Can Bearded Dragons Eat Asparagus? Beginner’s Guide!

Sharing good with your pet may not be a good idea all the time. Although there are foods that are safe for bearded dragons as it is with humans.

Asparagus is a healthy type of vegetable that has a strong odor and flavor. If you like asparagus, you might want to share it with your beardie too. But can bearded dragons eat asparagus?

Asparagus can provide some health benefits for your bearded dragon. Just like other vegetables, they are nutritious as well.

But no matter how healthy asparagus may be, overseeing your bearded dragon with it is not a good idea. Your pet needs to have a variety of foods on their diet to stay healthy.

Feeding your dragon too much asparagus might harm their health. It’s due to the oxalates that asparagus have. It also has more phosphorus than calcium.

Feeding it to your bearded dragon once a week should be enough. They can already get the health benefits asparagus can offer. It will also avoid having potential downsides from it.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Asparagus?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat asparagus. But it should only be occasional. Asparagus has high water content, phosphorus, low calcium content, and a moderate amount of oxalates. It’s not the ideal diet for bearded dragons since they need to have a balance of phosphorus and calcium in their food.

A disproportionate ratio of these nutrients should not be fed to bearded dragons. Although asparagus is one of the veggies that are safe for them to eat.

This can be a tasty treat and they might enjoy it. Feeding the bearded dragon asparagus should only be done once a week.

If you feed them more, it can be detrimental to their health. Bearded dragons can differ from metabolic bone disease and other health problems.

Before feeding asparagus to your pet, make sure to learn how to do it safely. These reptiles need to be fed a variety of foods for a healthy diet.

What Bearded Dragons Diet Should Look Like?

For juveniles, 75% of their diet must be consists of insects. The 25% should be a variety of fruits and vegetables. When the bearded dragon reached adulthood, their diet will be invested. That means adult beardies need to have 75% of fruits and vegetables. While the remaining 25% should be insects.

However, not all fruits and vegetables are good for your bearded dragon. Vegetables such as spinach can be harmful to them when overhead.

Fruits can be offered but it contains a lot of sugar and doesn’t have a lot of minerals. Asparagus may be safe for your bearded dragon but it should be given in small amounts.

Eastern Bearded Dragon Pogona barbata

Why You Should Not Overfeed Bearded Dragon with Asparagus?

Overfeeding your bearded dragon with asparagus is not good for its health. That can be bad for them since it contains more phosphorus than calcium. These lizards need to have a lot of calcium on their diet. They also have to maintain the right balance of phosphorus and calcium in their bodies.

Since asparagus has more phosphorus than calcium, it’s better to avoid feeding it to your pet frequently. Consider adding more variety of foods for your bearded dragon’s diet.

Avoid making asparagus their main meal but instead, offer more variety. Bell peppers are also good for these textiles but it has to be in moderation as well. It contains high phosphorus levels.

When phosphorus was over consumed, it can result in metabolic bone disease for replies. That will soften the jaws and bones of their face. It can also cause swelling of their limbs, extreme weakness, and tremors.

That’s a common disease for lizards but it can be avoided. Just provide your pet with a healthy diet and a good balance of nutrients.

However, the balance between calcium and phosphorus is not the only concern with asparagus. This veggie contains oxalates as well which can prevent calcium absorption. That will cause metabolic bone disease as well. It’s best to monitor your beardie as it consumes calcium, phosphorus, and oxalates before giving it asparagus.

What are the Benefits of Asparagus for Bearded Dragons?

  1. It’s loaded with different vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A, C, E, and K are present in asparagus.
  2. A moderate amount of protein and valuable minerals are included.
  3. Iron and sodium are also present in this veggie.
  4. Asparagus also contains antioxidants that will help to boost the bearded dragon’s immune system. That will reduce inflammation for them.
  5. Vitamins E and K will help to rebuild cells and also regulate blood clotting.
  6. Asparagus also contains protein to provide strength to your pet.
  7. The potassium will aid your dragon to keep the proper kidney function.
  8. Fiber is also present on asparagus to help with their digestive system.
  9. Its made of 92% water which will keep them hydrated.

How Frequent Can Bearded Dragons Eat Asparagus?

When feeding the bearded dragon asparagus, make sure to only do it once a week. It can be given as a weekly treat. Avoid offering it more than that or it can be harmful to their health. Just make sure to provide your pet a variety and not feed it one type of food.

Feeding your bearded dragon asparagus more than once a week is not a good idea. It contains high amounts of phosphorus and has low calcium content.

These reptiles need to have plenty of calcium daily. It will help them to keep active and avoid getting sick.

How to Prepare Asparagus for Your Bearded Dragon?

If you have decided to offer asparagus to your bearded dragon, make it a treat. You can prepare the asparagus first to ensure that they will enjoy it.

Although bearded dragons are not picky about food preparation. But some may not like eating veggies like others. Don’t force your pet if it seems like it’s not interested in eating asparagus.

When feeding asparagus to your bearded dragon, you can give it raw or cooked asparagus. Raw veggies are more appealing for these reptiles.

But cooking then asparagus will reduce the oxalates. That may sound better but some of the nutrients may also be destroyed by heat. If you want it cooked, avoid using flavorings or spices. It can harm your beardie so skip them.

The best choice should be organic asparagus. It means it’s safe from traces of chemicals such as pesticides.

Wash them thoroughly before feeding them to your bearded dragon. Make sure to cut the asparagus into small pieces to avoid your pet from choking. That applies whether it’s cooked or raw asparagus.

Nutrition Facts of Asparagus Per 100g

Water 93.22 g
Energy20 Kcal
Protein2.2 g
Total lipid (fat)0.12 g
Carbohydrate 3.88 g
Fiber 2.1 g
Sugars 1.88 g
Calcium 24 mg
Phosphorus 52 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Vitamin C5.6 mg
Iron2.14 mg
Vitamin B60.091 mg
Vitamin A38 mcg
Vitamin E1.13 mg
Vitamin K41.6 μg
This Table Shows Nutritional Value Of Asparagus Per 100g

Source: Fatsecret

Why Feeding Asparagus to Bearded Dragons Good?

When you feed asparagus to your bearded dragon, it may not even have many benefits for them. Asparagus may be a healthy type of vegetable for humans but bearded dragons have different needs. It’s more important for them to feed their specific nutritional needs.

Asparagus is lacking some key nutrients the bearded dragons need. Although it contains vitamin A, C, E, and K so it’s still beneficial for these reptiles. It may not have enough nutrients for bearded dragons. But they can still get some nutrients from asparagus.

Bearded Dragon Eating Asparagus

Should You Be Concern About Feeding Asparagus to Bearded Dragons?

Asparagus is safe for bearded dragons to eat. But it’s important to be careful when feeding it to your pet.

It may be nutritious for humans but too much of it can be harmful to bearded dragons. Before adding asparagus, remember not to give it to them every day.

There are some reasons why it’s not good to overfeed asparagus to your pet. It can cause some health issues if you feed asparagus more than once a week. This veggie contains moderate oxalates which is an organic compound from plants. It can stop minerals like calcium from being absorbed.

Bearded dragons need calcium to stay healthy. When they consume too many oxalates, the minerals will be useless to them.

It can be bad for your pet since they need those minerals to function properly. Consuming foods that have a high amount of oxalates will stop calcium from being absorbed by the body.

However, feeding your bearded dragon food with oxalates may not affect them right away. But if you overfeed them these types of food, it can be strong enough to hurt your beardie.

Based on some research, raw asparagus contains more oxalates than when it’s cooked. It can significantly reduce the oxalates which can be your best way to prepare asparagus.

However, asparagus contains water-soluble vitamins. It means that when it’s cooked, not only oxalates will be reduced. The vitamins and minerals may also be gone.

That means that when bearded dragon eat cooked asparagus may not have many health benefits for it. The lower the oxalates means the lower vitamins and nutrients it will have.

Does Asparagus Have Calcium?

Yes, But asparagus is not rich in calcium compared to other vegetables. Every 100 g of asparagus, only contains 24 mg of calcium. It’s very low if you compare it with leafy greens such as kale. It has 254 mg of calcium in every 100 g of kale. Therefore, it’s a better choice than feeding asparagus to your bearded dragon.

Feeding your beardie foods that don’t give them the nutrients they need can be an issue. They have small stomachs so they will feel full easily.

That means no more room for more nutritious food that’s good for them. It can be a problem for baby bearded dragons. They need a lot of nutrients as they grow.

Asparagus contains calcium but it’s not enough for bearded dragons. It contains a higher amount of phosphorus which is not balanced to its calcium content.

That’s why you should not feed bearded dragons asparagus daily as it can harm them. Give it to your beardie once a week as a treat instead-but add other veggies.

If you have a pet bearded dragon, you must be aware that they need a lot of calcium. It’s important for them to stay healthy so feeding them calcium-rich foods is a must.

Some experts recommend offering your pet leafy greens. Vegetables that are high in calcium must be fed every day.

Can Bearded dragon eat Asparagus

What are the Alternatives to Asparagus?

1. Cactus Pad/ Prickly Pear

This desert plant is high in calcium and also rich in antioxidants. It contains fiber and vitamin C which help the digestive system.

Serve it by slicing it from the outer thorned coating. Cut the flesh into small pieces to feed your bearded dragon.

2. Collard Greens

It has a good ratio of calcium and phosphorus. That makes it a good source of calcium and other nutrients.

Collard greens contain vitamins A, C, E, and K. Not to mention, fiber and folate. Bearded dragons will get a lot of health benefits from this veggie.

3. Dandelion Leaves

This is calcium-rich and contains vitamin A. It’s a common yard weed but bearded dragons will benefit from it.

But the dandelions leaves contain ls oxalates in a moderate amount. It’s best to add other veggies with it such as collard greens, prickly pear, and more.

4. Endive or Escarole

Bearded dragons need a lot of calcium on their diet. These greens will ass some texture and more nutrients to their salad.

They are crunchy which beardies will enjoy. But it also contains a moderate amount of oxalates. It’s a good addition to your pet’s salad along with calcium-rich veggies.


We have explained everything related to bearded dragons eating asparagus in this guide.

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