Are Turtles Vertebrates or Invertebrates?

Copyright: shanemyersphoto

Turtles are a unique type of reptile and they are closely related to snakes and lizards. They are cold-blooded which prevents them from regulating their own body temperature. Reptiles only depend on their environment to stay warm. Turtles share these characteristics although they look different compared with other reptiles.

Other types of reptiles such as turtles and penguins usually live in water. Although they can live on both land and water, they can be found on land just to lay their eggs. Reptiles have lungs that require them to come to the surface to breathe. They can commonly be found in tropical places.

Turtles, snakes, lizards, crocodilians, and birds share one thing in common. They have the same evolutionary history. Birds may look different from modern reptiles now. But there were birds like dinosaurs during that period. They are closely related to alligators and crocodiles. Although they may have different features nowadays.

You may be wondering if turtles are vertebrates or invertebrates after learning about those facts. After all, turtles look very unique compared to other reptiles. They have a shell that protects them from their predators while others don’t have it. Keep on reading to learn more about these amazing creatures.

Are Turtles Vertebrates or Invertebrates?

Animals can either be vertebrates or invertebrates. Vertebrates are those animals that possess a backbone inside their bodies. While invertebrates simply don’t have a backbone. Examples of invertebrates are jellyfish, worms, and other animals that have a hard outer case that covers their bodies. Spiders and crabs are also other examples of invertebrates.

Some examples of vertebrates, on the other hand, are mammals, fish, amphibians, birds, and reptiles. Turtles are reptiles therefore, they are vertebrates. They have a backbone inside their bodies so much like humans and other animals. Although other reptiles don’t have shells like turtles, they have backbones as well.

Reptiles have scales in some parts of their bodies. They also have leathery or hard-shelled eggs and they share similar features. Snakes, lizards, crocodilians, turtles, and birds are all reptiles. They are all vertebrates since they have backbones that support their bodies. The scales on reptiles help to avoid losing water.

Many reptiles live on land and lay their eggs in dry habitats. The hard and leathery shells protect their eggs inside. It will keep it from drying out as their offspring grow inside. Although some reptiles like turtles can live in water most of their lives. They will come to land only to lay their eggs.

Turtles are classified the same way as other reptiles, mammals, and birds. They are amniotes which means that they breathe air. Turtles don’t lay their eggs underwater as well. Even if some turtle species live in the water, they have to come up to the surface to breathe air.

Does a Turtle Have a Backbone?

Turtles are different from other reptiles even if they are related. They have a unique look because of their outer shell. Aside from giving them a distinct appearance, it also acts as protection. In other reptiles, the shell is where its backbone is located. But does a turtle have a backbone like other reptiles?

Turtles have a backbone since they are vertebrates. Their backbone has two parts unlike humans and other animals. The first part is the shell which is their exoskeleton and the other is the bony endoskeleton. That’s why turtle shells are tough since it’s fused with their spine and their rib cage.

Is the Turtle Shell an Exoskeleton?

No, the turtle shell is not an exoskeleton. It’s not the same as other protective parts of an animal. Invertebrates have their exoskeleton to protect their bodies. Some reptiles like armadillos, pangolins, and some snakes also have an exoskeleton. But turtles don’t since the shell is not made of skin. The shell is a part of their body.

Turtle shells are a peculiar evolution of their bone structure. It’s the turtle’s vertebrae, ribcage, and pelvis. You can’t find any muscles in between like in some animals. Their bones are fused together to make it look like an exoskeleton. Turtles also have scale-like pieces on their shells which are known as scutes.

Can Turtles Live Without a Shell?

The turtle shell is not made of skin and it can’t be removed without killing the turtle. They can’t live without their shell since that’s their backbone. Under it are the turtle’s internal organs. They use it to retreat inside when they sense danger. Also, it’s not originally meant as protection.

Based on studies, the ancient turtle species used their shells to hunt. They will hide inside and wait for prey to come close. When it happens, the turtle will attack the prey with its head. It happens so quickly that the prey will never know what got them. This organ evolved to become a protective armor for turtles.

Turtle shells are made of bones, nerves, blood, and tissues. When you touch the shell, they can feel it. That means that if their shell is injured, the turtle will feel pain. It’s fused on the turtle’s body so they can’t live without it. If their shell is damaged severely, it can lead to the turtle’s death.

However, turtles can survive minor shell injuries. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it will die right away because of that. The shell will heal over time since it’s a living organ. But recovering from shell injury can take a long time. So make sure to take care of the injured turtle until it heals.

Are Sea Turtles Invertebrate?

No, sea turtles are not invertebrates. They are actually the oldest vertebrates in the world. When they are on land, sea turtles look like they can’t move faster and even look weak. But once they are already in the water, they will turn into majestic creatures in an instant.

They can move faster in the water than on land. Sea turtles are also a mystery since there is only a little information we know about them. But they are already included in the endangered species list. Keeping them as pets is illegal in an attempt to protect them. That way, they will avoid extinction of their kind.

Facts About Sea Turtles

  • Sea Turtles are Reptiles

Just like snakes and lizards, sea turtles also breathe air. They are survivors from the age of dinosaurs. They evolved about 150 million years ago. Turtles during the Jurassic period are land animals just like the modern tortoise but bigger. They have powerful legs that can support their heavy bodies.

  • The Most Obvious Characteristic of Turtles is Their Shell

Turtle shells evolved from being their ribs which make them prominent. It was covered with tough skin to protect their bodies. The shell is part of the turtle’s spine and protects its internal organs. It could be the remains of the exoskeleton of the insects during their history.

  • The ocean is Home to 7 Turtle Species

The ocean has a diversity of aquatic plants and animals. That also includes sea turtles such as the loggerhead, leatherback, olive ridley, flatback, hawksbill, as well as the green and Kemp’s ridley. They all prefer to live in the ocean and just visit the land sometimes when they lay their eggs.

  • They Begin Life in a Leathery-Shelled Eggs

Female sea turtles lay their eggs in the sand and dig holes for them. The number of eggs depends on the species. But in general, they can lay from 50 to 200 eggs which usually happens at night. After 60 days, the eggs will hatch and the hatchlings will run to the sea immediately.

  • Largest Sea Turtle

The leatherback turtle is the largest sea turtle around. They have flexible and leathery shells. It can reach between 4 to 8 feet in length. Their weight is around 500 to 2000 pounds. Leatherback turtles feed on jellyfish most of the time. It’s their favorite food around the sea.

  • Smallest Sea Turtle

The smallest sea turtle is the Kemp’s Ridley. It only grows up to 30 inches long with a weight of 100 pounds at most. This turtle species has the most restricted nesting range compared to others. Kemp’s ridley lays eggs during the daytime, unlike other turtles. They do this in large groups that are called arribadas or arrival.

  • Hatchlings Go Straight to the Open Sea

As hatchlings, sea turtles will run towards the sea almost immediately. They will go back offshore snd the reef to eat. Some sea turtle species will travel hundreds of miles. Flatback sea turtles avoid doing activities to reach the seas of Australia.

  • Sea Turtles Can Rest Underwater Without Breathing

Sea turtles have lungs and they need air to breathe. But these creatures can stay underwater for up to two hours. Although when they surface more for air if they are finding food. That also happens when they are trying to escape their predators. They also go basking while on water.

  • Sea Turtles are Omnivorous When Younger

Sea turtles change their diet as they grow and age. The green sea turtle will become herbivores when it’s already an adult. Other sea turtles are omnivores and eat seaweed, sponges, worms, mollusks, fish, and other sea life around them. While leatherbacks like to eat jellyfish almost all the time.

  • Average Lifespan of a Sea Turtle

Sea turtles’ lifespan is not easy to determine yet since it’s hard to pay close attention to them. Some research may last a few decades but not long enough. Although some suggest that sea turtles may live up to 100 years old. It’s just a theory until it is proven real.

Are Box Turtles Vertebrates or Invertebrates?

Box turtles are reptiles and they have backbones. Therefore, they are vertebrates like other turtle species. You can see their vertebrae in the center of their shells. It’s the rigid and elongated part of the shell. They are also fused to the rest of their body so they can’t live without their shells.

The vertebrae are the small but flexible parts of their neck and tail. It will make movement possible from these organs. No other animals evolved their shells like turtles. Their shell architecture is unique and nothing has the same evolution. That includes invertebrates and even mammals.

Are Tortoises a Vertebrate?

Tortoises are from the Testudinidae family. They are types of reptilian vertebrates that can live on land exclusively. Tortoises are also known as land turtles. They can be found in different places around the globe. The only exceptions are Australia and Antarctica. They have about 50 species that are spread around the world.

Most of its species only exist in the wild. Although some tortoises are kept in captivity as pets. They have different colors, sizes, and features. But several tortoise species are almost endangered. Conservation efforts were able to increase their numbers. Tortoises are known to live between 80 to 150 years.

Do Painted Turtles Have Backbones?

Painted turtles have backbones since they are vertebrates. The raised line on their shell is their backbone and it extends from its head to tail. Like other turtle species, their shell is attached to their shoulder blades. Their shell consists of 60 bones fused to their bodies to protect them.

The painted turtles are widely spread out in North America. They live in slow-moving freshwaters. They came from southern Canada to northern Mexico as well as from the Pacific and Atlantic regions. Painted turtles are the only extant species of the Chrysemys genus. They are part of the family Emydidae which are pond turtles.

Are the Leatherback Sea Turtles Vertebrates?

Leatherback sea turtles are reptiles which means that they are vertebrates. They have unique shell structures, unlike other turtle species. They have a soft but rubbery shell instead of the tough and bony shell. This turtle species also have their backbones in their shells.

However, the spine of the leatherback turtles is not fused on the carapace. Their backbone is supported by small bones and the leathery skin covers it. It lets the leatherback turtle swim deeply under the ocean. The pressure is extremely high on that part but they can still manage it.

How Do Turtle’s Shell Grow?

Both turtles and tortoises have shells when they were born. It’s softer when they are young and become tough as they mature. Hatchlings can still have enough protection from their shells. They don’t molt or grow a new shell like other animals when they become adults.

The turtle shell grows with it as the turtle matures just like any other part of their bodies. Their shell grows at the same pace as their skeletal system since it is composed of bones. While sea turtles have soft shells, it has a leathery cover. Land turtles have round and thicker shells. It’s also covered with special plates.

These plates are also known as scutes and they also grow. It will overlap and may shed off sometimes. But tortoises don’t shed their scutes as turtles do. It will just keep on growing and overlapping as the tortoise grows. They will provide them with a thicker and tougher shell than the other turtle species.

Why Do Turtles Have Shells?

It’s a mystery how or why turtles evolved to have shells over time. Although there are new discoveries that have been made. It might shed some light on why turtles have shells. Recent studies discovered fossils that may be a missing link. They discovered the Eunotosaurus africanus which is close to a non-shelled turtle.

This missing link will help biologists to find out the evolution of turtle shells. Primarily, turtles and tortoises use their shells to protect themselves. Having tall and rounded shells will make it hard for predators to eat them. Their tough shells also add more protection. Although sea turtles have soft shells, it will still provide them enough protection.

Different turtle species have different shells that serve as their protection. It may also serve different purposes other than protecting themselves. Tortoises live on land so their shells evolved for that lifestyle. Turtles live most of their lives in the water. That’s why their shell has to be smooth enough to swim underwater.

Tortoises have tough shells and are coated with keratin. It’s the same material as a human’s fingernails. While sea turtles are softer, it has a leathery coating. It helps them to swim better since they are aquatic animals. The reason for turtles evolving to have shells may vary. But modern turtle species are benefiting from it.

Can Turtles Get Out of Their Shell?

Turtles cannot get out of their shells since it’s part of their bodies. You should avoid forcing them out of their shells. It will be fatal for the turtle since it’s like cutting them open. You cannot safely remove your turtle from its body. It will be impossible for the turtle to survive if you force it out.

Removing the turtle shell will hurt and even kill them. It’s the same as peeling your spine from your back. Not to mention your ribs and pelvis bone. That’s how it will be for turtles. So make sure to never even try doing this gruesome act. I will not survive if they were forced out of their shells.

Can a Turtle Survive with a Broken Shell?

Fortunately, turtles can survive with a broken shell. It doesn’t mean that the turtle will die right away. Although it depends on the severity of the damage on their shells. It can still be a serious condition. If the shell breaks or cracks, it means that the turtle’s body has an open wound.

This type of injury will not end well if it’s not treated immediately. Sometimes the turtle shell may crack because of a poor diet. Bad water conditions or unhygienic turtle tanks may also result in this issue. The condition is known as shell rot and it can be fatal for turtles.

If turtles suffer from calcium deficiency or do not have enough UV light, it will cause diseases. It can affect the shell negatively and result in shell ulcers as well. Check for the signs of kidney damage, thyroid issue, and liver disease. It may follow after the turtle suffers from shell rot.


1. What does it mean when a turtle retracts inside its shell?

Turtles are classified into different groups which are based on how they retract inside their shells. The first one is called pleurodires. It’s when the turtle turns its neck to pull its head sideways into its shell. The other one is called cryptodires which is when they pull their head back on their shells straight away.

Turtles do this when they sense danger. They have flexible necks that can retract inside their shells. Past researchers assumed that turtles do this to protect themselves. But new studies suggest that turtles do this not for defense. It may be because of food since they attack their prey after retracting itself into its shell.

2. Is a turtle shell alive?

Turtles and tortoises are already born with a shell. It’s not alive in the sense of it separating from the turtle’s body. That’s not possible since it will kill them. They cannot shed their shell and grow new ones. It consists of different bones to protect its internal organs.

However, it can heal itself when an injury occurs. Like other animals, when they break their leg, it will heal over time. Although turtle shells’ healing process takes longer than other parts of their body. It will be dangerous for them if their shells break or get severely damaged.

3. Do turtles have spines?

Yes, turtles have spines and the turtle shell is made of bone and part of it. It’s a part of their body like a skeleton in other animals. The carapace is covered with scoots that are made of keratin. That’s the same as human hair and nails.

They are the only species that have their backbone and shoulder blades inside their rib cage. Their internal skeleton provides support for their muscles. Except for leatherback turtles, their spines are fixed on their carapace. The turtle’s long digits on its limbs are also fused together and form as their flippers.

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