How Long Can a Turtle Go Without Basking?

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How Long Can a Turtle Go Without Basking?

Turtles bask every day but the frequency may vary. Sometimes, turtles will bask between two to three hours. You may not know the exact duration of their basking but turtles know when to do this. They can go without basking for between 2 to 9 hours daily. Observing your turtle ensures that it’s basking properly.

Let it maintain its usual behavior and avoid forcing it to do something. Bring it to the vet if you notice that the turtle seems to have unusual behavior. Make sure to provide everything your turtle needs. A basking platform should be available for the turtle to bask every day.

Turtles may bask excessively sometimes. It’s a sign that something is wrong with it. That’s when you have to pay close attention to your turtle. Basking is a common thing for turtles. Knowing what’s normal basking from not will help you to know if it’s time to see the vet.

They can also go on without asking for many days. Turtles may avoid basking for different reasons. One of them is if the basking platform is new. Your turtle needs to get used to it until it’s comfortable. It can shorten the turtle’s lifespan if it goes on without basking for too long.

Is it Normal for Turtles to Sleep Basking?

Turtles sleep between 4 to 7 hours every night. It also happens during the day as well if they feel like it. That’s normal for turtles to sleep basking. It happens when they are more comfortable in that area. They sleep longer when they’re in the brumation cycle. It’s the same as hibernation in some animals.

Some turtles use the basking area for long hours. They can fall asleep while doing so but they often wake up to breathe. If the turtle always sleeps basking it can be because the water temperature is cold. That will make them sleep basking since the basking area is more comfortable for the turtle. It also means that you don’t have to worry.

Turtles sleep basking when they feel like it. They don’t have anything to do but bask, swim, and eat in captivity. You provide their food so they don’t have to forage anymore. But excessive sleep basking may also be a sign of a sick turtle. If you think the turtle does this a lot, visit a vet.

What Kind of Basking Light Do Turtles Need?

In the wild, turtles normally have UVB rays and heat from the sun. That’s why it’s important to do the same in the turtle tank. Turtle needs a UVB light as well as a heat lamp on its basking area. That way, it will have a spot to dry and regulate its body temperature.

  • UVB Lamp

A UVB lamp is essential for giving the turtle the UVB rays it needs. It will help them to produce vitamin D3. That helps them to maintain a healthy shell and bone growth. It also encourages the turtle to do activities, mood and feeding. This will help with breeding as well.

  • Heat Lamp

The heat lamp will provide heat for the turtle. It’s the same as the sun for them in the wild. Turtles can’t generate their own heat so they need to have a heat lamp. It also helps them to fight germs to avoid getting sick. The turtle will depend on this to maintain its body temperature.

Why Do Turtles Need UVB?

UVB rays promote the production of vitamin D3 in turtles and other reptiles. It will help them so that they can digest their food properly. They will also get the calcium they need from it. Without UVB light, turtles may suffer from metabolic diseases. It can also cause shell issues.

The absence of a proper UVB light on the turtle tank can be fatal. It’s essential for them to properly digest their food. Without the UVB rays, it will be harder for them to do that. It’s the usual cause of sudden death with baby turtles. So, make sure to have a UVB light on the turtle tank.

In the wild, turtles get both UVA and UVB from the sun. Although UVB is more important for their survival. It’s enough if they are in captivity. As long as they also have enough heat for basking. It will keep them healthy enough and also comfortable. It’s a requirement to have a UVB lamp for the turtle tank.

How Far Should Turtles Be From Basking?

Turtles bask every day so make sure to have the right setup. Place the UVB light in the right distance where turtles can get the UVB they need. A 2.5 percent UVB lamp needs to be as far as 12 inches. If it’s at 5 percent, the distance should be 18 inches from the basking light.

If the UVB and heating lamp are too close, the turtle will suffer. It can burn them while basking since their body temperature will rise. Too much heat will cause their shell to crack and have some issues. Make sure to follow the recommended distance. It should be safe for the turtle and allow them to absorb UVB rays efficiently.

Why Turtles Bask?

Turtles bask since it’s an important part of their survival. The main reason why they bask is to get the heat and UVB rays they need. Turtles are cold-blooded and they bask so that they can absorb heat. UVA and UVB light are also important for them to stay healthy.

The UVB light will aid turtles to process calcium to have strong bones. It will keep their shell healthy as well as their vital organs. To do this, vitamin D3 is essential for them to have. Although the UVB is more important, UVA will help to regulate their mood, metabolism, and breeding.

Aside from that, basking will help to kill the parasites such as algae and leeches. They usually attach themselves to the turtle’s shell. When the turtle shell is dry, it will avoid these parasites from sticking around. Basking will also help to fight germs to avoid sickness in turtles.

Can Turtles Survive Without Soaking In Water?

They can survive without going in the water for weeks. It will not be comfortable for them but survival is possible. The length of time will depend on the factors that affect the turtles. Even aquatic turtles can survive for a few months without water. It depends on the reason why they choose not to.

Turtles live in both land and water so it’s safe if they don’t go in the water for some time. As long as they are being hydrated, they can survive. Although aquatic turtles need to stay in the water more than their non-aquatic counterparts. Turtles, in general, can survive without water for a week.

Turtles can also survive many days without basking. Although it’s not ideal for them to stay healthy. It’s also the same if turtles don’t soak in the water for a long time. But it can be affected by different factors. These are their basking behaviors, age, temperature, humidity, and brumation cycle.

Reasons Why Turtles Don’t Go In Water

1. Basking

It’s an essential part of the turtle’s life and they bask daily. Basking regulates their body temperature and metabolism. This will also help them to prevent infections and parasites. Turtles need to dry themselves completely for a couple of hours every day. It will prevent parasites and fungal infections caused by being wet.

When turtles bask, it may take them a few hours before going back in the water. That’s because they bask to dry their bodies and to get some heat. Check the water temperature and make it more comfortable for the turtle. That will encourage them to go in the water instead of basking for a long time.

2. Age of the Turtle

Another factor why turtles won’t go in the water is their age. If the turtle is young, it’s more fragile. The hatchlings and juveniles can’t survive without going in the water for a long time. Unlike adult turtles, they are not yet fully developed. They don’t have enough energy like the adults as well.

When the turtle is older, it doesn’t have to soak in the water all the time. As long as they are comfortable, there’s nothing to worry about. Adult turtles will not get into the water if they need more time to bask. It helps to regulate their body temperature and get the UVB rays it needs.

3. Temperature

If the temperature is high, turtles can’t survive long without water. That’s because heat will cause water to evaporate from their body. Aquatic turtles need to swim to cool off and go basking when they need to dry off. When the temperature is hot for them, they need to get into the water.

Turtles are cold-blooded animals so they absorb heat from their surroundings. They can’t produce heat on their own. If you notice that they bask more than usual, check for the temperature of the water. Make it comfortable for them so that the turtle can hydrate on the water.

4. Humidity

The humidity can oppositely affect the turtle. If their environment is humid, they can stay out of water longer. The moisture in the air will give enough hydration. They can absorb it through their skin and shell. If your turtle seems to stay in the basking area longer, it could be the reason.

Non-aquatic turtles don’t need too much water to survive. They are land dwellers so they can thrive without going in the water for a long time. If their environment is humid, it will extend their time out of water. You don’t need to worry about your turtle not going in the water when it’s humid.

5. Brumation

It’s similar to hibernation but it only applies to reptiles. This is a period when their metabolic rate slows down. Although brumation is only done by wild turtles. If you get a captive-bred turtle, brumation does not apply to it anymore. Just provide the turtle a consistent temperature and it should be fine.

But if you acquire your turtle from the wild, it might continue its brumation cycle. They usually do this during the winter. Their metabolism will slow down and can survive without food or water for months. In captivity, it will only happen if you make the water temperature as cold as it is in the winter.

Turtles That Can Survive Without Water

Turtles can live in both land and water. Although some of them can survive without water for a long time. Turtle species such as red-eared slider, painted turtles, mud and musk turtles, and the spotted turtles are examples. Specifically, the red-eared sliders can survive for a long time without water.

If the climate is hot, they can survive for a week without water. But if they are in a cooler climate, they can survive for a month. As long as there’s enough humidity and they don’t have to go on brumation. Painted turtles can also survive long but not the same as the red ear slider.

Do Non-Aquatic Turtles Still Need to Get In Water?

Although non-aquatic turtles live most of their lives on land, they still need water. They have to drink and soak in the water sometimes to survive. One example is the box turtle. It may live on land but it still needs to soak in the water. They need to stay hydrated to survive.

Non-aquatic turtles get water from the food they eat. That includes worms and other food sources. Similar to aquatic turtles, they can only survive a week without water. It also depends on the temperature and humidity. Although during brumation, they can survive for months without water.


1. Is Basking Important for Turtles?

Yes, basking is very important for turtles. They have to do this at least once a day. Basking will help them to regulate their body temperature as well as their metabolism. It’s also their way to get the heat and UVB rays they need to produce vitamin D3 and calcium.

Basking helps turtles to maintain their health and avoid diseases. The moisture in their shell can attract parasites and germs. Basking will help them completely dry their bodies to avoid this from happening. It’s important to encourage the turtle to bask daily to improve their health and stay alive longer.

2. What If Turtles Bask Longer than Usual?

If you notice that your turtle seems to bask longer than usual, you need to check its physical condition. The water temperature must be too cold for the turtle. The pH level can irritate them. That might be the reason why it’s basking too much so make sure to check it.

When turtles bask for a long time, it can be a sign of illness. A respiratory infection can keep the turtle in the basking area. Observe the turtle if it’s spending a lot of time away from the water for too long. If it does, it’s time to visit the vet.

Check if the water is clean or it needs to be changed. Make that the water temperature is also between 26 to 28 degrees Celsius. Finally, make sure that the basking platform is set up properly. The turtle needs to get enough UVB rays to properly bask.

3. What Stops Turtles From Basking?

Basking is needed for turtles to stay healthy. Although sometimes, they might be reluctant to do that. Some factors are affecting their basking routine. Make sure to check them so that you can make adjustments for the turtle tank.

  • Basking Area is Too Hot or Too Cold

If the basking area is too hot for the turtle, it will dry their bodies faster or it can burn them. When it’s colder than the water, the turtle will prefer to avoid it. Make sure that the temperature of the basking area is ideal for the turtle.

  • Basking Area Is Filthy

Turtles follow their instinct and will not go to a filthy area of the tank. It can cause them to suffer from infection and get sick. Don’t forget to clean the basking area and the turtle tank regularly.

  • Something Preventing It from Climbing On the Platform

Always check the basking platform to ensure that the turtle can bask properly. If there are obstructions, turtles can’t climb the basking platform. It will discourage them to bask and get back to the water where they can move freely.

  • A Sick Turtle Doesn’t Bask

If your turtle is sick, it doesn’t have the energy to move around. That means that it might not bask for days. If it’s not normal for your turtle, bring it to a vet right away for a check-up. Turtles will look sluggish and will not move much as usual if they’re sick.

  • Inappropriate Setup of the Basking Platform.

Make sure that the basking platform is set up properly. The distance between the heat and UVB lamp should be right as well. It can discourage the turtle to bask if they don’t feel comfortable with the basking platform. If you installed a new one, the turtle needs some time to adjust.

  • Domination of Other Turtles

If you have more than one turtle, another turtle may be dominating the tank. Make sure that the size of the turtle tank is enough to house them. If the other turtle is too dominant, it’s better to put them in separate tanks.

4. What is the Best Basking Platform?

The well-being of the turtle depends on its basking habits. It helps them to maintain good health. Turtles need to dry out themselves at least once every day. It will keep their shell and bones strong. That’s why it’s important to get the best basking platform for your turtle.

The Penn Plax reptology turtle topper is one of the best basking platforms you can get. It will give your turtle a spacious area to bask. It’s also safe for them and it suits standard aquariums well. Proper setup is also important so make sure to follow the instructions.

5. Can You Leave the Turtle Under the Sun Instead?

Turtles bask under the sun in the wild but putting them in direct sunlight is not advisable. It will be uncomfortable for turtles who are bred in captivity. They don’t have the same exposure as turtles in the wild. It can dry up their bodies faster and cause them more harm than good.

It’s important for turtles to feel comfortable. That way, they can live throughout their lifespan. Putting them under the sun may not be a good idea. Add heat lamps and UVB lights to its basking area instead to ensure its safety. That will also keep them comfortable and will not get stressed.


Learning about how long turtles can go on without basking is a good thing. It will allow you to help your turtle if you notice that it’s been too long. Basking is an important part of their daily routine. It keeps them healthy and lives a long time even in captivity.

Encourage your turtle to bask if you notice that it stops basking. Although you have to avoid interfering with their habits, a little help from your end will do them good. It will keep them healthy and you can see them reach their full potential.

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