Where to Get Worms for Bearded Dragons?

1. Purchase from Pet Stores

There are many trusted pet stores around where you can get worms for your pet. It’s the best way to buy worms to feed a beardie.

They breed and make sure that the worms they sell will be used as pet food. Make sure to go to a pet store that also caters to reptiles.

Worms can be bought in different sizes which are from ¼ to 1 inch in length. Remember, younger bearded dragons should have smaller worms.

Choose the worm that has a strict diet and is fed with nutrients. It can boost the health of your pet for sure.

2. Buy from Bait Shops

The most convenient way to find where to get worms is from the bait shops. They breed earthworms for fishing baits.

That means it doesn’t contain contaminants. Pesticides and other chemicals can be dangerous for fish. Bait shop worms will be safe for your beardie.

But make sure to get the worms that were not dyed. Bait shops usually dye the worms to make them visible in the water.

It’s for those who go fishing and make it easier. The due-on worms can be bad for your bearded dragon. Ask for the undyed variety of worms instead.

3. Breed Your Own Worms

It’s the best way to have access to worms to feed your beardie. You can breed and harvest them from home. It can also save you from your pet’s feeding expenses.

Breeding worms is not complicated. You need an in setup and use it to breed the worms.

They can feed in compost waste like leftover lettuce, potato peels, fruit peels, moldy bread, and more. It’s also good for the conservation of the environment while getting worms to feed your rewarded dragon.

As long as the dirt is moist enough, the worms will lay eggs and keep on reproducing themselves.

4. Order Worms Online

Another way to get worms is to buy them online. There are a lot of online shops that breed worms. They sell it as baits as well as live feed for other pets.

Plus, you can even get it at wholesale prices. Just look for bait shops online and order worms for your pet.

Make sure to check the documentation of these online sellers. They should be registered worm breeders.

It will ensure that the worms you will get from them are not contaminated. If the worms are not bred without chemicals, it can harm the beardie.

Can Bearded dragons eat worms

What are the Benefits of Feeding Worm to Bearded Dragons?

1. Protein

For young bearded dragons, protein is an essential part of their diet. They need a lot of protein for their growth and development.

That’s why the baby dragons and juvenile beardies main diet is made of insects. Veggies and fruits are only a small part of their diet when they are still young.

Worms such as nightcrawlers and earthworms contain 60% to 70% of protein. It makes them the best source of protein for your young pet.

You can also guy load the works and make them more nutritious. It will improve their mutational value for your bearded dragon.

READ NEXT: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Nightcrawlers?

2. Water

Keeping your bearded dragon hydrated is very important. They have to stay hydrated to avoid any health issues. Just like with other animals, bearded dragons also need clean drinking water.

But they don’t like drinking from water bowls. The best way to avoid them from being dehydrated is to feed them food with high water content.

Nightcrawlers and earthworms have high water content in their bodies. These are the best choices for your beardie to stay hydrated.

But worms should not be a staple good for your pet. It’s best to give it as a treat every once in a while. If you feed worms to your pet every day, it can lead to diarrhea.

It’s not good when your bearded dragon eats other foods and high amounts of water. Beardies should only drink around 10ml of water per 300g of their weight.

Eating worms can make them exceed this amount. Water from the food they eat is also included in the 10ml capacity. That also includes the water they drink directly from their bowls.

3. Minerals and Vitamins

When bearded dragons eat nightcrawlers and earthworms, they will also absorb minerals like selenium and vitamins.

If you gut load the worms, it will increase their levels of vitamins and minerals. It will be transferred to your beardie when you feed it worms. That’s a good treat to give your pet once in a while.

What Foods Should You Feed a Bearded Dragon?

Bearded dragons are omnivores which means they should eat both plant and animal-based foods. A healthy bearded dragon’s diet must be in close live and gut-loaded insects.

It must also include vegetables, fruits, and other greens. The adult bearded dragon is not going to grow fast anymore. They need 80% plant-based foods and 20% insects to avoid being obese.

Baby bearded dragons on the other hand need more protein on their diet. That’s why they usually eat insects to have enough protein to grow and develop properly.

Their diet contains 80% insects and the remaining 20% should be plant-based. When they become juveniles, their diet will be 50% insects and 50% plant matter.

READ NEXT: What Do Bearded Dragons Eat? Ultimate Guide

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