Can Leopard Geckos Eat Yogurt?

Leopard geckos make cute pets, and although not very affectionate, most owners try to bond with the lizard, which is good. One of the best methods of bonding with your pet leopard gecko is by feeding it, and as an owner, you might be tempted to share your food, such as yogurt, with the gecko. But,

Can geckos eat yogurt?

Geckos may eat yogurt, but it is not suitable for them. This is because leopard geckos are insectivorous, and their body is only adapted for feeding on such. Therefore, they are unable to digest yogurt and other dairy products.

Yogurt is a super food and a staple drink for most people because it is packed with probiotics and vitamins. While you might think that your leopard gecko will get the same benefits as you do from the yogurt, the fact is that this is not the case. In fact, you should not give your leopard gecko any human food.

Below, we discuss why yogurt is not suitable for leopard geckos and what else you should avoid giving the pet lizard.

Reasons Why You Should Not Give Your Leopard Gecko Yogurt

We already know that yogurt is not suitable for leopard geckos, but why is it so?

Leopard Geckos Are Insectivorous

The primary reason you should not give your leopard gecko yogurt is that they only feed on insects. As such, their digestive system is not adapted to handling other foods. In addition, they are unable to absorb anything else other than digested insects.

No matter how nutritious a food or drink is to you, it will not benefit your leopard gecko in the same measure. In contrast, anything other than insects can make your leopard gecko sick.


Flavored yogurt, as preferred by most people, contains sugar. Sadly, leopard geckos are not used to artificial sugar in their foods, and such may upset their stomachs. They cannot handle sugary items, and intake of such can lead to diarrhea which, when prolonged, can cause dehydration.

Preservatives and Chemicals

Most yogurts have preservatives to prevent them from going bad quickly. Unfortunately, such is not suitable for leopard geckos. Preservatives can be toxic to the lizard and cause illnesses. Chemicals are also not ideal for any animal and should be avoided at all costs.

In addition to yogurts, you should avoid giving your pet leopard gecko other dairy products, including butter, cheese, casein, whey, and ice cream. These two have the same drawbacks as yogurt to your leopard gecko.

What Not To Feed Your Leopard Gecko?

Other than yogurt, there are other items that should not feature in your leopard geckos diet, including some insects. Below is a highlight of what to avoid.

Human Foods

Yogurt and all other human foods are not suitable for a leopard gecko, whether cooked or raw. So whether it’s your favorite salad, fruit, fish, or any other delicacy, know that it will do more harm to the leopard gecko than good.

Even so, you should give your pet gecko water as it helps keep them hydrated, just as it does for humans. A good mark of quality is that the water you provide the gecko should also be suitable for your consumption. Where possible, go for spring water, which is rich in natural minerals. On the other hand, distilled water should be a last resort since the distillation process removes some vital minerals.

Toxic Insects

While leopard geckos feed on insects, not all insects are good for the lizards. Some are toxic, such as fireflies, lightning bugs, and other luminous insects. On the other hand, others, such as earthworms and hornworms, are not toxic to the leopard gecko; they should only be given as a treat because they lack vital nutrients for the insect.

Wild Insects

Bugs and insects from the wild may contain pesticides, herbicides, and parasites. Such makes insects unsuitable for the lizard because chemicals harm the animal. They interfere with its growth and development, plus its digestive system. To be safe, go to a pet store or a credible breeder for excellent and safe feeder insects.

Dead Insects

Some of the best and healthy insects for leopard geckos include black soldier larvae, Dubia roaches, crickets, mealworms, super worms, silkworms, wax worms, and beetles.

Even so, these insects are only good for the leopard gecko when alive, but you should not give them to the lizard if dead. It is because dead insects accumulate bacteria and fungi, which contributes to decomposition. Such can cause diarrhea and other illnesses for the lizard. If not treated, diarrhea and fungal infections can kill a leopard gecko.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Leopard Geckos Eat Eggs?

Leopard geckos eat insects in the wild. Thus, their diet in captivity should be the same. It is not good to give your leopard gecko anything it would not eat in the wild, including eggs. Whether boiled or scrambled, eggs are not suitable for a leopard gecko.

Which Fruit Can Leopard Geckos Eat?

No fruit is good for a leopard gecko, and neither are vegetables. The lizard’s digestive system is adapted to digest insects only; thus, the lizard’s body will not break down or utilize the fruits. In addition, most fruits are rich in moisture and sugar, which is not ideal for a leopard gecko. Excess moisture causes diarrhea, while sugar can cause stomach upsets.

How Often Do Leopard Geckos Eat?

Baby and juvenile leopard geckos can eat once a day. It is vital for their growth and development, which is at a high rate at their young age. The insects should be rich in proteins and calcium. On the other hand, mature leopard geckos should feed every other day and not for more than 15 minutes.


Leopard geckos feed on insects in their native arid habitats. As such, it is not good to give them yogurt because this does not naturally occur in the wild. In addition to yogurt, you should not give your leopard gecko any other human food, including fruits, vegetables, salads, cereals, and drinks other than water.

To keep your leopard gecko healthy and safe, feed them nutritious and toxins-free insects such as crickets, dubia roaches, super worms, silkworms, and mealworms.

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