Can Bearded Dragons Eat MUSTARD GREENS? All You Need To Know

Yes, bearded dragons can eat mustard greens since they are a good source of nutrients necessary to thrive. These vegetables are a source of Vitamin C, calcium, dietary fiber, and proteins. They also have a high water content that keeps your pet dragon well hydrated.

It is critical to provide your bearded dragon with the proper diet if you want it to grow without any health issues. Take a look at the nutrients in mustard greens and the different foods that constitute an appropriate diet for a bearded dragon.

Nutrients in Mustard Greens

One of the reasons why you should feed your bearded dragon mustard greens is that they are rich in water, dietary fiber, and vitamins and minerals such as:

  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Protein

Let us look at these nutrients and dietary requirements and their many benefits to bearded dragons. 

1. Vitamin C

Mustard greens contain about 70 mg of Vitamin C for every 100 grams (3.5 oz). Bearded dragons must have a sufficient supply of Vitamin C to ensure they are strong enough to fight infections.

Common infections in bearded dragons include:

  • Infectious stomatitis
  • Respiratory infections
  • Parasites
  • Adenovirus infection

2. Protein

Mustard greens contain about 2.86 grams (.1 oz) of protein per 100-gram (3.5 oz) portion. Bearded dragons require protein to build their muscle mass.

A low protein diet can lead to chronic protein deficiency, which causes general wasting of the body and increases vulnerability to infections.

3. Calcium

Mustard greens are calcium rich greens, with 115 mg  per 100-gram (3.5 oz) portion. Calcium is critical for bearded dragons to develop strong healthy bones, especially when they are young since that’s when they experience their initial growth period

A calcium deficiency in your bearded dragon causes metabolic bone disease (MBD). This disease makes the dragon’s bone health extraordinarily soft and fragile, so they’ll break more easily. It could also cause foot deformities.

4. Dietary Fiber

Every 100 grams (3.5 oz) of mustard greens contains 3.2 grams (.11 oz) of dietary fiber. This improves digestion by helping food pass through the digestive tract faster to avoid constipation.

Constipation occurs when the final stage of digestion slows down, causing fecal matter accumulation.

Your bearded dragon could become uncomfortable and strained when trying to defecate or even suffer from cloacal prolapse.

5. Water

Mustard greens have a high water content at 90.7 grams (3.2 oz) for every 100 grams (3.5 oz). Water helps keep the dragon hydrated.

Lack of water could cause dehydration resulting in severe health problems or even death in extreme cases.

Beardies health complications arising from dehydration include:

How To Prepare Mustard Greens For Your Bearded Dragon?

Feeding mustard greens to your bearded dragon can have health benefits especially if prepared right by using organic product as its free of chemicals and pesticides. In addition use raw healthy greens as it contains essential nutrients.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mustard Greens Everyday?

Yes. Bearded dragon can enjoy eating Mustard Green everyday.

Do Bearded Dragons Like Eating Mustard Greens?

Bearded dragons generally like mustard plant in their diet. This comes from a distinct peppery taste flavor.

All beardies are different and even though others will love mustard greens, some may find their tastes too strong and prefer more plain leafy greens.

You could always try mixing different greens for bearded dragons with some mustard green and see if they enjoy it.

Feeding Your Bearded Dragon a Proper Diet

Bearded dragons are omnivorous and enjoy eating a variety of healthy foods. They eat live food, plants, and vegetables. Commercial diets are available in the form of pellets, but you should give them natural supplements. 

It is critical to note that any food item your bearded dragon eats should be smaller than the space between its eyes. Anything more substantial could cause life-threatening impaction and hind leg paralysis. 

Let us look at each type of food in more detail.

Live Food

Bearded dragons love non-flying insects such as:

Sometimes, giant bearded dragons also delight in savoring small live lizards. The lizards are a source of vitamins and minerals and key nutrients like calcium, something which is not readily available in insects and vegetables.

Younger dragons eat much more than older dragons, and their diet consists mainly of insects and small plant matter.

The live prey should be adequate to protect the young bearded dragons from stunted growth, malnutrition, or death from starvation. As they grow, live food should decrease, and plant matter increase.

During feeding, feed your pet with as many insects as it can consume within ten minutes. Pay attention to the size of the insects because your bearded dragon could die from trying to eat prey that is too large.

After feeding, do not leave live insects in the dragon’s cage because frightened prey could injure your dragon.


Your bearded dragon needs fresh greens daily. Remember to spray the leaves with water to keep them fresh longer and hydrate your bearded dragon.

Types of popular greens that you can feed your bearded dragon include:

  • Mustard greens
  • Collard greens
  • Bok choy
  • Dandelions  
  • Escarole
  • Calendula
  • Turnip greens
  • Plantain leaves
  • Clover blossoms
  • Hibiscus flowers
  • Rose petals
  • Garden cress

Chop the greens into appropriate sizes. Additionally, ensure the leaves are free of herbicides and pesticides by washing them thoroughly before introducing them to your bearded dragon.

Avoid giving your bearded dragon lettuce. Lettuce is composed mainly of water and has little to no nutritional value. Kale and spinach also prevent calcium absorption, so you should avoid these as well.

Vegetables and Fruits

Your bearded dragon’s diet should also include vegetables such as:

  • All varieties of squash (yellow, butternut, acorn, spaghetti)
  • Parsnips
  • Green Beans
  • Snow peas
  • Sweet potato

You can add some carrots as a treat, but not as the main meal due to high levels of Vitamin A. Avoid any food rich in Vitamin A because dragons do not absorb it well.

Feeding your bearded dragon with more Vitamin A than it can handle will cause Vitamin A toxicity, a deadly condition.

You can cook squashes beforehand, but it is not necessary. 

Use different fruits without pits or seeds, but avoid citrus fruits such as grapefruit and oranges. Also, keep sugary fruits at a minimum. Fruits you can add as treats include:


Bearded dragons need fresh water daily, but younger ones require more because the insects they eat provide very little moisture.

They often do not drink from the water bowl since they get most of their hydration from their diet. Sometimes, they are more willing to drink the water in their bath.

Still, you should provide a sizeable, shallow bowl of clean, fresh water should the dragon need it. You must also replace the water daily or immediately if it is soiled.

Sometimes, having water inside the enclosure throughout the day increases humidity and the risk of lung disease.

If you reside in an area deficient in moisture, run the air conditioning regularly. A dish of water will also help raise humidity levels in your dragon’s enclosure. Always keep humidity levels above 25%.

Feeding Plan for a Bearded Dragon

The nutrition requirements and amount of food a bearded dragon eats depend on the age. 

Baby beardies and juveniles below six months should feed up to four times a day, with the most significant portion in the morning because they are active during the day.

They need more live foods, so give them around 80% live food and 20% greens. You increase the greens and reduce the amount of live food as the dragons grow.

Baby bearded dragons should eat appropriately-sized crickets. Give as many crickets as your dragon will consume within five to ten minutes.

When your dragon stops eating, do not offer more. Young bearded dragons can eat between 20 – 60 crickets a day.

Adult bearded dragons should feed two times a day, preferably in the morning, to give them time to digest the food in the daytime.

Older dragons require around 60% greens and 40% live food. It is also prudent to weigh your bearded dragon regularly.

Keep live food in large, well-ventilated containers. Hydrate them well and feed them safe vegetables for their well-being and for them to pass on the nutrients to your bearded dragon.

Offer them an appropriately formulated gut-loading diet rich in vitamins and minerals between 24-48 hours before feeding them to your dragon.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mustard Greens


You can feed mustard greens to your bearded dragon regularly. These leafy green vegetable are an excellent source of dietary fiber, Vitamin C, calcium, and water. Be sure to mix with other vegetables and live foods to form a balanced diet.

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