Majestic Blazing Blizzard Leopard Gecko (Complete Guide)

The Blazing Blizzard leopard gecko is a one-of-a-kind lizard distinguished by its unique coloring and large fat-storage tail. The Blazing Blizzard is a hybrid morph that combines the recessive traits of two species, the Blizzard and the Albino leopard gecko.

Like the standard leopard gecko, the Blazing Blizzard has interesting qualities and behavior and is loved by many because of their obedience, sociability, and ease of maintenance. These scaly friends adjust well to human care and are easy to care for, even for a first-time owner.

However, to take care of the Blazing Blizzard gecko morphs and provide them with the highest quality of life, you need to understand everything about them. Do you wish to learn more about them? This comprehensive guide has all the information you need about this amazing leopard gecko morph.

Blazing Blizzard Leopard Gecko Appearance & Morphs

The Blazing Blizzard leopard gecko is a gorgeous morph perfect for reptile lovers looking for an aesthetic pet with a wide variety of interesting traits. The gecko adorns white or yellowish-white hues and comes with different eye colors depending on the variant. The Blizzard morph was discovered in 1995 by Jay Villa, owner of Prehistoric Pets. It’s from this morph that the Blazing Blizzard was produced.  

The Blazing Blizzard leopard gecko is a rare and striking morph created by combining the Blizzard and Albino recessive genes. As mentioned earlier, these geckos are distinguished by their uniformly bright white or yellowish-white coloring and the absence of any distinguishing bands or markings.

Another unique characteristic of the Blazing Blizzard leopard gecko is its eyes. They boast eye colors that range from red to pink to black (snake eyes) to normal, depending on the albino strain it was crossed with. This gives the Blazing Blizzard its unique look and makes each gecko slightly different from the next.

·      Blazing Blizzard Leopard Gecko Morphs And Variations

So far, gecko breeders have managed to create several Blazing Blizzard variants like:

  • Tremper Blazing Blizzard
  • Rainwater Blazing Blizzard
  • Bell Blazing Blizzard.  

There is also another variant that is still under development, known as the Blazing Banana Blizzard. Most of the time, Blazing Banana Blizzard’s eyes look like the Albino type they were bred from, and their bodies display typically patternless features.

How Big Do Blazing Blizzard Leopard Geckos Get?

The only differences between Blazing Blizzard geckos and typical geckos are their unique colors and patternless bodies. However, when it comes to size, these lizards are the same size, measuring around 7-10 inches. The average length of a female is 7 to 8 inches, while the average length of a male is 8 to 10 inches.

Blazing Blizzard Lifespan

Leopard geckos are known to outlive other reptiles of the same size. In the wild, the gecko can live between 6-10 years. However, these pesky animals can live for 10-20 years when brought into captivity.

Captive-bred leopard geckos live longer than wild geckos because they have a controlled and stable environment, a balanced diet, and access to regular veterinary care. These factors promote their overall health and well-being, leading to longer lifespans.

Caring for A Blazing Blizzard Leopard Gecko

Taking care of a Blazing Blizzard leopard gecko is a rewarding experience. However, no matter how long you’ve been into reptiles or if you’re a first-time gecko owner, you need to pay attention to details and have a relentless commitment to giving geckos a good environment.

The first step of caring for your leopard gecko is to ensure that it has a proper habitat that mimics its natural environment in the Asian deserts. The terrarium should be large, airy, and warm. It should have a warmer section that gets up to around 93 degrees Fahrenheit for basking and a colder spot that stays about 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

 Leopard geckos are solitary creatures that benefit from having a safe, private area to hide when they feel threatened. And since these creatures are native to dry areas, they don’t need high humidity. The humidity levels should be kept around 30-40%.

You also need to ensure that your gecko has an unlimited source of nutrition. Since these leos are insectivorous, they should be provided with a diverse range of insects. Put a glass bowl inside the cage to keep the gecko hydrated.

Maintaining a sanitary habitat by dusting and wiping down the gecko’s cage and accessories is also essential. You should clean its enclosure once a week and do a thorough cleaning once a month.

Interacting and handling your Blazing Blizzard gecko is crucial for its overall well-being. Lastly, be mindful of your Blazing Blizzard health. Watch out for signs of illness and keep up with all vet appointments. Having a professional vet on your speed dial can help you keep your lizard healthy, as they can offer advice on what to do if something goes wrong.

Keep reading to get a comprehensive understanding of how to care for your Blazing Blizzard leopard gecko!

Blazing Blizzard Leopard Gecko Shedding

Similar to how toddlers outgrow their clothing, Blazing Blizzards must lose their old skin for their bodies to grow. Usually, these geckos shed their exoskeleton in chunks or flakes over many days. While snakes shed their skins gradually over time, leos seem to do it all at once, almost in one piece.

When it comes to more seasoned leo enthusiasts, shedding is a somewhat low-key occurrence. But for newcomers, it may be a source of stress and anxiety. The shedding process typically takes 1-3 days, with the head being the first to lose its skin. When Geckos are about to shed, they display signs such as:

  • Loose, peeling skin
  • Skin color becomes pale or dull
  • Biting, wagging their tails, and other defensive moves
  • Hiding on the warm side of the terrarium
  • Hunger strikes

Your leo may sway their body and pull and tug at the old skin using their mouth or rubbing against rough surfaces. The frequency of shedding in leopard geckos depends on their growth rate. Geckos that have reached maturity usually shed their skin once per one or two months. However, younger leos may do so once every one or two weeks. Although there is no set time of year for molting, it is uncommon for adult leos to lose their skin when they are brumating or pregnant.

Please refrain from handling your leo when they are going through their shedding process because they might become irritable and even aggressive. Instead, please provide them with the best conditions and let nature take its course.

You can help your leopard gecko shed successfully by:

  1. Feed a proper diet, including live insects, and supplement them with calcium, vitamin D3, and multivitamins.
  2. Ensure proper hydration through misting, bathing, and maintaining appropriate humidity levels (30-40% RH).
  3. Provide moist hides in the enclosure for your gecko before shedding.
  4. Provide low-level UVB lighting to aid digestion and nutrient absorption.
  5. Add rough-textured furniture in the tank to aid in shedding.

Hibernation in Blazing Blizzard Gecko

Hibernation, or brumation, is a normal and healthy behavior for various animals, including the Blazing Blizzard leopard gecko. During brumation, the leo gecko’s metabolism slows dramatically, and it only uses up energy at around half its regular rate.

Brumation can last anywhere from two weeks to three months, depending on the gecko’s age, size, weight, temperature, and environment. As the gecko begins to awaken in the early spring, it is important to return it to a warm climate of roughly 74°F as soon as possible to prevent its body temperature from dropping too low.

While it’s typical for wild geckos in cold regions to hibernate during winter, it’s not normal in captive-bred geckos. Usually, most gecko keepers agree that they have never seen their geckos brumate. To assist leopard geckos in recovering some of the weight, they lost during hibernation, feed them high-calorie meals like crickets, mealworms, and wax worms.

When geckos are about to brumate, they may display various signs, such as:

  • Hiding for an extended period
  • Less defecation
  • Refusing to eat
  • Less movement around the cage
  • Losing weight

Breeders sometimes force geckos to brumate in preparation for the breeding period. While this is acceptable since breeders know what they are doing, regular pet owners are warned against forcing their geckos to brumate. This is because the process can take a toll on leo’s health and lead to unexpected problems.

Establish a suitable environment with numerous hiding spots to prepare a leopard gecko for hibernation. Additionally, reduce illumination and warmth to normal levels and adjust their eating patterns. You should stop feeding them completely if they have not surfaced from their hiding for two weeks.

Avoid waking up or exposing the gecko to bright lights during brumation. Don’t hesitate to talk to a professional vet if you’re worried about your gecko.

Blazing Blizzard Leopard Gecko Nutritional Requirement

Like all the other leopard geckos, Blazing Blizzard leopard geckos are insectivorous and won’t savor anything else besides insects. These lizards enjoy the thrill of hunting insects down and should be fed on live insects. Some staples you can provide your gecko include crickets, mealworms, phoenix worms, flies, and roaches. Your leopard gecko can occasionally eat hornworms, silkworms, superworms, and butterworms since they have high-fat content.

The feeding frequency will depend on your gecko’s age and size. Young and juvenile Blazing Blizzard geckos should be fed 2-3 times daily. This will ensure they get all the nutrients they need for their rapid growth. However, adult lizards need to eat at least 2-3 times per week since they don’t need too many nutrients.

An essential part of feeding leos is ensuring they eat gut-loaded insects. In this process, the insects are fed a healthy diet before feeding them to the gecko. This ensures that the bugs deliver the gecko a variety of nutrients. This is significant since leopard geckos can’t break down plant nutrients. Commercially prepared bug food can be found in local and online pet stores, and the best part is that there are already gut-loaded.

Since geckos don’t get enough calcium and vitamin D3 from insects, you need to offer supplements to ensure they get these items in abundance. You should dust feeder insects with calcium and vitamin D3 supplements 2-3 times a week. This will ensure that the gecko gets enough calcium for healthy bones and overall health. Alternatively, you can put the calcium supplement in a shallow dish for geckos to lick.

In summary, the basic diet of leopard geckos consists mainly of insects. An essential part of a leopard gecko’s diet includes insects that have been gut loaded and dusted with a calcium supplement. Leopard geckos make great pets due to their ease of care and less food consumption.


Maintaining a constant supply of clean water is essential for leopard geckos. You should put some water in a bowl and place it in the tank. However, to keep the enclosure clean and prevent your Leo from getting sick, the water must be cleaned every day or as soon as it becomes dirty.

It’s crucial to remember that leopard geckos obtain more hydration from their environment than from drinking water. Misting the enclosure helps maintain the proper humidity level, which is essential for the gecko’s overall health and hydration.

Providing a humid hide in the enclosure is also essential for the health and well-being of leopard geckos. This hide provides a moist, dark, and secure place for the gecko to retreat to and helps to regulate the humidity levels in the enclosure.

Blazing Blizzard Leopard Gecko Housing Requirement

Leopard geckos don’t require a particularly large cage, which is one of the best aspects of providing care for these reptiles. Actually, putting them in a habitat that is initially too large may generate unnecessary stress.

A glass aquarium is the right vivarium type if you want your Blazing Blizzard gecko to be happy and healthy. This is because it weighs less than alternatives, doesn’t become too hot or moist, and is easy to clean. Luckily, glass tanks are easy to find and buy online or at pet stores.

Geckos are adapted to living in various environments, ranging from the cracks between railroad ties to the recesses in the banks of dry riverbeds. As such, you must provide a terrarium that accurately represents their native environment.

·      Tank Size

Leopard geckos are mostly ground dwellers; thus, you should choose a tank that is extensive vertically rather than horizontally. Adult leopard geckos may live well in a 20-gallon long tank. However, if you don’t mind splurging, you can invest in a 35-gallon tank.

If you plan to keep several Blazing Blizzard leopard geckos in the same cage, you’ll need to get a larger tank. The rule of thumb is to provide at least 10 gallons of space for each gecko. The top is often made of a metal mesh screen that lets in light and heat while preventing the gecko from escaping. Additionally, it prevents predators from getting into the cage.

·      Heating

Since leopard geckos are cold-blooded, they need an external heat source to thermoregulate. Your leopard gecko’s tank should include a temperature gradient so that they can pick whether to bask in a warmer or colder region.

Keep the tank’s warm side at 87–90 degrees Fahrenheit, with a basking region at 92 degrees. A ceramic heater and an under-tank heat mat can help you do this. Leopard geckos require abdominal heat for proper digestion. Consequently, an under-tank heating mat is an optimal choice.

The mat should cover one-third of the floor space of the aquarium to create the ideal-sized basking zone. A 6-by-8-inch, 8-watt heat mat is ideal for a 20-gallon aquarium. A 75 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit temperature range is suitable for the enclosure’s cool side. If a heating pad is utilized on the warm side of the tank, an overhead heater may be necessary to provide the required temperature throughout the cage.

It’s imperative to ensure that nighttime temperatures don’t plummet below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, ensure that you invest in digital thermometers to monitor and control the temperature inside the terrarium. Monitoring the temperatures inside the tank will assist in detecting any potential problems with the equipment before they become serious issues.

·      Lighting Requirement

Even though leopard geckos are crepuscular, providing them with adequate lighting is an important element of their care. While there is a popular belief that leo’s don’t need day lighting since they spend the day sleeping, the truth is that they need it to maintain their circadian rhythm and make sense of the day/night cycle.

If you want to provide a healthy and stable environment for your leopard gecko, it’s crucial to maintain a consistent cycle of light and darkness. The light source should be set on a timer to provide 12 hours of light daily.

Since recent research shows that leopard geckos can also benefit from UVB lighting, it won’t hurt to add some UVB bulbs in the cage. However, since leos are sensitive to excess light, you should only use UVB light bulbs with less than 6% output.

·      Humidity Requirement

Originally from the deserts of the Middle East, leopard geckos are now a common household pet thanks to their calm demeanor and low maintenance requirements. A common misconception among new gecko owners is that their environments must always have a low humidity level.

However, you’ll be surprised to learn that Blazing Blizzard leopard geckos need an ideal humidity of 30–40%. Low humidity in a gecko’s vivarium will lead to dehydration, and excess moisture will lead to the growth of pathogens and may cause respiratory infections. All it takes to get the humidity to the right level is placing a shallow water bowl in the gecko’s cage.

However, it’s crucial to note that leos will need a relatively higher humidity when shedding. Rather than increasing the moisture in the cage, you should add a humid hide with a humidity of between 70% and 80%.

·      Substrate

Another important element in the leopard gecko’s terrarium is the right substrate. This is the material used to cover the floor of your pet’s cage. Even though there are many choices in the market, it is important to pick one that is safe and good for your pet.

 Avoid gravel, wood chips, or sand with small, indigestible pieces. Leopard geckos could get clogged up and impacted by these things, which can be very detrimental to their health. When an animal swallows an object that is too big to pass down the gut, this is what is known as impaction.

Some of the ideal substrates for Blazing Blizzard geckos include:

  • Paper towels
  • Newspapers
  • Stone slate
  • Bioactive substrates. This combines clay, pebbles, organic topsoil, and sand.
  • Tiles

·      Décor and Accessories

Of course, you must add accessories such as a water bowl, food dish, heat, and light sources to your leopard gecko’s tank. However, you can add live plants, flat stones, hollow branches, and sticks as natural decorations. To create a near-natural habitat, you can add flat pebbles, logs, and low-hanging branches.

Blazing Blizzard Leopard Gecko Behavior and Temperament

Like other leopard geckos, Blazing Blizzard geckos will remain in their shelters (hide boxes) throughout the day. Even though you could catch one or two of them enjoying the sunshine, they are usually active between the hours of sunset and sunrise. Despite their seeming sluggishness, these lizard-like creatures are anything but dull.

It is possible to house leopard geckos in groups. However, to avoid violence and fights, you must prepare the arrangement correctly. Males should never be housed together since they can become territorial and aggressive.

The Blizzard Leopard Gecko is a friendly, curious, and calm reptile. Having high social intelligence, they are comfortable with physical contact. However, if they are handled excessively, they may become stressed and start to wag their tails to warn you.

It’s important to note that these geckos won’t like to be handled from the word go. Therefore, you’ll need to approach them with caution and take your time to make them feel comfortable first.

Handling Blazing Blizzard Leopard Geckos

Geckos are delicate and slow leopard geckos. Therefore, you should be careful when interacting with or holding them. Please allow them to stay for up to three weeks before you interact with them so that they can get used to their environment. These care instructions can help you handle your leo successfully:

  • Allow the gecko to become accustomed to your scent and presence before attempting to handle it.
  • Avoid making quick movements or loud noises.
  • To avoid stress and damage, always handle them carefully and slowly.
  • It’s best to avoid constant contact with your leopard gecko as it might get stressed and uncomfortable
  • Don’t grab the tail. Geckos have a defense mechanism that causes their tails to detach if you try to grasp them by the tail.
  • Don’t handle your gecko when it’s shedding.

Keep in mind that each leopard gecko has its own needs and tolerances. Safe and pleasant handling experiences can be ensured by keeping a close eye on your gecko and responding appropriately to its cues.

Common Health Issues in Blazing Blizzard Leopard Geckos

Despite being taunted as hardy, Blazing Blizzard leopard geckos are susceptible to various health complications. These include:

  • Impaction. This condition can occur in geckos if they consume indigestible items that clog the digestive tract. Choosing the right substrate, maintaining a clean aquarium, and not feeding your gecko any indigestible foods will help reduce the risk of gastrointestinal obstruction.
  • Metabolic Bone Disease. Geckos can get MBD if they do not eat enough calcium and vitamin D3. This can make their bones weak and more likely to break. If you want to keep your Blazing Blizzard Leopard Gecko from getting MBD, giving it a healthy diet and extra calcium is important.
  • Dehydration. Your gecko may become dehydrated if it is not receiving enough water or if its cage is too dry. Dehydration is a significant medical issue that, if untreated, can be fatal. Dryness and wrinkled skin are indicators of dehydration.
  • Respiratory Illnesses. Your Blazing Blizzard Leopard Gecko may get respiratory illnesses if it is kept in chilly conditions for too long. This can impair its immunity, making it more prone to respiratory infections. You must keep the humidity above 30-40% and temperatures above 75°F if you want to mitigate the risks of respiratory diseases.

It is essential to offer your Blazing Blizzard Leopard Gecko proper care and attention to avoid these health complications. Seek veterinarian care as soon as possible if you believe your gecko is suffering from any of these conditions.

How Much Do Blazing Blizzard Leopard Geckos Cost

A Blizzard Leopard geckos are less expensive than some rare morphs, such as the Black Pearl leopard gecko. However, their prices range from $75 to $230. You should purchase your gecko from a reputable reptile retailer or breeder to avoid future problems. Alternatively, you could buy an egg and incubate it yourself to be involved in the hatching process and care for the gecko from the start.


Without any reasonable doubt, Blazing Blizzard geckos are some of the most appealing and colorful leopard gecko morphs. Their yellowish-whitish appearance makes them some of the most highly sought geckos. So, if you’re confused about which gecko morph to bring home, the Blazing Blizzard gecko is an ideal choice.

But remember, you need to provide these lizards with unrivaled care for them to live healthy lives. You must offer them a perfect home, food, water, and terrarium conditions. Handling them infrequently and keeping up with vet appointments are also essential. Once you understand everything about Blazing Blizzard geckos, you can trust that you’ll be able to provide the kind of care they deserve. 

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