Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes? Full Guide + Video!

Yes, bearded dragons can eat grapes. That’s the answer to that big question. But you should only feed grapes to your dragon occasionally. It’s not recommended to feed grapes every day to your bearded dragon. Grapes contain oxalates which are toxic to bearded dragons if given in high amounts.

However, grapes contain a high amount of dietary fiber. Calcium is also present in grapes which bearded dragons need. Different varieties of grapes can be fed to your dragon. Although they prefer to eat red grapes and green grapes. But you can offer other grape varieties for your pet.

Many bearded dragons seem to like eating grapes compared to other fruits. If your pet is one of them, you should mix grapes with other foods. Adding grapes to the bearded dragon food can encourage it to eat other foods. Give it as a treat but don’t overdo it.

Will Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?

Although it’s alright for bearded dragons to eat grapes, not all of them will eat them. Some of them are picky eaters and may not accept grapes.

If your pet doesn’t seem to like it, you can offer it a different type of fruit instead. There are a lot of fruits that you can offer a bearded dragon and are safe for them.

Some bearded dragons will eat grapes with or without the peels. But be careful when feeding your pet grapes because of the seeds.

Take it off before offering grapes to your pet. They should eat grapes in moderation as well. Grapes are high in oxalates and the calcium-phosphorus ratio is poor.

This will affect the calcium absorption of your bearded dragon. Their diet should consist of 10 to 20% of fruits.

The veggies and flowers of the plant material should be around 20 to 80%. The rest should consist of insects to balance their diet. You can feed the beardies grapes not more than once a week.

Are Grapes Toxic to Bearded Dragons?

No, grapes are not toxic to bearded dragons if fed sparingly. Grapes are high in fiber which will be good for their digestive system. But feeding grapes excessively can become toxic to bearded dragons. Grapes contain high levels of oxalates.

The balance between calcium and phosphorus content is poor as well. It can hinder calcium absorption which is very important for their growth and development.

Make sure to only feed your bearded dragon grapes sparingly to avoid health problems.

Nutritional Value of Grapes Per 100 grams of Servings

Water 80.54 g
Fiber 0.9 g
Protein   0.72 g
Sugar 15.48 g
Calcium 10 mg
Phosphorus 20 mg
Carbohydrate 18.1 g
Iron 0.36 mg
Selenium 0.1 g
Vitamin C 3.2 mg
Vitamin A 3 g
Beta Carotene 39 g
Vitamin K 14.6 g
Vitamin E 0.19 mg
This Table Shows The Nutritional Value of Grapes

How Many Grapes Can You Feed Bearded Dragons?

Now that it’s clear that grapes are safe for bearded dragons, you should learn more about feeding it to them.

Its important to know how many grapes should you feed your bearded dragon. Based on the list of the nutritional value of grapes, it contains a lot of sugar.

Its calcium and phosphorus proportion is unbalanced. This means that grapes should not be fed to your dragon daily. When grapes are fed in large quantities frequently, the oxalates will be formed which can hinder calcium absorption.

Consuming too much phosphorus can also interfere with the absorption of calcium in the bloodstream.

When it happens, the bearded dragon will take calcium from their bones to meet the body’s demands for calcium. That can be bad for the bearded dragon’s health.

When this keeps on happening, the bearded dragon may suffer from metabolic bone disease. Those are the reasons why you should not feed them grapes too often.

Aside from that, the high sugar content of grapes can cause obesity. Your bearded dragon may suffer from heart problems as well.

Diarrhea can also be a problem since grapes contain too much water. Feed your pet one or two grapes once a week to avoid these health concerns.

What are the Benefits of Feeding Grapes to Bearded Dragons?

1. Water

Grapes contain water that can keep your bearded dragon hydrated. It’s essential for maintaining good health. They need to be hydrated constantly especially during the shedding season.

Bearded dragons can’t drink from a bowl of water like other animals. That means that it’s best to give them food with high water content instead.

Grapes are high in water like other fruits which can keep the bearded dragon hydrated. For bearded dragon that weighs 300 grams, they need to have 10ml of water.

The water from food and drinks should sum up to this. But avoid giving too much water to bearded dragons since it can result in diarrhea.

2. Fiber

Fiber is also essential for bearded dragons since they are herbivores. When they become adults, their diet will consist of more plant-based foods than insects.

That’s because they need more fiber to help them with digestion and gut movement. Its recommended to provide them with more fruits and vegetables as they grow older.

Grapes contain fiber which is beneficial for baby and adult bearded dragons. The baby bearded dragons will be herbivores as it grows.

Even if they are carnivorous as babies or juveniles, they still need some fiber. That will help them to digest their food better. But as they become adults they will need to eat more fiber.

3. Protein and Carbohydrates

These are important nutrients for bearded dragons. Protein and carbohydrates are needed especially when they are still young.

Both the young and adult bearded dragons need to exercise as well. That’s why they need to have the energy to do so.

To help bearded dragons to get the exercise they need is to swim. Exercising will consume the entry from protein and carbohydrates.

Grapes contain protein in small amounts. But it has a high concentration of carbohydrates. Its best to avoid feeding too many grapes to your bearded dragon.

4. Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins are essential to keep your bearded dragon healthy. If your pet has vitamin deficiency or has excessive amounts of vitamins, they can have adverse effects.

It’s important to just provide the right amount of vitamins for your pet. Vitamins like vitamin A can be toxic if fed excessively to reptiles.

Its best if you offer food with beta carotene to your bearded dragon instead. They can convert it to vitamin A and the excess beta carotene can be excreted.

While the excess amount of vitamin A will be stored in the liver. Choosing the right food for your bearded dragon will avoid health problems.

What are the Risks of Feeding Grapes to Bearded Dragons?

1. Calcium-Phosphorus Ratio

Calcium is essential for bearded dragons bone growth and development. If they have calcium deficiency, bearded dragons may suffer from metabolic bone disease.

It can lead to premature death when not treated. Luckily, calcium is available from food and supplements. But some foods like grapes contain oxalates and are high in phosphorus.

When the calcium-phosphorus ratio is unbalanced, it can hinder calcium absorption. Foods that are high in phosphorus or oxalates should be fed with care.

Some goods like avocado, iceberg lettuce, spinach, celery, and rhubarb should be avoided. Ideally, the calcium-phosphorus ratio should be 1:1 or 2:1.

2. High Sugar Content

Like any other fruit, grapes have high sugar content. Its not good for your bearded dragon since it can cause obesity.

In captivity, bearded dragons can’t exercise much. Compared to when they are in the wild, it’s hard for pet bearded dragons to manage their weight.

Feeding it too much sugar can make them obese which can cause other health concerns. The bearded dragon’s teeth may also have some problems when they eat foods high in sugar.

Limit the frequency of feeding them grapes to avoid them from consuming too much sugar.

How to Feed a Bearded Dragon Grapes?

  • Make sure to have organic grapes to avoid the trace of pesticides and other chemicals.
  • Wash the grapes thoroughly before feeding them to your bearded dragon.
  • Peel the grapes or you can also leave the skin on.
  • Remove the grape seeds to avoid impaction.
  • Mix the grapes with other fruits and veggies.
  • Remove the grapes if it’s not eaten within 10 to 15 minutes.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grape Seeds?

There are different types of grapes around and some of them have seeds. The seedless grapes is the best for your bearded dragon. Grape seeds are not bad or toxic for them since its packed with nutrients. But grape seeds can cause impactions on your bearded dragon. This means grape seeds will make them unable to defecate.

Whenever you offer grapes to your bearded dragon, make sure that the seeds are gone. It can be fatal to them if they swallow some seeds.

But in case it happens accidentally, observe the bearded dragon. If it can’t seem to release itself, it’s time to help them out.

Giving it a warm bath can help the impaction to relax. If nothing happens, you should go to the vet right away.

How to Prepare Grapes for Bearded Dragons?

Should you decide to still offer grapes to your bearded dragon, you have to prepare it properly. You can get the seedless grapes but make sure to check it again. When bearded dragons swallow grape seeds, it can cause impaction. It can be fatal for them if untreated.

Bearded dragons can eat grapes with or without the skin. Rinse them thoroughly with water to get rid of chemicals they may have.

It’s best to buy organic grapes to avoid pesticides from being ingested. After washing the grapes, cut them into four small pieces and make sure there are no seeds left.

Cutting the grapes into small pieces can make it easier for the bearded dragon to swallow. It can also eliminate the risk of choking from it.

Add the grapes with other veggies. You can rub the grapes on the other greens. It will encourage the dragon to eat their veggies.

Adding small pieces of grapes to the vegetables will trick them to eat them as well. If your bearded dragon likes grapes, make sure to add them to their salad.

They will eat the greens while they’re trying to get the grapes from it. You should feed grapes to your bearded dragon only once per week.

Bearded Dragon Eating Grapes

What Kind of Grape to Feed a Bearded Dragon?

There are different kinds of grapes that you can feed a bearded dragon. There are red, green, or purple. The beardie may prefer one color over the other. That’s because they can notice the slight difference. But all grapes provide the same nutrients. It doesn’t matter what color of grapes to feed your pet.

Grapes are also high in fiber and contain calcium. But it also contains oxalates, sugar, and water in high amounts. That’s why you should never feed your dragon more than once a week.

Remove any seeds as well before feeding bearded dragons grapes. Slice the grape into small pieces as well to avoid choking.

Make sure that the food must not be bigger than the space between their eyes. That’s the best way to know what is the bite-size for them.

Grape leaves are also healthy for bearded dragons. It’s alright to feed them grape leaves more frequently. It’s high in calcium and protein. Also, it has a low amount of phosphorus which is good for them.


1. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grape Skin?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat grape skin as well. It will not cause them any digestive issues. You can decide if you will give them grapes with or without skin. Grape skin will not cause any issues for the bearded dragon’s health.

Many bearded dragons eat grapes with the skin and it doesn’t cause them any health problems. Just make sure to wash the grapes thoroughly before feeding them.

2. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grape Leaves?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat grape leaves. It’s actually better for them than grapes themselves. The grape leaves contain more calcium and have lower phosphorus content. Its also packed with proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

That means that grape leaves are more beneficial with bearded dragons than the fruit.

3. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cotton Candy Grapes?

No, bearded dragons should not eat cotton candy grapes. The sugar content of this variety is higher than the of regular grapes. Its also high in calories which can make the bearded dragon obese. The cotton candy grapes will also cause teeth problems for your pet. It’s best to stay away from this variety.

4. How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?

Bearded dragons can only eat grapes as little as once or twice a month. It’s an ideal frequency since grapes contain a high amount of phosphorus than calcium. It will impair calcium absorption in bearded dragons if fed frequently.

Grapes are also high in sugar that can make your pet obese. It’s also bad for their teeth because of sugar.

5. How Many Grapes Can a Bearded Dragon Eat?

If you have an adult bearded dragon, you can feed it 2 to 3 pieces of grapes. For young bearded dragons, they should only eat one.

Fruits are lacking the minerals the bearded dragon needs. But you can give it as a treat occasionally. It can also encourage them to eat their veggies.

Once a week should be more than enough for them to eat grapes.


Grapes are loaded with vitamins and minerals. But it’s a different case for bearded dragons. They can have grapes but they should be fed in moderation.

Fruits such as grapes should only make a small percentage of their diet. Giving them too many fruits can hinder their calcium absorption. Make sure to only offer grapes sparingly to your bearded dragon to avoid health concerns.

As bearded dragon owners make sure to have enough calcium in your beardie’s diet to prevent calcium deficient and disease.

READ NEXT: What Do Bearded Dragons Eat? Ultimate Guide

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