shamrock plant 
  • Skunk cabbage 
  • Snowdrop 
  • Sorrel
  • Spurges 
  • Star of Bethlehem 
  • Sweet pea 
  • Tobacco 
  • Tulip
  • Virginia creeper 
  • Vetches 
  • Water hemlock 
  • Waxberry 
  • Wild daffodil
  • Wisteria 
  • Yew

What Kind of Flowers Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

1. Dandelion Flowers

Dandelion flowers are safe for beardies to consume. Dandelions are a staple food for bearded dragons. It provides protein and the essential nutrients they need, which they can’t get from other food sources.

In the wild, bearded dragons eat bugs and insects all the time. Adding fruits and veggies to their diet will supplement their diet.

2. Hibiscus Flowers

Hibiscus flowers are also safe for bearded dragons to consume. They are a good source of protein and can also hydrate your beardie. It’s also a good source of carbohydrates that can provide energy for your bearded dragon. Give it as a treat to make your reptile more active.

3. Hollyhock Flowers

If you want to provide a flower with a good amount of nutrition, give your beardie some hollyhock flowers. They contain Vitamin P, protein, and calcium. You can easily find them from your local grocery store. Make sure to give your beardie the freshest hollyhock you can find.

4. Zinnia Flowers

Another good source of protein is zinnia flowers. It contains vitamin P that will help your bearded dragon with digesting food. Beardies are carnivores when they are young. It’s essential to provide them with protein even when they get older. You can find zinnias from the grocery store as well. That’s why they are famous for bearded dragon owners.

5. Violets

Violets are pretty to look at, but they can also help your bearded dragon digest its food easily. It contains vitamin P, which aids digestion. This flower can help maintain a digestive system for beardies. Adding violets to your beardie’s food can help with hydration.

It’s a fun way to keep your pet healthy and have a good food variety. But you still have to make sure to provide fresh water to your bearded dragon daily.

6. Sunflowers

Another flower that is good for your bearded dragon is sunflowers. It contains vitamin A and C, suitable for the skin and eyes. Colorful flowers are excellent sources of nutrients.

Sunflower is one of them, and it can also hydrate your bearded dragon. Giving sunflowers to your beardie is a great way to have a good food variety.

If your bearded dragon is not eating enough fruits and veggies, it’s best to avoid feeding it with tulips, carnations, and lilies.

Every flower has its own nutritional value, good for bearded dragons. But it’s still best to provide your pet with various flowers. That way, it can take advantage of all the nutrients in flowers.

7. Clover Flowers

Clover flowers also contain vitamin P and provide a good source of hydration. The nectar on the flowers will be very hydrating for bearded dragons. Clover flowers are safe for beardies to eat. Make sure to check the levels of nitrate from your environment. It will ensure the safety of this plant for your bearded dragon to consume.

8. Daffodils

Another flower that is safe for bearded dragons is daffodils. It contains a lot of vitamins that will help your reptile to digest food properly. Daffodils also have water which is an excellent way to increase your beardie’s water intake.

You can find them at your local grocery store as well. It’s easy to find and add fresh daffodils to your beardie’s meals.

What Plants Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Aside from flowers, bearded dragons should also eat greens and vegetables. It will help maintain their health by consuming food with the essential nutrients they need. There are plants that you can use as a tank decoration. It’s also best if it can be consumed safely by your bearded dragon.

If the beardie becomes curious about the plants inside the enclosure, you don’t have to worry about your pet eating them. But it would help if you also watched out for your bearded dragon stool regularly. If they consume plants with high water content, it can cause diarrhea

1. Echeveria

It’s one of the most popular succulents and is safe for your bearded dragon. Echeveria is not toxic for them and safe for beardies to eat. It’s an excellent plant to add to your beardies enclosure.

They can grow with the bright light from the tank. Although these plants should be on the cool side of the tank.

2. Jade Plant

It looks nice and can also tolerate the conditions inside the bearded dragon’s enclosure. Jade Plant is also safe for your reptile to eat.

You should plant these at the opposite end of the UVB light. If the light is too strong, it can kill this plant.

3. Carex Buchananii

The carex buchananii is also known as red rooster ornamental grass. It’s one of the best plants to add to your bearded dragon’s enclosure. The reason for this is it mimics the grasses in the wild.

It has a rusty red color and looks beautiful as well. But it requires regular trimming since it can grow tall. The best part is that it’s not toxic for beardies.

4. Callisia Repens

Callisia repens is also known as turtle vine or wandering jew. It’s a low-maintenance plant that can grow quickly. This will provide a good texture that bearded dragons will enjoy. It’s safe for your beardie to eat and has small heart-shaped leaves.

When placed under the sunlight, it will have a slightly purple hue. It looks pretty, and beardies can nibble on them when it gets hungry.

5. Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant is safe for bearded dragons. It can also be added to the enclosure. This will look good inside the tank and is easy to maintain. Aloe vera is easy to grow and keep alive. It’s not toxic for bearded dragons, so your beardie can eat aloe vera in moderation.

But it has high water content and can cause diarrhea for your reptile. If the beardie keeps rating this plant, it’s best to remove it.

You can still provide your beardie with some aloe vera occasionally. It will help hydrate your pet, especially when it’s not drinking water.

6. Homegrown Herbs

Herbs like oregano, parsley, rosemary, cilantro, etc., are great for your bearded dragon. They enjoy munching herbs to keep them full.

Herbs are not toxic for bearded dragons. If you see your pet nibbling on them, you don’t have to worry about it. You can even put them inside the enclosure.

However, herbs may not do well with high temperatures. If you plan to add them inside the enclosure, you have to switch them out regularly.

You can also keep them in a pot to give them to your beardie as a treat. It will provide a good variety from their usual meals. Herbs are also tasty for your bearded dragon.

7. Tillandsia Ionantha

It’s another low-maintenance plant that only grows between 2 to 4 inches. They stay small, which is an excellent plant to add to your beardies tank. It only needs little water to thrive. Just spray them some water every two weeks. Most importantly, tillandsia ionantha is safe for your bearded dragon.

These plants can easily adhere to rocks and anything around the tank. They can turn pink-red and purple blooms as they mature. It can make the beardie’s enclosure pretty.

Of course, the beardie can eat this plant since it’s not toxic for them. It’s an excellent plant to add to the beardie’s diet.

Safe Plants for Bearded Dragons

  • Alfalfa 
  • Arugula 
  • Astilbe 
  • Baby’s tears 
  • Basil
  • Borage 
  • Carnations 
  • Chinese lantern 
  • Clover  Coriander
  • Dahlia 
  • Dandelion greens 
  • Daylilies
  • Fennel  Ficus
  • Hibiscus 
  • Hollyhock 
  • Lavender 
  • Lemongrass
  • Mesquite leaves
  • Mint leaves 
  • Mulberry leaves 
  • Nasturtium 
  • Oregano 
  • Pansies
  • Petunia 
  • Phlox 
  • Rose petal
  • Rosemary 
  • Sage
  • Thyme Watercress 
  • Yucca

What’s a Balanced Diet for Bearded Dragons?

Providing your bearded dragon with a balanced diet will help it to stay happy and healthy all the time. A balanced diet for beardies is not just about the right combination of greens and insects.

It also means how much food variety a bearded dragon needs depending on their age.

Baby and juvenile dragons need more protein than adult beardies. That means they need to have more insects to achieve the proper protein requirements.

Greens should only consist of a small part of their diet. If they get more greens, they will lack the protein they need to grow and develop properly.

On the other hand, the adult bearded dragons need to eat more greens. They no longer need much protein from insects and worms like young beardies since they are already adults.

When feeding a young and an adult bearded dragon, they require different food servings.

More protein should be given to the young beardie, while the adult needs to have food rich in nutrients. Baby and juvenile beardies diet should have 80% proteins and 20% greens.

Adult bearded dragons should have 80% greens, veggies, and fruits. At the same time, the remaining 20% should be insects and worms, which are rich in protein.

When preparing food for your beardie, make sure to cut it into small pieces. They need always to have small bite-sized food to avoid choking.

It will also help the beardies to prevent digestive issues after eating. Food size is essential when feeding the beardies. The food should not be more significant than the space between their eyes.

Measure the food size based on that to achieve the correct food sizes for your beardie. The distance between the bearded dragons’ eyes reflects the size of food that they can take.

It means that they will not have any digestive issues after eating. This can also avoid choking and ensure the safety of your bearded dragon while eating.


1. What Food Can Kill a Bearded Dragon?

There is a lot of food that should be avoided. A few examples are poppy, oak, ivy, horse chestnut, holly, and many more. There is a long list of plants that are toxic for bearded dragons. If you’re not sure about a specific plant, it’s better not to feed it to your beardie.

2. How Does Food Become Harmful To Bearded Dragons?

Greens and vegetables are good for your bearded dragon. But no matter how good and nutritious they are, some foods can become harmful for your bearded dragon. The reason for this is because of how they are grown. Harmful chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, and parasites can be toxic for your reptile.

3. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Human Food?

No, bearded dragons should not eat human food. They can eat a variety of food that is good for them instead. Feed the beardie some crickets, mealworms, vegetables, and other greens instead. They can even eat flowers and fruits occasionally. It’s best to stick with the recommended food for bearded dragons to avoid having digestive issues.

4. Can You Feed Eggs To Bearded Dragons?

Yes, you can feed eggs to bearded dragons. Just make sure to give them half of an egg occasionally. They can have it twice a month to get the protein they need. Instead of eggs, it’s best to provide the beardie with some feeder insects. However, you can add a small piece of egg to their salad for additional protein.

5. Can You Feed Chicken To Bearded Dragons?

No, Feeding bearded dragon chicken is not a good idea. They will not die from doing so, but it’s not good for them. If you do this regularly, the bearded dragon may get sick. Provide your beardie with dubia roaches or other feeder insects instead. They are safer for bearded dragons and are packed with the protein they need.

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