Do Bearded Dragons Have Dreams? Complete Guide

Scientists have studied brain activity in mammals but are yet to dwell too much in reptiles. However, one research in Germany involving Australian Bearded dragons indicates that, indeed, they may dream after reassessing their sleep.

Like people, reptiles experience REM sleep as well as another sleep stage known as slow-wave sleep. Only mammals were known to experience these.

Because it’s during the rapid eye movement sleep when dreams are likely to occur in people, the findings suggest that lizards may be dreamers too. What’s uncertain is what they dream about.

Maybe they dream about places with delicious insects or being with a dominant and aggressive mate in the cage. Or perhaps they dream about being on a rock on a warm day in the sun.

Why is my Bearded Dragon sleeping so much?

Relocation stress

When bearded dragons are relocated, they may experience stress from being in a new environment. This can lead to them sleeping a lot or not eating.

Ways to help your bearded dragon deal with relocation stress include providing a comfortable enclosure, providing plenty of hiding spaces, and keeping your dragon active by playing with it regularly.

Also, give him some time to adjust, and try not to overdo things by moving him around too much during his first few weeks in his new home.

They are preparing to brumate

Brumating is when a bearded dragon transitions from their inactive winter form to their active summer form. They will usually go into a dormant state for about three months but will wake up periodically and move around less.

Bearded dragons start to brumate when they reach 12 to 18 months old, where they begin to conserve energy in the winter months by reducing activity levels.

The process could last for months in the wild, but this can be significantly reduced in captivity if the conditions are right.

However, you need to worry because it’s a normal behavior in beardies and will get back to normal behavior in no time.

It’s too dark

Another possibility is that the lighting in your home is not set up correctly. Bearded dragons need bright light for their circadian rhythm and also to generate their vitamin D3 production.

However, if there is too much light in the home or you have an incorrect light set-up, it can become too bright for your bearded dragon and cause them to sleep during the day, thinking it’s nighttime.

Besides, using an incorrect light setup will make the tank chilly and cause vitamin deficiencies. Ensure you set a UVB light at the right temperature so that it can offer similar benefits to the sun. Also, avoid overly strong UVB bulbs to avoid frying the dragon.

It’s too cold

At cooler temps, your bearded dragon will sleep more than usual to conserve energy. It becomes harder to digest food when it’s too cold, leaving the weak. When they stop eating, they are going to be low energy and lose weight.

It’s therefore wise to install a thermometer in the tank and keep a close eye on them. If the ambient temperature drops below 78 degrees Fahrenheit, bearded dragons typically begin sleeping more than 12 hours daily.

They are dehydrated

Sometimes bearded dragons sleep a lot because they are dehydrated. Dehydration can happen when they don’t get enough water or when they drink water that is too hot or cold.

The best way to prevent dehydration is to give your bearded dragon plenty of water to drink and keep their basking area cool and shaded.

Also, bearded dragons get their water from food, so you need to provide more veggies and fruits as they contain more moisture. You can also offer more baths because they absorb their water through the skin.

Inadequate nutrition

Another reason why your beardie could be sleeping less than usual is due to inadequate food and nutrition.

A diet that includes a variety of insects, worms, and plants can be vital in keeping your lizards healthy and energetic. Also, provide them with enough food to encourage them to move and bask.

They are stressed out

Another possibility is that they are stressed out. A lot can happen in a short amount of time, and if your dragon is constantly on edge, it can impact its sleep cycle negatively.

They may start waking up frequently during the night or spending more and more time moving about and looking for hiding places in their environment.

If you notice any restlessness happening, it might be a good idea to take some steps to help your bearded dragon relax and sleep better.


Illness is another plausible explanation for why bearded dragons might be sleeping more than usual. Signs of illnesses in bearded dragons include swollen joints, discolored skin, dark beardies, weight loss, loss of appetite, and runny eyes, among others.

If you suspect your bearded dragon might be ill, take them to a veterinarian for physical examinations and tests.


Adult bearded dragons generally sleep more than juveniles and baby bearded dragons. Bearded dragons that are adults may need up to 12 hours of sleep per day, while baby bearded dragons only need about six hours of sleep per day.

However, most baby bearded dragons will nap for a few hours in the morning and several in the afternoon.

Wrong substrate

Sometimes owners buy the wrong substrate advertised to them as appropriate for bearded dragons.

These include sand and wood chips that may cause impaction and poisoning. If they eat the flooring, it can also cause them to become sleepy.

Lack of stimulation

If your beardie is sleeping all day, then it could be that they are lacking stimulation. Beardies in the wild hunt their own food while escaping predators, which offers enough stimulation for survival.

In captivity, it’s your job as the owner to provide stimulation activities, including offering channels and toys. Also, take your beardie outside in the sun often to play.

Is it okay to wake a sleeping bearded dragon?

While it may seem like fun waking up a sleepy bearded dragon, it’s not recommended.

Although the decision whether to wake a sleeping bearded dragon depends on the individual caretaker, it’s best to leave them alone if you are unsure. Instead, allow them to wake up naturally without doing things like increasing the temperature.

It’s okay to lower the temperature to about 70 – 70 degrees Fahrenheit at night to help them feel more comfortable. However, when your bearded dragon shows signs of brumation, it’s better to leave them to sleep.

How to support your beardie when they look extra sleepy

If your bearded dragon is sleeping more often for other reasons other than brumation, there are a few things you can do.

If this is likely to be caused by a lack of food, it’s better to provide them with more food.

For a tank that’s too cold, raise its temperature a little.

If they are stressed, offer more hide spaces and stimulation.

If they are ill, speak to your vet for an examination.

How to support your bearded during brumation

If your bearded dragon is showing signs of brumation, there are some things to do to make the process smooth and comfortable. These include:

  • Reduce the temperature a little – The first step in supporting your bearded during brumation is reducing the temperature. In fact, lowering the ambient temperature can be so effective that you may not need to do anything else! It helps them to conserve more energy by slowing down their metabolism. Aim for 68 degrees F during the day and about 60 degrees during the night.
  • Provide water – your beardie may not wake up a lot to consume anything. However, keep a bowl of water in case they sip a little bit when they wake up.
  • Provide food – in rare cases; the beardie may rise from the winter nap. Although the appetite is low during this period, it is a nice offer.
  • Leave them alone – Trying to disturb the beardie during brumation is not recommended. It’s best to leave it alone. Occasional baths may be beneficial.

How to establish a good nightly routine for your bearded dragon?

There are two major things you could do to develop a good nightly routine for your beardie. These include:

Personal schedule

Unlike humans who sleep for about 8 hours or less, you can use this to time your beardie by putting them to bed a couple of hours before yourself.

Before deciding the schedule, ensure bedtime is 12 hours after feeding. If you feed them at 8 am, it means you should turn off the sunlight bulb by 8 pm.

Adequate dark time

Bearded dragons sleep better in the dark than in UVB light. As such, ensure you keep the lights off at night to enhance their sleep. Blackout curtains are also a great option, but a shade is also enough to soften the transition from night to daytime.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can bearded dragons sleep with lights on?

Bearded dragons are nocturnal creatures, meaning that they prefer to spend their nighttime hours asleep in the dark. Still, some owners believe that bearded dragons can sleep with a light on.

No scientific evidence supports this claim, but some keepers maintain that it helps their dragons feel stimulated and comfortable.

However, it is essential to note that any kind of light should be kept very low – just enough to see the dragon’s surroundings.

How much should bearded dragons be sleeping?

Bearded dragons have unique personalities, which is the reason we love them so much. Some will sleep more than others, but you need to keep in mind that there are factors that affect how much a beardie sleeps.

That said, a healthy, normal beardie should sleep for 10-12 hours per day, but the time can reduce significantly during the summertime to about 8 hours a day. Being diurnal, beardies will sleep more during the night and remain awake for most parts of the day,

Why do bearded dragons sleep all day?

As said, beardies are diurnal and will spend most of their night asleep and wake during the day. As such, it can be worrying if your beardie spends a majority of his day sleeping. There are reasons why this can happen, and while it can naturally occur, you may want to establish the reason why.

It’s normal for a bearded dragon to nap during the day, but they should not sleep the whole day. If this happens, it’s a strong indication that they are brumating, but other severe factors like illnesses can cause it.

If you are unsure why this is happening, it’s perhaps wise to check the reasons provided in this guide to establish the reason and make adjustments, if any.

What to do if your bearded dragons continue to sleep a lot?

If you have reviewed the list and made all the adjustments you deem applicable and your beardie won’t stop sleeping a lot, it’s wise to go to the next step, which is contacting your vet and letting them examine your beardie.

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