No, Bearded dragons cannot eat oranges. Oranges contain a variety of chemicals that bearded dragons struggle to digest. Feeding your bearded dragon oranges could cause the animal to become severely ill, potentially resulting in death.
Bearded dragons are friendly and unique animals that make great pets. However, many people aren’t sure how to best care for a bearded dragon. People often make mistakes when caring for these animals, especially regarding their diet.
Keep reading to understand what your bearded dragon should and should not eat. I’ll go over various fruits and vegetables suitable for bearded dragons, and I’ll even explore what you should do if your dragon has eaten something that could potentially cause it harm.
Why Can’t Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges?
Although they primarily eat other animals, like insects, bearded dragons are capable of eating fruit and vegetables. As a result, they can eat a wide array of foods. So why do bearded dragons struggle to eat oranges, and what risks does the fruit pose to bearded dragons?
Bearded dragons can’t eat oranges because they contain various substances that can be harmful to the lizards. Oranges are rich in oxalic acid, a dangerous compound for dragons to ingest. When consumed regularly, the high sugar content and citric acid are also toxic to bearded dragons.
The high acidity of oranges can upset your dragon’s digestive system. This idea applies to all citrus fruits; they contain chemicals that bearded dragons cannot digest effectively and can effect bearded dragon’s health. If your dragon regularly consumes oranges or other citrus fruit, you’ll likely need to take a trip to the vet.

What Fruits Can Bearded Dragons Eat?
By this stage, you’re well aware that bearded dragons are incapable of eating acidic fruits like oranges/mandarin oranges (+ orange juice) or lemons.
However, what about other fruits? Which fruits can bearded dragons enjoy without putting their life at risk?
Here are some bearded dragon fruits that they can eat:
- Peaches
- Apples
- Dates
- Watermelon
- Papaya
- Apricot
- Strawberries
- Plums
- Grapes
- Raspberries
While most bearded dragons enjoy eating fruit as part of a balanced diet, too much fruit may cause your dragon to gain weight from excess sugar consumption. On top of this, an excess of fruit can make your dragon susceptible to yeast infections.
In addition, bearded dragons are prone to dental health problems. With this in mind, avoiding high sugar diet is an excellent way to keep your pet’s mouth healthy.
Citrus fruits should also be avoided because they are likely to disrupt your bearded dragon’s digestive system.
Vegetables That Bearded Dragons Can Eat
While bearded dragons can enjoy fruit, the high sugar content makes it a bad idea to provide fruit to your dragon regularly. Luckily, vegetables generally have less sugar than fruits. So, which vegetables can bearded dragons safely enjoy?
Here are some vegetables/leafy greens that bearded dragons can eat:
Feeding your bearded dragon vegetables is an excellent way to add variety to its diet. It’s important to remember to remove all seeds and tough pieces of skin from vegetables before serving them to your pet.
You’ll also need to cut the vegetables into bite-sized pieces for your dragon to enjoy. Giving the lizard large chunks of vegetables is unwise as it will make digestion harder for your pet.
Some vegetables are not suitable for your bearded dragon to have for dinner. For example, onions and celery likely won’t agree with your pet’s stomach and should not be given food as they will cause harm to your beloved lizard’s digestive tract.
What Are Bearded Dragons’ Favorite Foods?
Bearded dragons’ favorite foods are animals. 75% of a bearded dragon’s diet consists of bugs and small animals, including mice. Your bearded dragon will surely enjoy feasting on some grubs, crickets, and worms.
However, bearded dragons are omnivorous and also enjoy eating vegetables, fruits, and weeds. Your dragon will benefit from eating a balanced diet full of variety.
A varied diet will ensure your pet remains happy and healthy while in your care.
What Food Should You Not Give to a Bearded Dragon?
You should not give bearded dragons citrus fruits, dairy, certain vegetables, and toxic bugs or pants. Always take the time to see if your bearded dragon can digest a certain food before offering it. Bearded dragons are sensitive creatures that will easily fall ill if they eat the wrong food.
Bearded dragons, like all reptiles, are unable to digest dairy. Reptiles do not drink milk, even in infancy; as a result, they are lactose intolerant.
If your bearded dragon eats dairy products, it will likely become seriously ill and suffer from diarrhea. In turn, diarrhea puts your lizard at risk of dehydration.
Certain plants and bugs are toxic to bearded dragons. One example of this is fireflies; if your bearded dragon eats a few fireflies, it could die. Always exercise caution when choosing bugs and plants to feed your bearded dragon.
Some foods you should not feed your bearded dragon as it may cause irritation. However, other food types can be fatal to your pet. Check with your vet before offering a new type of food to your bearded dragon.
Know When Your Bearded Dragon Has Eaten Something Harmful
If you have accidentally fed your bearded dragon food they shouldn’t eat, it can be a frightening realization.
If you find yourself in this situation, you’ll likely be panicking and looking for what you need to do. The best thing to do is monitor your lizard and watch for signs of poisoning.
Don’t hesitate to take your pet to the vet if you feel that something is wrong.
Keep an eye out for the following signs that your bearded dragon has eaten something harmful:
- Lethargic
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhea/constipation
- Skin discoloration
- Sunken eyes
If you are worried your bearded dragon has eaten something harmful, and you notice any of the symptoms listed above, immediately bring the animal to the vet.
As previously mentioned, bearded dragons can die from eating specific bugs and vegetables.
As a general rule, you should seek expert veterinary assistance as soon as possible if your bearded dragon exhibits any of the above symptoms—regardless of what they’ve eaten. These symptoms are consistent with serious illness.

Final Thoughts
Bearded dragons are beautiful, well-tempered, and lovable pets. Still, caring for a bearded dragon can be challenging without the proper knowledge.
For instance, both baby and adult bearded dragons can’t eat oranges or other citrus fruits. However, it can eat most fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet.
Bearded dragons eat insects and small animals primarily in their diet. Keeping them topped up with suitable insects will meet the majority of your dragon’s dietary needs.
Avoid feeding your dragon too much sugar regularly as it will cause obesity, dental issues and fatty liver disease.