Can You Buy a Sea Turtle as a Pet?

A lot of people around the world love keeping pets. One of the most popular pets is turtles since they are adorable. They have their unique personalities and they look more interesting than ordinary pets available. It will make you wonder if you can also keep a sea turtle as a pet.

Unfortunately, you cannot keep a sea turtle as your pet. These types of turtles are already endangered and they might end up going extinct. Sea turtles also carry the Salmonella bacteria. It can be poisonous and affect children the most. Also, sea turtles are not easy to care for like other turtle species.

Aside from being endangered and carrying Salmonella, they are also illegal to have. The best thing to do is to just find a different turtle than you can keep as a pet. Although sea turtles look great, they might not be able to survive captivity. Caring for them will be hard since they have different needs than regular turtles.

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What Are Sea Turtles?

Sea turtles are marine animals as well as air-breathing reptiles. They are unique creatures in the marine world that come in different shapes, colors, and sizes. It inhibits the huge tropical and subtropical sea around the globe. Although these creatures don’t have teeth, they have sharp beaks and powerful jaws.

Sea turtles begin their journey from land. The female sea turtles lay eggs in the sand. Once they hatch, they will immediately go into the sea. Olive Ridley is the most common sea turtle species that you can see. While the most endangered species of sea turtles are called Kemp’s Ridley.

Can Sea Turtles Breathe On Land?

Yes, sea turtles can breathe on land. These animals are classified as reptiles. They prefer to live in the sea but they still swim to the surface to breathe. Sea turtles need oxygen to survive.

As sea turtles swim, they still come up regularly for air. Like other reptiles, they have to breathe air. But going to the surface for some oxygen made them vulnerable to humans who hunted them.

Can You Buy a Sea Turtle as a Pet?

You cannot buy sea turtles as a pet since they are on the endangered species list. They are protected to avoid their extinction and it’s illegal to own one as a pet. Sea turtles can grow huge. It’s hard to provide them with a suitable habitat inside your home.

However, there’s one exception when you can keep a turtle for a while. Some sea turtles may get injured because of boats and jet skis. You can take care of a sea turtle until they are back in good shape. Once they are healed, you have to send them back to the sea.

Can You Own a Sea Turtle?

Sea turtles belong to the sea since they are marine animals. They can survive better if they are in their natural habitat. As much as you want to have a sea turtle as a pet, you can’t keep one. You can’t keep a sea turtle due to different reasons.

Aside from being on an endangered species list, they also happen to carry Salmonella bacteria. It can be harmful to humans since it can act as a poison. This bacteria can easily be transferred to children. If sea turtles are not handled properly and hygiene is not maintained, it can be dangerous.

It’s illegal to keep sea turtles as pets and they are banned. They can grow large and keeping them in a home aquarium is not suitable for them. Sea turtles are more accustomed to living in the sea. It will be hard to replicate the sea since it has a vast space with a diverse environment.

Sea turtles also bite with their sharp beaks and powerful jaws. It’s enough to cause injury and can be painful. There are some reports that they can break bones with their bite. When they sense danger or are threatened, they will bite. It’s dangerous especially if you have small kids at home.

How Much Does it Cost to Buy a Sea Turtle?

It’s illegal to buy and sell sea turtles so you can’t buy one. There are no benefits to keeping it as a pet anyway. Although some people sell sea turtles on the black market. But that’s illegal and you will be fined for keeping an endangered species at home.

Even if you managed to buy one, having a sea turtle for a pet is expensive. It requires you to replicate their habitat which is the sea. That means you need to have a massive saltwater tank. You also have to make it similar to its very complex habitat.

Do Sea Turtles Like to be Pets?

Turtles in general are not very friendly even if some turtle species can be kept as pets. But sea turtles hate to end up as pets more than any other turtles. They live in the sea which is a massive place. It will stress them out to be in captivity.

Sea turtles also carry the Salmonella bacteria which is fatal for humans. It means that you have to maintain a high level of hygiene when keeping a sea turtle. It can be difficult to maintain that but if you don’t, your health will be at risk.

Sea Turtles Facts

  • There are 2 families of sea turtles which are Cheloniidae which have soft shells. While the turtle species belonging to Dermochelyidae have hard shells.
  • There are 7 species of sea turtles around the world. These are the green sea turtle, leatherback sea turtle, loggerhead sea turtle, hawksbill sea turtle, Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, Olive ridley sea turtle, and the flatback sea turtle.
  • Sea turtles belong to the superfamily Chelonioidea which makes them different from tortoises.
  • Sea turtle ancestors are the same Testudines order that has existed for over 200 million years.
  • 6 out of 7 sea turtles species are in danger of extinction.
  • Conservation of hawksbill turtle and Kemp’s ridley sea turtle are in critical condition. Scientists predicted that they will be extinct after a few decades if we don’t do anything about it.
  • The plastron is the lower part of the shell of a sea turtle while the upper part is called the carapace.
  • Sea turtles are not aggressive except if they are threatened.
  • Chelonians don’t have external ears but they can detect low-frequency sounds and vibrations in the water.
  • Leatherback sea turtles are the largest turtle species. The biggest specimen discovered was 3 meters and 900 kilos.
  • The smallest turtle species is the Kemp’s ridley sea turtles which are only 90 cm and 45 kilos.
  • Hatchlings of sea turtles break their eggshells with the help of a caruncle. It’s a sharp tooth they possess for a short time. Once it serves its purpose, it will fall off after a few days from hatching.
  • Female sea turtle maternal care is only to dig the nest to lay its eggs and cover them with sand. After that, they will never take care of their offspring like other animals do for their young.
  • A nest of sea turtles may contain 200 eggs depending on their species.
  • Sea turtles don’t cry. It is the gland responsible for expelling excess salt in their body which happens to be in their eyes.
  • Sea turtles are the best navigators around the animal kingdom. They can return to the same beaches they were born as adults and lay their eggs.
  • As hatchlings, they have an instinctive behavior to make them move between 24 to 36 hours. It’s called the frenzy period when they continuously escape from their predators.
  • Hatchlings show their impressive navigation abilities. They can find the ocean even if they have never been there before.
  • 10% of sea turtle eggs can only make it to adulthood.
  • Humans are the most dangerous predator they have. It starts from harvesting their eggs to killing adults for their meat and shell. Sea turtles are also being killed by fishing nets that are also man-made.
  • Their genders cannot be determined easily by just looking at them and until they are already adults. The tails of sea turtles are thicker since their reproductive organs are in the same part.
  • The temperature of the turtle’s nest will determine the gender of hatchlings. For females, it will be warm and cool for males.
  • Sea turtles live in tropical and subtropical regions. They are cold-blooded so they prefer to live in warm waters.
  • Jellyfish are the favorite prey of sea turtles even if they have deadly venom and stingers. Sea turtles have a defense mechanism to protect them from venom.
  • They can’t introduce their limbs or head into their shell. But terrestrial turtles can do that.
  • Fibropapillomatosis is a large tumor that sea turtles may suffer from. They are benign but they can grow so huge that it can make them blind. It can also affect their swimming abilities and hinder them from eating.
  • Leatherback sea turtles are known as the fourth biggest reptiles around the world.

Can Baby Sea Turtles Be Kept As Pets?

No, you can’t have a baby sea turtle as a pet. They are endangered species so you can’t have babies and adult sea turtles. If that will be allowed, their species will no longer be around. When the baby sea turtles grow, it will be too much to be contained in a turtle tank.

If you find baby sea turtles from the sea, avoid taking them. Just leave them where they belong since that’s their home. They will survive better if they stay there. You can leave them near the water so they can crawl back to the sea on their own when it’s ready.

Choose the Best Turtle Species for You

If you want to have a pet turtle, you need to do your homework first. There are a lot of turtle species around that you can choose from. Turtles can live for a long time and some species can reach a hundred years. It’s important to choose the right one for you and lower the risk of it being abandoned.

Make sure to choose the turtle that would be easy for you to care for. If you don’t have much time, find a turtle species that doesn’t require too much attention. That way, your pet turtle will still stay healthy even inside the tank.

Finding a pet turtle can be exciting since you have a lot of choices. Most turtle species can live for years. So make sure that you’re ready to care for them for a very long time. Many types of turtles can be kept as pets.

Every turtle species has its unique environmental requirements. Their food, water source, heat, and humidity also varies. If you can provide the turtle the habitat it requires, you can start choosing one. Some of them are suitable to live with humans and others may not.

Types of Turtles You Can Keep as Pets

If you’re looking for a new pet, there are a lot of them available. You don’t have to look for sea turtles anymore since they are illegal to keep as pets. There are a lot of turtle species that you can choose from to be your new pet anyway.

There are 10 different types of turtles that will be suitable pets. We have created a list of turtle species that you can keep. They are easier to care for than having a sea turtle. It’s also legal to own these species so you have nothing to worry about.

1. African Sideneck Turtle

These are aquatic turtles and they can live up to 25 years. It grows between 8 to 18 inches long. You may need to have a big turtle tank for it as it grows. They have webbed feet and they are good swimmers. It’s a good choice for turtle lovers.

They are freshwater turtles discovered in eastern and southern Africa. It will be a good pet since they are active during the day. You can also get it easily since it’s not under the endangered species list. It’s available in pet stores legally.

2. Ornate Wood Turtle

The wood turtles are from western Mexico and Costa Rica. The ornate wood turtle is most common to be kept in captivity. Although there are four subspecies of wood turtles, it’s best to go for the common species as pets. You can easily find tips on how to care for them.

The ornate wood turtles originally live in the most tropical places. They have brilliant red striping which they are known for. They are intelligent and have great personalities. Just make sure to provide them a habitat to simulate where they come from. It will keep them happy even in captivity.

3. Painted Turtle

The painted turtles are from North America. You can find them from the southern parts of Canada to the northern parts of Mexico. They are also around the east coast to the west. Painted turtles are active during the day like other turtles. You can observe them during those times.

They hibernate during the winter if they are in the wild. But as pets, you can provide them with the right temperature to avoid this cycle. The adult female-painted turtles can reach up to 10 inches in length. The males are smaller like other turtle species. Their lifespan can extend up to 55 years.

4. Caspian Pond Turtle

The Caspian pond turtle is from the Middle East. They have tan or olive with yellow or cream patterns in their shells. These patterns can also be found on its arms and head. By just looking at their carapace, you can already tell what type of turtle it is.

If they are startled, they will quickly go back to the water. As water turtles, they like swimming and spending more time in the water. They are very personable and can recognize their owners. It’s a very interesting pet turtle to care for.

5. Red-Eared Slider Turtle

The red-eared slider turtle is one of the most popular pets around. They got their name from the distinctive red patch behind their eyes. It’s native to Illinois, the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the East Coast to western Texas. They prefer the marshes, ponds, and slow-moving freshwater.

These turtles seem to have some trust issues but they will want up to you in time. Give them enough time to adjust to their surroundings. They can be personable once they get used to seeing their owners. The red-eared sliders can live around 50 to 70 years so you will have a lot of time.

6. Reeve’s Turtle

They can be found across central and eastern China. It also includes North and South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. The reeve’s turtles live in the ponds, lakes, and small streams. They like slow-moving and still water with a soft bottom. They also prefer a lot of vegetation around them.

These turtle species can become excellent pets. They can breed well even in captivity. It also grows up to 9 inches in length so it’s easy to manage. They can live between 10 to 15 years in captivity. That means that you can still spend more time together.

7. Eastern Box Turtle

You can find the eastern box turtles in the eastern part of the US. They are a subspecies of the Terrapene Carolina which they are prevalent. It’s a good pet to have since they can live up to a hundred years in the wild. They are slow to mature.

However, they will have a shorter lifespan in captivity. It can be challenging to have them as pets. These turtles require high humidity and heat. They also need a suitable substrate for burrowing. Box turtles also need regular access to UV light. They are still the popular choice for turtle keepers.

8. Mississippi Map Turtle

These turtles are named for their map-like markings. They can be found in the Mississippi Valley as well as the Gulf states. The Mississippi map turtles stay in rivers, streams, and lakes. They like staying in the moving waters more than farm creeks and ponds.

It’s the most popular pet turtle in the US. They are easy to care for but they need to have excellent water quality all the time. These turtle species prefer to be in large and flowing bodies of water. As a pet, you can provide them with a similar habitat to keep them happy and healthy.

9. Russian Tortoise

They can be found in southern Russia and eastern Iran. You can also find them in the northwest of Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Russian tortoise’s mature size is between 8 to 10 inches. They are very aggressive and eager to eat at all times and also too active for a tortoise.

The female Russian tortoises can lay eggs once it reaches 4.5 inches in length. They are easy to care for since they are used to extreme temperatures. These tortoises are borrowers which makes them excellent pets. Their lifespan can be as long as 40 years which is long enough.

10. Greek Tortoise

They are also known as the spur-thighed tortoise. The Greek tortoises are from North Africa, southern Europe, and southwest Asia. They can grow between 5 to 8 inches as adults. This species is also one of the longest-living types of tortoises. They can live up to 100 years old.

In the wild, their lifespan is shortened because of their predators. The Greek tortoises like grazing. They make excellent pets since they tend to be responsible to their owners. Although they don’t necessarily like to be held. They are friendly, easy-going, and can be interactive as pets so it’s a good choice.


Unfortunately, you can’t have a sea turtle as a pet. But you can get a pet turtle from the pet store. It will be a different species but they are closely related. Not to mention, they are beautiful and not in danger of extinction. Taking care of a pet turtle from the pet store is also easier. They will not grow large and you don’t have to worry about getting fined.

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