All You Need To Know About Turtles and Their Feelings

Copyright: scorpion26

Turtles are adorable creatures and some of the oldest living ones. They are sluggish, and people often wonder; do turtles have emotions? Do turtles have feelings? Well, we will get to answer all these, including how to know if your turtle loves you, how to make the turtle love you, how to make your turtle happy, among other turtle’s feelings-related questions.

How Can You Know If A Pet Turtle Loves You?

You can tell if the turtle loves you or not, or at least if it is fond of you. Some signs will validate this. 

If the turtle often gets close to you, then it certainly enjoys your company. Just as with other pets, this does not happen overnight; give it time. You can tell that your pet turtle loves you if it swims or crawls up the side of the glass in the tank. It might also flip over onto the shell to get a rub from you.

Another indicator that your turtle loves you is the pet often staring at you. Turtles might be slow-walking, but they certainly have a strong sense of vision. When a turtle loves you, it will stare at you when you feed it and try to get as close to you as possible.

Another way to know that your pet turtle loves you is that it extends the neck towards you. Gently rubbing its neck creates a bond. The turtle extending its neck to you for further rubbing is a sign of affection.

Do Turtles Feel Love?

Turtles are reptiles and thus cant feel love as humans do. They exhibit signs of affection towards their primary caretakers and owners. Turtles will follow or attempt to draw the attention of the person who feeds them. It might not expressly mean that they feel love, but it shows that they appreciate the gestures of the owner meant to be a form of love for the pet.

How Does One Know If a Pet Turtle Is Happy?

A scared or shocked turtle is easy to recognize. They exhibit fear by running or hiding away. But what about happiness? Do turtles show happiness?

Unlike other pets and humans, turtles do not laugh, smile, or jump up and down. But they show happiness in other ways. A happy and content turtle may chill in one spot. It will relax with the limbs, head, and tail spreading out of its shell.

You will know that the turtle is happy if it is basking, swimming, being social, digging, or eating around.

Do Turtles Love Their Owners? 

Pets such as dogs and cats show affection and gestures of love easily. They often get attached to their owners, but do turtles love their owners?

Turtles don’t exhibit love emotions as expressly as cats and dogs. So it is challenging to tell if they exactly do love their owners. However, they show emotions such as moving closer when the owner approaches, licking the owner’s hands when feeding, etc. We could take these to be signs of affection.

Do Turtles Get Attached to Owners? 

Pet turtles get attached to their owners. It is common for them to express playful behavior when the owner is around or enters a room. Although these creatures are slow, they still show gestures of affection and can be very friendly.

Bear in mind that turtles are quite keen they take notice of who cleans them, feeds them, and other day-to-day activities. If you do these things consistently, the turtle will get attached to you.

What Happens If I Kiss a Turtle?

It is not okay to kiss a turtle. Small turtles carry Salmonella, and you can’t tell if yours carries this bacteria or not. The turtle does not get affected by Salmonella, so it doesn’t have to look sick for you to know that it is carrying this bacteria.

A turtle will most likely contaminate you with Salmonella if you kiss it. These pets also spread the bacteria via touch and their droppings. Salmonella infection in humans leads to abdominal cramping, bloody diarrhea, bloating, loss of appetite, among other effects. It also weakens the immune system of young people and older ones.

Do not snuggle or kiss your pet turtle. It puts your life in danger.

How Do You Know If a Tortoise is Happy?

A tortoise is a land-dwelling turtle. So all tortoise species are turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises.

As with almost all other turtle species, tortoises do not show happiness as explicitly as humans. They don’t laugh, blush or smile. You will know that your tortoise is happy by the general mannerism and change of behavior.

  • Feeding Pattern. A happy tortoise will eagerly swim or walk towards their meals when it is time to eat. They start recognizing you, and if you are the main caretaker, they will often associate you with food or treats. A turtle that is not eager to eat during feeding time refuses to eat or doesn’t eat regularly is unhappy. It might be a sign that the pet is stressed or sick.
  • Basking. A happy turtle basks regularly. The turtle will spend several hours beneath the basking lamp to get the vital UVA/UVB light. A turtle that is not basking every day is not happy. The behavior might be an indication of an underlying medical condition. Ensure that the pet’s basking spot temperature and location are ideal.
  • Splashing. Aquatic and semi-aquatic turtle species start splashing when excited, e.g., when they see food or when the owner enters the room.
  • Playing with Toys. Toys are not a mandatory addition in a turtles enclosure. Some owners opt to add items such as small floating balls to keep the habitat exciting for the pet turtle. Not all turtles will play with the ball, especially those not aware of the purpose of the toys. But if your turtle often plays with the toys, a sudden change will indicate that it is unhappy while playing with the toys is a sign that the pet is happy or mentally stimulated.
  • Foraging. Turtles naturally forage, and a common habit is digging. For those with a substrate bottom, if you see the turtle digging through the gravel, sand, or rocks, this indicates that the pet is happy.
  • Regular Breathing and Clear Eyes. A healthy, happy turtle breathes normally without straining and using the nostrils, not the mouth. The eyes of a happily healthy turtle are clear and free from discharge. Any signs of swelling or weepy, cloudy eyes might be an indication of illness. Ill health makes a turtle unhappy.

An unhappy tortoise is withdrawn and will often retract its protrusions when someone approaches it, including the owner.

Can  A Turtle Recognize You?

Turtles grow a sense of attachment with their owners. One of the vital steps in this is recognition. Indeed, it is even hard for humans to develop an attachment to a person or animal they are not familiar with.

Your pet turtle can recognize you. Even so, it does not happen overnight. The process might take a little while for the pet to recognize who the actual primary caretaker or owner is. If several people feed or clean the pet within the same duration, it might take longer before the turtle recognizes you.

With consistency, the reptile will ultimately recognize its owner. These pets perceive your presence through either the sense of sight, smell, or hearing. Turtles can see as goods as humans do. They will try to keep your appearance in terms of shape and size in their mind, and with time they might recognize you by seeing you.

Another way in which turtles recognize owners is through the sense of smell. These creatures, which are some of the longest living, have a remarkable sense of smell. They can pick your scent just by you putting your hand in the enclosure.

Further, turtles can recognize you by hearing. Although the development of their sense of hearing is not impressive, they may be able to hear your voice and recognize it. Their environment is often quiet, so it is easy for them to notice the sound even though it might not be as coherent to them.

Do Turtles Recognize Their Name?

A majority of turtle owners give names to these adorable pets. They often use these pet names when feeding the turtle or attempting to draw their attention.

Most pet turtle owners believe that their pets recognize the name. It is because the turtles often turn their head to the caregiver.

Turtles’ hearing ability is not as developed as with most other animals. It is hard to determine whether these reptiles can recognize their names with their not fully developed cognitive ability. Targeted training is a good way of teaching the pet turtle, and food seems to be one of the best ways to motivate the pets.

The turtle may associate the pet name with the food or treats it receives. Even so, it is still comforting to know that the pet pays attention when you call their name.

What Are Cute Names for A Turtle?

Choosing a good name for your pet turtle can be a tough task. With some creativity, imagination, and a list of suggestions, you can get to choose the perfect name for the slow-moving pet.

One option is adopting a name from some of the most famous turtles in existence. These include Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Franklin, Michelangelo, Koopa, Crush, Yertle, Crush, Squirtle, Splinter, and Shredder.

Other cute names can also come from funny items around you that describe the turtle or are ironic compared to the animal’s behavior. They include Zoom, Scooter, Bolt, Ninja, Doorstop, Lightning, Shelly, Speedster, Rocky, or Flippy.

Cute names can also describe the animal’s appearance. For instance, it is cute to refer to a painted turtle as Crayon, Rainbow, or even Skittles. While for a map turtle, you may name it Continent, World, Compass, Globe, North, South, East, or West. In the case of a red-eared slider, you may call your pet turtle Crimson, Scarlet, Cherry, or Ruby.

How Can I Make My Pet Turtle Like Me?

The secret to making your pet turtle like you, is remaining consistent. Consistency in feeding the turtle plays a significant role in creating familiarity. It is the quickest way to make the turtle notice your presence. The pet will begin to associate the presence with the positive outcome of food.

In addition, turtles adore treats. When not feeding them, you may give the turtle treats as you await the next meals. It will certainly grow to like you.

Another way of making the turtle grow fond of you is by playing with it from time to time. If you may, take the turtle outside the enclosure or tank. Time outside in a new environment, outside their normal habitat, is a great change for the turtle. The pet can roam around, and you may notice that it might even follow you.

However, ensure that the pet is safe by only putting it in an area free from predators. While touching the pet is good, overly doing it might stress the animal.

How Do You Play with Turtles?

Turtles don’t like it when you handle them for long. It is important to understand your turtle’s personality to know the right way to play with it. So, you need to be creative when playing with the turtle to maintain physical contact at the bare minimum.

To effectively play with the pet, pick it with care to not scare them. Rub their skin or shell and watch their reaction. When playing with the pet turtle, avoid putting it on its back or picking it by the tail.

As for playing with your pet turtle, you can create an obstacle maze. A basic one will suffice, and you can make it daily. Use sticks, plants, stones, pits, and other such items, then place a treat for the turtle on one end. The turtle will have to navigate the obstacle maze to get the treat. It is interesting to watch, and you can cheer on it.

Take the turtle outside to forage or scavenge under supervision. Releasing your pet from time to time and allowing it to move around the backyard will make the animal happy. Bear in mind that turtles are great at burrowing and can get lost quickly. They may also wander away and fail to find their way back home.

Another interesting way of engaging your pet is by planning a turtle race. Turtle race is whereby you plan competition between a few turtles. If you don’t have multiple turtles, you can ask your fellow turtle owners to bring their pets over and make a runway with items such as stones or sticks. Whether your pet turtle wins or not, remember to give it its favorite treat at the end of the runway.

How Do You Make a Turtle Happy? 

Turtles are not hard to please. As the owner or primary caretaker, you need to understand the turtle’s general behavior and needs. One of the main ways of making the pet happy is by ensuring that you meet all their essential needs.

Here are some of the things to take care of to ensure that the turtle is happy.

  • Adequate Tank Size. A spacious enclosure is great for turtles. These creatures love to roam around, explore, swim, bask. They need enough space your freely do so. Adequate space also facilitates enough room for the turtle to grow. Enough space ensures that the turtle lives in a healthy environment which makes them happy.
  • Ideal Temperatures and Lighting. Turtles need proper UVA/UVB lighting for basking under. This light is vital for their health to thrive and general growth and some bulbs provide this. The ideal temperature is also necessary as turtles often bask even in the wild. Look for the right heat lamp and light source for the turtle to ensure that its body gets all it needs.
  • Clean Water. Turtle can get messy. They eat, poop, and leave behind food scraps. Therefore, the storage area will get dirty with time and might start stinking if not cleaned. Bacterial buildup can also lead to the turtle’s shell getting affected. A hygienic environment promotes the animal’s overall health and thus prevents stress.
  • Proper Diet. A balanced meal is one of the most effective ways to make your pet turtle happy. Depending on the species, some turtles are omnivorous, carnivorous while a few others are herbivorous. Ensure that you feed the turtle with the right diet it needs as per the species and age. It is also important to include mineral and vitamin supplements in their diet.
  • Handle Them with Care. Some turtle species are more social than others. Even so, turtles don’t enjoy being handled often and for longer. As such, you should exercise caution when lifting them from the enclosure. Wash or sanitize your hands to avoid contaminating their shell or skin. Don’t grip them tightly or pick them by the tail.
  • Others. Additional items such as toys can be mentally stimulating to the turtle. Toys are not naturally occurring in the wild. As such, you might need to train the turtle to play with the toys you add.

How Do You Make a Turtle Feel Loved?

It is not very clear yet whether turtles can feel love. They exhibit boredom, show curiosity, and they can get territorial. Turtles may show expressions of affection and get excited when you are around, but it’s hard to know if this is an expression of love.

To make your turtle feel loved, you must ensure that the animal receives optimal care and attention. Provide the animal with a healthy, hygienic environment. You should also ensure that the turtle has an ideal basking area with the ideal warmth. Another thing is giving the pet shallow baths. These baths make the animal relax in an environment outside their natural habitat.

Another way of making the turtle feel loved is ensuring that you feed them regularly. Turtles don’t eat every day, but you should not starve the animal. Ensure that you give the pet appropriate food at regular intervals.

Anything that makes the turtle more comfortable and healthy will go a long way in making it feel loved. The turtle may not expressly let you know that it is feeling loved, but the reaction upon seeing you might just be the indicator you need.

How Do You Bond with Your Turtle?

Turtles do not fancy handling; they are not the kind of pets that like cuddling. Even so, it is still possible to bond with your turtle. You can create a relationship with the pet.

Turtles are highly visual pets. They often see and watch you as you enter the room, feed them, clean them, take them out of the enclosure. But you can’t expect these creatures to get touchy or cuddly even during such occasions.

Some turtle species enjoy their owners scratching them or rubbing their shells. You can rub the turtle’s shell with a soft brush or use the tips of your fingers. While doing so, you might get the funniest excitement reaction from the turtle.

To bond with the turtle, you can be the one feeding it regularly; that way, it will get used to your presence and not get scared of you. You can also play games with the pet through the glass. Wiggle your fingers outside the glass and get the turtle to chase them. In addition, you can add toys to the tank and teach the turtle how to play with them.

Another way in which you can bond with the pet turtle is by submerging your hand in the tank and allowing the pet to explore, touch, and play with it. However, you need to ensure that the turtle is not the snapping species as they can bite and cause serious wounds. Any other species might also bite at first, but they will get used to your hand soon.

You can also take the turtle outside the tank. Although most don’t like being outside their habitat, the turtle will certainly enjoy a brief moment outside with you. Ensure to supervise the turtle and if it shows any symptoms of displeasure or stress, immediately put them back in their tank.


Turtles make a good choice of pet for turtles. Knowing how these animals express their emotions and receive love is vital. It improves the relationship with your beloved pet and knows what to expect. We trust that this has answered all your questions about our pet turtles and their feelings.

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