Do Leopard Geckos Bite? Reasons & What To Do

Yes, leopard geckos do bite especially when they are threatened. In most cases, leopard gecko bites don’t break the skin, but on rare occasions, they might inflict painful wounds. You can avoid this by regularly handling and socializing with your gecko.

Will My Gecko Bite Me?

The likelihood of getting bit by a leopard gecko is low. If threatened, geckos would rather run away and hide than bite someone. However, despite being taunted as the most docile lizards, they will not shy from fighting back when they are in danger.

Therefore, a leopard gecko can bite with its mouth. However, it’s rare for leopard geckos to inflict bites that require medical attention.

Once bitten, you’ll quickly learn that their bites aren’t painful. Most people compare the sensation of being bitten by a gecko to that of being pinched.

Leopard geckos cannot create a considerable amount of bite force since they have extremely small jaws and muscles. Since they have such a tiny mouth and set of teeth, their bites are usually harmless.

Are Leopard Geckos Aggressive?

No, leopard geckos are calm and docile. However, there are situations in which they may show aggression or other warning indications.

Leopard geckos, both young and old, are friendly enough to be kept as pets. The way your pet gecko acts is crucial because it shows how happy and healthy it is.

When baby geckos are brought to a household for the first time, they’re likely to display aggressiveness more often.

While there are undoubtedly some very sassy leopard geckos, most can be socialized and trained to live peacefully and interact with humans.

However, it will take some time for your new leopard gecko to become well-adjusted to you and your new environment.

5 Reasons Why Leopard Geckos Bite Humans

1. Starvation

Your leopard gecko may bite you if you have been starving it for a while. Leos usually bite when they are hungry. For example, if you’re used to feeding your leo with your hands, they might mistake your finger for a tasty worm. However, since your finger is too big, leos will realize their mistake and let go.  

Conversely, when you use a powdered supplement to coat the insects, and some of the powder ends up on your finger, you may risk getting a bite.

When you put your hand in the leopard gecko’s terrarium when hungry, they may be tempted to make your finger a snack.

2. Defense Mechanism

While leos are known for being calm, they also have to defend themselves when threatened. Usually, male geckos are territorial and will try to defend their territory.

Although leopard geckos may try many other things to scare aware predators, they may inflict bites when they feel cornered. When you unexpectedly startle or place your hand in the cage, leos might react aggressively by biting you.

3. Poor Handling

When geckos are brought to a new environment, they need to be allowed to familiarize themselves with the new surroundings. You shouldn’t try to touch or socialize with them for the first few weeks. If you handle them during this period, they might be aggressive and even bite you.

Conversely, once you have tamed your leo, observe it for signs of aggressiveness before handling or petting it.

If you pick your gecko against its will, hold it without providing the necessary support, or restrain it with too much force that makes it uncomfortable, it might try to rescue itself from your hands by biting you.

4. Mating

Both female and male geckos may get a little aggressive during the mating season. The male will try to protect the female if they think you’re a threat.

Conversely, when females are gravid, they don’t like to be touched and might get aggressive and even inflict bites if you try to catch them.

5. Personality and Temperament

Although most leos are easy to tame and handle, others don’t. Every gecko is unique in its way and has its personality.

Some scaly reptiles want to be left alone and express displeasure and discontent by gently wagging their tail back and forth or making a high-pitched screeching noise. If you don’t heed their warning, they’ll resort to biting to ensure you get the message.

Will a Leopard Gecko Bite Hurt?

Leopard gecko bites are often harmless and won’t cause extensive injury. Therefore, even if you’re the unluckiest person and adopt the nastiest, angriest, and most grumpy gecko that bites now and then, you can be certain that it won’t cause extensive injury.

Most people who have suffered a leopard gecko bite in the past claim that their pride is what gets damaged rather than their fingers getting hurt. So, unless you have an existing wound, a Leo’s bite will feel like a pinch and won’t cause distress and pain.

However, this doesn’t mean that a really large leopard gecko can’t bite hard enough to cause a little bleeding. This is likely to occur if the gecko bites a particularly tender spot, such as the webbing between fingers. Certainly, this is not a common occurrence, as geckos tend to become less aggressive as they age.

Are Leopard Geckos Venomous?

No, leopard geckos don’t have any venom in their teeth, their bites are not poisonous. However, these lizards could possibly carry bacteria on their teeth. If their bite breaks the skin, you should apply some disinfectant to avoid infection.

What Can I Do to Avoid Being Bitten?

Here are insights on how to avoid getting bitten by a leopard gecko.

Avoid Handling or Touching New Leopard Geckos

If you just got a leopard gecko, don’t touch or try to socialize with it. It’s not unusual for your leo to get terrified of the new environment. Until at least three weeks after bringing home your leopard gecko, you should refrain from handling it.

During the first two weeks, your only responsibilities will be to clean its tank and provide it with food and water. After three weeks, you can start to feed your leopard gecko by hand and try to pet it. Then, try to place the palm of your hand on the terrarium floor and see if the gecko will climb on it.

Don’t rush anything when taming your leo is new. If it displays aggressive behavior even after three weeks, give it more time to relax and get comfortable.

Take Care When Feeding Your Leopard Gecko

As a leopard gecko owner, you must avoid starving your scaly friend. If your lizard goes for a long time without food, don’t be surprised if they bite you when you put your hand inside its cage.

Conversely, avoid hand-feeding your lizard, especially when they are starving or new. Although they don’t usually bite people intentionally, it’s preferable to use tongs or put the insects in a bowl if you don’t want to get bitten. However, you shouldn’t have any issues if you don’t mind little scratches and bites.

Providing Better Living Conditions and Getting Rid of Things That Might Scare Your Leo

One of the reasons why leos become aggressive is if they’re not receiving proper care. Once you add a gecko to your home, ensure they live in a properly designed tank. The temperature, humidity, and substrate should be ideal for its survival.

Conversely, keep the Leo’s terrarium from areas such as playgrounds, roads, or near other household pets such as cats and dogs. If you don’t provide proper living conditions, your lizard can get stressed and become more aggressive.

What To Do When Bitten by A Leopard Gecko?

If a leopard gecko bites you, you should ensure the injured region is completely cleaned with water and antibacterial soap. If the skin is broken, use a bandage to cover the wound after cleaning to avoid germs.

You can also apply antibiotic ointment, and if you are still concerned, don’t hesitate to visit a medical doctor for further guidance.

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