Unfortunately, bearded dragons can’t go on for long without heat. They should not be left without heat for more than 24 hours. They are textiles which means they are cold-blooded. Bearded dragons need to have an external heat source. It will help them to regulate their body temperature so they can stay healthy. They will end up sick without a heat source.
Bearded dragons need heat to function properly. If they don’t, they can’t move normally. That can affect their hunting ability as well. They need heat so that their body functions will work as they should.
Without the heat, they can’t digest their food. It will just remain on its stomach for a long time.
When this happens, the food will start to rot inside their stomach. Not only the bearded dragon will not get any nutrients from the food.
It can also cause them harm when it rots inside the body. The colder the temperature is, the worse effect it will have on them.
When the bearded dragon is placed at 77 F, it will not be so bad for your pet. It can still move and digest the food when it eats. But the bearded dragon’s body may not work efficiently as it should.
It needs to have access to the basking spot where it can get a heat source to warm up.
What If You Can’t Get a Heat Bulb for Your Bearded Dragon?
It will not be good if you can’t get a heat bulb when it suddenly breaks. Find another way to provide heat for your bearded dragon. If you can’t get the heat bulb right away, that’s the best thing to do. Use whatever heat source you can have for your beardie.
If you have a heat mat, use it for the bearded dragon in the meantime. That will do until you can finally get a new heat bulb.
If you don’t have a heat mat, find another heat source. Use water bottles and fill them with warm water to put on your bearded dragon.
Some pet owners use grain pillows so that the bearded dragon can stay warm. Just be careful not to burn your pet from it.
Make sure that the pillow is not too hot. If you’re using water bottles, check the temperature as well. You don’t want to have an accident from using this temporary heating.
Another way to keep your bearded dragon fine is to give it a warm bath. Completely dry it up after to make sure that it will not end up feeling cold.
Just make sure to find another way to provide some heat for your dragon. It will be easier to get a new heat bulb. Get a spare to avoid this from happening again.
Heating Devices for the Bearded Dragon Enclosure
1. Heat Basking Light
This is made of incandescent bulbs that are designed to provide heat. It has different sizes and variations depending on your needs. You can find it from pet supply stores. This can range from 10 watts to 150 watts. Just choose the one made for reptiles. It will ensure your bearded dragon will have enough heat.
Halogen bulbs can also be good for the basking area. They have a longer life compared to incandescent bulbs.
But the halogen bulbs can be too hot for your reptile. It may not be ideal for your pet since it can burn them. Be careful when using halogen bulbs to avoid accidents.
You can use the dome-style fixture for basking bulbs. It should include a high heat ceramic socket. Mount it to the lampstand so it can be hung over the enclosure.
Make it safe for your bearded dragon by making sure it’s not too close. It can burn them if they manage to reach the heat lamp.
2. Mercury Vapor
This will provide UVA and UVB radiation for your bearded dragon. It’s also a good source of heat. It’s a good option so you don’t have to install different bulbs on the enclosure.
This will provide your bearded dragon with the heat and UV radiation it needs to stay healthy.
3. Ceramic Heat Emitters
The ceramic heat emitters can provide radiant heat for the enclosure. The difference is, they didn’t have visible light. It’s a good heat source for nighttime.
You can mount the ceramic heat emitters the same as basking bulbs. It’s best to use it at night so that the bearded dragon’s sleep will not be disturbed.
4. Night Lamps
The night lamps enhance the environment of the enclosure at night. Just like other animals, bearded dragons sleep at night. But this bulb also supports nocturnal activity. Nighttime bulbs are normally incandescent bulbs.
These are low in wattages and don’t provide too much light. But it can still supply heat for the tank. The light is invisible for bearded dragons.
5. Under Tank Heat Pads
These are flat heat pads that you can stick at the bottom or side of the tank. It can provide low gradient heat for the bearded dragon.
While the substrate heaters can provide enough heat on the substrate. The under-tank heat pads are good to enhance the heat. It also warms up the substrate during the winter.
6. Heat Rocks
It will provide heat and is similar to real rocks that give off radiant heat. But it can burn the bearded dragon’s belly when it lays down on the heat rock.
Although it can give off heat, it’s better not to use it for the bearded dragon’s enclosure. It can harm your pet so don’t use it even if it is widely available.
What is the Right Temperature for Bearded Dragons by Stage?
1. Baby Bearded Dragon
(Newborn to 5 Months Old)
For the baby bearded dragon, the ambient temperature of their enclosure should be 80F to 85F. Their basking area must be between 95F to 110F. The opposite side of the terrarium must have a lower temperature than their basking area which is 80F to 90F.
2. Juvenile Bearded Dragon
(6 Months to 18 Months Old)
The juvenile bearded dragon’s enclosure temperature should be a little colder. Unlike the baby bearded dragon, they don’t need too much heat anymore. The basking area should be between 95F to 100F. You must have a cooler region around the terrarium as well. It should be around 80F to 90F.
3. Adult Bearded Dragon
(18 Months Old and Above)
For the adult bearded dragon, they can already have a colder basking area. The temperature can range from 90F to 93F. The other area of their enclosure can be kept between 80F to 90F. The colder area of the terrarium should be the same as the baby and juvenile bearded dragons.
What Are the Other Things to Consider?
1. Night Temperatures
At night, the temperature will naturally drop between 72F to 80F inside the terrarium. It’s normal since the sun is no longer available.
If the temperature in the enclosure drops lower when you turn off the heat and light sources, use a heating device. It’s best to choose a heat source that doesn’t emit visible light.
2. Thermometers
Using thermometers will be ideal for the basking area and the colder area of the enclosure. It will help to monitor the temperature inside constantly.
You can also use a good hydrometer for the terrarium. It will help to monitor the humidity levels inside. Keep the humidity between 35% to 40% inside the enclosure but not more than 55%.
3. Create a Temperature Gradient
Make sure to have a consistent temperature gradient all over the enclosure. The hottest area should be on the basking spot. While the coolest must be on the opposite side of the terrarium.
That means that the warmest must be the basking area. It should cool down slowly until the coldest area of the enclosure.
What is the Right Temperature for Bearded Dragons?
The right temperature for the bearded dragon is not just a single one. There should be four sets of temperatures to be right for your reptile. It will be different from these four different areas of their enclosure. These temperatures will vary but they have specific functions. If you’re a beginner, keep on reading.
1. Basking Area Temperature
The bearded dragon enclosure should have a basking area. It’s where the heat lamp should be located. This is the spot where your bearded dragon will rest and absorb the heat and UV radiation it needs. The temperature in the basking area should be 100 to 110F for babies and juveniles. The adult beardies need 105F for the basking area.
2. Overall Temperature
The overall temperature on the terrarium should be about 90F. That applies to babies, juveniles, and adult bearded dragons. Make sure that your pet will have this temperature inside the enclosure. It doesn’t matter what age your beardie is when it comes to the overall temperature of their habitat.
3. Hiding Spot Temperature
Bearded dragons like to have a hiding spot. It is located on the opposite side of the basking area. They need a place to go to cool down and relax. The temperature of the hiding spot must be cooler and should be around 70F to 85F. This area is where the bearded dragon relaxes to avoid stress.
Do Bearded Dragons Need Heat at Night?
Yes, bearded dragons need heat even at night. But they don’t need the light anymore so you can turn off the heat lamp. Although the temperature will also slowly decrease. That’s why you need to monitor the temperature to ensure it will not drop below 65F to 70F. You can use a thermometer to know the temperature inside the enclosure.
Find a good thermometer that is reliable. Some thermometers can give a wrong reading. So make sure to get the best one that you can afford. That way, you can make temperature adjustments at night.
But let the temperature drop between 70F to 75F. It will simulate the same temperature in the wild. This will help the bearded dragon’s health.
Turn off the light source at night to make the temperature lower. It will help the bearded dragon to know that it’s time to rest. But if it falls below 70F, you should add some heating source.
Use heat pads or ceramic heat emitters. These will not disturb the bearded dragon since they didn’t give off light. It will not disturb your pet while it’s sleeping.
Use a good thermometer to monitor the temp stature in the terrarium. It’s highly recommended since it can help to monitor the temperature. The digital thermometer is not recommended to use.
These are usually not can and can leave you guessing. You should also establish the day and night cycle.
Should You Use a Timer for the Heat Lights?
It’s not efficient to just manually turn the lights on and off. If you’re busy with something, you might forget to switch on and off the lights.
That can be a problem for your dragon since it messes up its circadian rhythm. It will not recognize the difference between night and day.
It’s best to use a timer for the heat lights so that they can be on or off when needed. Doing this at the right time is important. You can get automatic basking lights for your pet.
This will help you to remember to turn on the lights during the day. While you have to turn off the lights at night so your dragon can rest.
Also, find a timer that can automatically turn the lights on and off. It’s recommended to use an automatic timer. That way, it can easily control the lights on the terrarium.
It will help to ensure that the lights will automatically turn on and off. Doing so will help your dragon to remain healthy.
Do Bearded Dragons Need Heat During Brumation?
Bearded dragons will go into brumation when they are suddenly held in captivity. If you think that your dragon is about to brumate, you should turn on the heat.
That way, it will avoid brumation and become active again. But what if it already goes through brumation?
While on brumation, bearded dragons don’t like being disturbed. It’s best to just turn the heat gradually to provide the right temperature it needs.
Use a heat source that doesn’t emit visible light to avoid disturbing the bearded dragon. You can also ask for the vet’s advice regarding the brumation period.
How Long Can Bearded Dragons Survive Without Heat?
Bearded dragons will be alright without heat within 24 hours. As long as the temperature is not excessively cold for them, they should be fine. If the temperature went below 65F, that would be a problem. Avoid the temperature from the enclosure to become too cold.
These reptiles are more accustomed to the warm environment. Bearded dragons are usually found in the desert. That’s why they require a warm habitat in captivity. Their bodies can adapt better to high temperatures. Providing a warm environment is better.
Why Do Bearded Dragons Need Heat?
The reason why bearded dragons need heat is that they came from the desert. They’re used to living in warm environments when they were still in the wild.
Although the main reason is that they are cold-blooded. Their bodies don’t produce heat and need to have a warm enclosure to remain active.
Heat is essential for bearded dragons to regulate their body temperature. Although they also need heat for proper digestion.
Without the heat, the bearded dragon will not be able to digest food. It can get stuck inside their stomach and may rot. That will be harmful to rewarded dragons.
When the weather is too cold for bearded dragons, they will go on forced brumation. When the temperature drops, the bearded dragon will be sleeping for a while.
Brumation is similar to hibernation for other animals. It’s natural for them but it only occurs during the cold months. But forced brumation causes health problems for bearded dragons.
What Will You Do When Power Goes Out?
When the power goes out, that can be tough for the owners of bearded dragons. If you’re a new owner of a bearded dragon, it can be stressful. It will make you worried about your pet since the power may last for hours or even days. But you need to stay calm.
Beardies can survive for 24 hours without heat. When the power goes out, cover the terrarium with a thick cloth. It will help the heat to stay longer inside the enclosure.
That means that it will stay warm longer. But in case the power outage takes a few days, you have to try to find the best alternative source.
If the power did not go back soon, make sure to have a plan. Place some warm water bottles around the tank. That will keep the temperature high.
You can also try to find different heat sources. It will help your bearded dragon to stay warm while trying to find a better solution.
How Cold Can Bearded Dragons Handle?
Without heat, it will be hard for bearded dragons to survive. They can live around 24 hours in a cold place. If the bearded dragon gets exposed to a low temperature, it can cause them to have health problems. Bearded dragons can survive 64F. If it’s below that temperature, it can be bad for your pet.
When the bearded dragon gets exposed to a cold environment, it can be a health issue. Monitor your pet’s behavior. It can be a symptom of a disease.
Bring your pet to a vet right away. That will ensure that you can get the medical treatment your beardie may need.
Can Bearded Dragons Survive Without UV Light?
Yes, bearded dragons can survive without UV light. Although it can only survive for 1 to 2 days without UV lights. It will end up being malnourished. Reptiles have better access to the sun when they are in the wild. They also need that heat and UV light source when they are in captivity.
Bearded dragons need to have vitamin D to absorb calcium. They need a lot of calcium to stay active. In case of a power outage, they need to find another way.
Going directly to the sun is the best option. Provide your pet with a UV bulb if you can’t bring it outside the house.
When there’s a power interruption, the best way is to expose them to direct sunlight. That means that you need to bring it outside.
The UV rays cant penetrate the glass on the terrarium. Just expose it to direct sunlight which is an easier and free power source.
During power interruption, the only option left in direct sunlight. In this case, you can bring your beardie outside. Make sure that it is pure sunlight. UV rays do not penetrate through glass. You have to take the bearded dragon outside. Expose it to the sun to get the UV radiation the bearded dragon needs.