Can a Snapping Turtle Bite Your Finger Off?

Yes, a snapping turtle can bite your finger off. They have strong jaws that can do that effortlessly. Even if it doesn’t do that, the doctor may have to amputate your finger. It will prevent the infection from going further to your body and it may cause more serious problems.

Turtle bites can be dangerous as well as a very painful experience. Snapping turtle bites can cause serious injuries. That includes excessive bleeding, wound infection, and even ends up with amputation. It’s a scary part of keeping them, especially if it’s a snapping turtle. You need to be careful all the time.

What Happens If a Snapping Turtle Bites You?

When a snapping turtle bites you, it will cause you a lot of pain. They can bite off someone’s finger if they want to. In the wild, these turtles need to protect themselves from predators. They usually bite when they feel threatened. But what happens when it bites you?

Can a Snapping Turtle Bite Your Finger Off?

1. Excessive Bleeding

Even If the bite may not look serious, it can still cause excessive bleeding. When you get bitten by a snapping turtle, they release a powerful bite. It can damage your nerves and cause bleeding. Apply pressure on it and call for help. It has to be treated by a medical professional right away to avoid infections.

2. Bite Off Parts

There are other parts aside from the fingers that can be bitten off by a snapping turtle. It doesn’t matter to them if they bite your nose, throat, and other body parts close to them. Snapping turtles can bite part of your nose. Softshell turtles have the same ability to bite off any part.

3. Break Bones

Snapping turtles can also break bones with the hell of their strong jaws. In some cases, it will cause the finger to be amputated. They bite on the vulnerable body parts when they feel threatened. It can also happen if they mistake your finger for food. You need to be careful when handling snapping turtles.

4. Emergency Issues

After a snapping turtle bites you, it’s possible to experience other emergency issues. You may feel dizziness, vomiting, breathing issues, and even be unconscious. Try your best to seek help immediately before these issues persist.

5. Salmonella

Turtles and other reptiles carry the salmonella bacteria. It’s usually found in their droppings. However, it can spread on their bodies and even the turtle tank. If you get bitten by an infected turtle, it will increase the chance of passing it to you.

What to Do When the Snapping Turtle Bites?

If you get bitten by a snapping turtle, avoid pulling the turtle’s mouth from you. Don’t expect it to let you go easily because it won’t. It will only make the damage on your skin worse. This action will frighten the turtle and may bite you harder which can end up badly.

The snapping turtle doesn’t usually bite, especially if it’s your pet. It only happens when they get scared from being handled roughly or have an injury. To prevent getting bitten, handle the snapping turtle carefully. That will avoid triggering the turtle from biting your hand or other vulnerable parts.

  • How to Remove the Turtle?

The best thing to do is to submerge the turtle in the water. Try to hold still and wait for it to let go on its own. Once it releases your finger, move away immediately. Give the turtle some time to calm down. Be careful when doing this to avoid the turtle from getting hurt.

If you get bitten, don’t ever think about killing the turtle. If it dies, the turtle’s jaw will snap tighter and provide more pressure. That will cause more pain for you since a dead turtle can’t release its grip. It will be harder to take your finger off its mouth.

  • How to Treat the Wound from Turtle Bite?

They are known carriers of salmonella. If you get bitten and break your skin, make sure to get treated right away. Seek help from a medical professional. You may need antibiotics and clean the wound thoroughly. But if you’re not wounded, just wash the area with soap and warm water.

How Strong is a Turtle Bite?

Snapping turtles can bite with up to 656.81 newtons of force. Other turtles can only exert 158 newtons. While softshell turtles have a long neck that can reach your hand easily. It’s hard to avoid their bite even if you’re being careful with them. This turtle species can bite you from any angle.

Sea turtles might be the most harmless in their species. But if they are threatened, they will not hesitate to bite you. That will leave a severe wound so it’s best not to try your luck with them. They have sharp beaks and have a very strong bite that can leave a big mark.

How Bad is a Turtle Bite?

Turtles have their own defense mechanism just like other animals. They mostly rely on their shell to protect themselves from their enemies. But when they are captured or threatened, they will use their beaks to bite. The best thing to do is to leave them alone to avoid getting bitten.

Wild turtles are the ones who usually bite. They have to protect themselves so they can be more aggressive. Although pet turtles can also bite when threatened. They need to be trained to socialize to avoid them from biting anyone. But their bites can also cause injury if you’re not careful.

Turtle bites can be dangerous for humans. Although it depends on the turtle’s species and their age. Younger turtles don’t pose danger when they bite. Their beaks are not as strong as an adult turtle yet. But their sharp beaks may still cause some damage. It’s not a bad idea to be careful.

However, you have to be more cautious around adult turtles. They have a powerful hold that can hurt you badly. Snapping turtles are dangerous since they can snap you almost immediately. Adult turtles can grip you hard enough to lose an arm or a leg. Extra caution is advised around them.

How Do You Train Turtles Not to Bite?

Although it’s not easy, you can train a turtle and teach them not to bite. But it’s harder when it comes to red-eared sliders since they are not very smart. Training them to behave can be challenging. The best thing to do is to make use of safety practices around them.

Make their feeding to be favorable for you to avoid getting bitten. Create a different place for their feeding area. That will help to avoid the need to change the water frequently. Train the turtle to get its food instead of feeding them directly. Avoid feeding them this way to avoid the bites.

Try not to tap the turtle tank to get the turtle’s attention. Avoid this especially when they’re hungry. Turtles may think that your finger is a worm or food. It will be their target next time you handle them. Stop tempting them to bite your finger off to avoid biting incidents.

Is Turtle Bite Poisonous?

The good news is, turtles are not poisonous and that includes their bite. Although there’s a reported case about people who consume the meat of the hawksbill turtles. It happened in the South Pacific of Tonga where 18 people got sick. While two of them have died from this incident.

People from the island tested the hawksbill turtle meat for poison. They throw their liver into the crows. If the birds did not consume the liver, that would prove that the hawksbill turtle is poisonous. Although the results of this testing are unknown. It’s better to avoid consuming turtle’s meat.

Disease Turtles Can Transmit to Humans

Turtles are not poisonous but they are not as harmless as you think. They are known to be carrying salmonella bacteria. It can be found in their shell and skin. The bad news is, it can be transmitted to humans. That means that you have to be careful when handling turtles.

Humans can get infected with salmonella. If you get into contact with amphibians, reptiles, and their habitats. That includes turtles and their tanks. The bacteria can be found in turtle’s droppings as well. People with weak immune systems can easily catch this bacteria.

Salmonella is known to cause serious health conditions in humans. It can become a life-threatening infection for others. Although humans can catch this bacteria, we can’t pass it back to animals. Pregnant women, children, and the elderly should be extra careful with this bacteria.

If you get infected by salmonella, the symptoms will show. It can be in the form of diarrhea, headache, fever, nausea, stomach pain, and vomiting. These symptoms will start to show from 6 to 72 hours if exposed. The effects can last between 2 to 7 days.

Turtles Species with Worst Bites

Every turtle has a unique personality but some can deliver the worst bites. It will always be painful even if it doesn’t break the skin. When it does, it can cause severe wounds that can end up in amputations

It depends on how powerful the turtle bite is and the sharpness of its beak. But what turtle species can deliver those painful bites? Below are the turtles that can give you the worst bites.

1. Snapping Turtles

The alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii)and the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) are the two species under this classification. These turtles are popular in delivering the worst and painful bites. They are also aggressive types of turtles.

There are some reports about these turtle species biting off some human fingers.

Snapping turtles can bite off your finger so be careful around them. However, these turtles like to stay away from trouble if they can. They can be vicious when they are on land, especially when they feel threatened. It often just swims away when in water.

2. Softshell Turtles

The softshell turtle belongs to the Apalone family. They are also known as the American softshell turtles. Other softshell turtles are the Florida softshell turtle, smooth softshell turtle, and the spiny softshell turtle. They all deliver dangerous bites. That includes biting a human nose.

Although softshell turtles don’t bite off your finger, they can cause excessive bleeding. It may happen when this turtle species hits a blood vessel. They are also flexible and can bite from any angle. Avoid picking them up especially in the wild.

3. Musk and Mud Turtles

Musk and mud turtles have the same mannerisms. They also have similar temperaments even if they belong to different families. Musk turtles came from the Sternotherus genus while the mud turtles are from the genus Kinosternon. They both like biting when they feel threatened.

Although their bites can’t amputate your finger, it’s still painful. They might break the skin and that will cause infection. Make sure to get the wound treated right away. Other mud turtles are Eastern mud turtle and Scorpion mud turtle. While the flattened musk turtle, razorback musk turtle, and the stinkpot are other types of musk turtles.

4. Box Turtles

Although box turtles are commonly kept as pets, they can cause painful bites. But they don’t usually end up in injuries. This turtle species is more gentle than other kinds.  They resemble tortoises which makes them popular.

They are American pond turtles and belong to the Terrapene family. Common box turtles, eastern box turtles, and three-toed box turtles are usually kept as pets. As long as they dont feel threatened, they will just ignore you.

5. Slider Turtles

Red-eared slider turtles, Cumberland sliders, and the yellow-bellied slider are commonly kept as pets. Generally, slider turtles are gentle and peaceful creatures. Although they can cause severe pain when they decide to bite.

Larger turtles are more capable of breaking the skin. That means that the bigger the turtle, the more painful their bite will be. Just leave them alone and avoid feeding them closely. That way, they will not be tempted to have a bite.

Is It Normal for Turtles to Bite Each Other?

In the wild, it’s normal for turtles to bite each other. But pet turtles don’t usually bite each other. But they can do that if something is bothering them. There are different reasons why they exhibit this behavior. Continue reading below to learn why turtles bite each other in the tank.

1. Habitat

The turtle’s habitat is an important factor for turtles to be comfortable and happy. If you have more than one turtle, they will require a bigger tank size. But if they outgrow the tank size, that will cause stress to your turtles. They will bite each other if there is not enough space in the tank.

2. Environmental Stress

Turtles may also end up biting each other because of environmental stress. There are different external factors such as loud noises or temperature. If they don’t feel comfortable, they will start biting each other due to stress. They don’t like being touched as well so it’s better to leave the turtle on their own in their enclosure.

Can a Tortoise Bite Your Finger Off?

Yes, tortoises can bite your finger off. They can even eat other tortoise on rare occasions. Their bite is strong enough to bite your finger off.

Tortoises and turtles don’t have teeth. That’s why some people think that their jaw can’t do that much damage. They eat mostly leafy greens so you can’t expect these gentle animals to bite so hard. It may sound about right but that’s not the case. Tortoises can do better than that.

They can take a bite from another tortoise’s leg when they’re desperate enough. If there’s food scarcity, they will not think twice about using their strong jaws. Although they don’t have teeth, they have beaks to do the job.

These animals can be aggressive especially if they are in the wild. They can create a huge amount of damage on you if they decide to bite. Their bite depends on the type of diet they have. Generally, they are classified as herbivores to carnivores.

  • Herbivorous Tortoise

Herbivores feed mostly in plants so they can bite with a pinching feeling. It could also leave a mark for a few hours. But their bites can still possibly break the skin. It means that herbivorous tortoises still have a hard bite. It’s similar to getting pinched.

Their bite can leave a red indented mark for a few hours. But it will not last for a long time so it’s not so bad. Although getting bitten with this type of tortoise can feel unpleasant. You don’t have to worry about losing any part of your body. But it can break your skin if it bites longer.

  • Carnivorous Tortoises

The carnivorous tortoise bite should be avoided. It’s extremely painful and will break the skin. They can also bite your fingers off if the bite has enough force. It can do a lot of damage to humans and other animals. Their bites are very painful because of their diet.

Carnivorous tortoises can break human skin easily. They can also take your fingers off if they feel like adding more force. This type of tortoise should be avoided if you want to keep your fingers intact. They are carnivorous which means they are used to denser food. It’s easy for them to break a bone or two if necessary.


1. How Painful are Turtle Bites?

Turtle bites can be painful due to their beaks and strong jaws. Like other animals, turtles will bite when they feel threatened or scared. Although they don’t have teeth, their bites are strong enough. Their beak is sharp with very powerful jaws. That’s enough to hurt a grown man.

If not treated, the bite from a turtle can be more dangerous. The bite of an adult turtle can cause harmful effects and damage. Although small turtles will not hurt you the same way an adult turtle can. It’s better to stay away from adult and bigger turtles.

Getting bitten by a turtle also depends on the person. If a tire bites a child, it can be more painful compared to adults. It’s expected since children’s skin and bones are not fully developed yet. Turtles can easily break them apart. So make sure to keep the children away from turtles.

2. How Dangerous is a Turtle Bite?

It depends on the turtle’s species, age, and size. If it’s a small and young turtle, it will not be dangerous. They will not have the ability to break your skin since they are not strong enough. Although you may feel surprised when a baby turtle snapped on you.

However, it’s a different story when it’s an adult turtle. They are known to have a powerful grip and hold. It can bite your foot or hand and its grip can be very tight. They can grab humans hard enough to be fatal. Make sure to always take precautions when large turtles are around.

3. Can Turtles Bite Your Finger Off?

Turtles can possibly bite your finger off if they put enough force on it. The common snapping turtles, which are typically 30 pounds, can bite you and leave a huge scar. Although it’s smaller than the alligator snappers bite. It will still feel painful for anyone who will experience this.

The alligator snapping turtles are from the Southern river swaps in the US. They are America’s most magnificent reptiles although they are disappearing quickly. These giant turtles are the only reptile that is capable of biting body parts aside from alligators. Their size contributed to the strength of their bite.

4. Do Turtles Have Strong Jaws?

Yes, turtles have strong jaws that make it possible for them to bite their prey. It also depends on their diet if they can bite so badly. For the carnivorous turtles, they have pointy and sharp beaks that can tear any prey easily. They are used to this diet which makes them dangerous.

Turtle’s bite force may vary depending on their size and diet. For snapping turtles, they have a bite force between 208 and 226 Newtons. It means that 208nNewtons is equivalent to 46 pounds of force. While 226 Newtons is over 50 pounds of force. That’s how strong their normal bites are.

To understand it further, the bite force of a snapping turtle is the same as having a toddler jump on your foot with cleats on. It will be uncomfortable and hurt for sure. Thankfully, there are no incidents reported about turtles biting off a finger or breaking a bone of a human.

The toad-headed turtles have the strongest bite force. It has a bite force of 432 Newtons or 97 pounds of force. It even surpasses the bite force of a wolfdog which is at 406 Newtons or 92 pounds. It’s a dog and wolf hybrid with sharp teeth.

5. Why Do Turtles Bite Each Other?

Turtles bite each other to show their dominance. Pet turtles bite another turtle to settle territorial disputes. It happens during mating and if they are hungry. Wild turtles usually just bite to protect themselves. But it can also be for survival reasons.

But during mating, male turtles bite female turtles. But they bite gently to avoid injuring the female turtle. When turtles are starving and they can find food to eat, they will bite another turtle. In some cases, a snapping turtle will eat a small pond turtle. It will be the next meal in a worst-case scenario.


Snapping turtles have a strong bite and it can hurt anyone badly. But you have to remember that they are only reacting to their environment. They follow their instincts and try to protect themselves. When it happens, you have to relax and submerge it into the water until it lets go.

It might require a few stitches if it’s too bad. But the best solution is to prevent it from happening. Handle your pet turtle carefully and avoid doing it frequently. Don’t give the turtle a reason to bite your finger off. That way, you will both live a healthy life without injuries.

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