15 Tips For Feeding and Caring For 6 Month Old Bearded Dragon!

As a new bearded dragon owner, it’s crucial to ensure that you know how to feed your beardie properly. It’s not as though as you think, and you will get used to the process as you go along. The veggies and insects to feed your beardie and how often to provide them food also matter.

Understanding how to use supplements for your bearded dragon is also essential. That’s how you will ensure that your new pet will stay healthy. Bearded dragons’ feeding depends on their age and size. It’s necessary to know how to give them the food they need correctly.

However, if you have a 6-month-old bearded dragon, it will be a different story. They are no longer babies, but they are not adults yet. That’s why you have to learn what food and the frequency of feeding your juvenile beardie needs. Make sure that your bearded dragon will stay healthy and happy even in captivity.

In this article, you will learn what to feed a 6-month-old bearded dragon. It will also cover how to do it and the frequency of feeding a juvenile beardie. There is a lot of information you need to learn before taking home a bearded dragon. Prepare for that moment and keep reading to learn the essential details in caring for your beardie.

What Should I Feed My 6 Month Old Bearded Dragon?

They only need two types of foods. Insects for protein and plants for other nutrients.

Dust their food with calcium and multivitamins supplement at least once a week. It will help the bearded dragons to have the vital nutrients they need. They will be eating the same food their entire lives. Depending on your beardies age, the percentage of plant matter and protein will change.

Young bearded dragons need to eat more protein than greens. They should eat more insects to support their growth and development. Once the bearded dragon matures, the percentage of plant matter will be higher than with insects. During adulthood, beardies no longer need much protein.

Insects to Feed Bearded Dragon

  • Dubia roaches
  • Phoenix worms
  • Crickets
  • Butter worms
  • Hornworms
  • Silkworms

Plants to Feed Bearded Dragons

  • Collard greens
  • Alfalfa
  • Squash
  • Turnip greens
  • Okra
  • Pumpkin
  • Cucumber
  • Sweet potato

When feeding your bearded dragon, it’s not just about the food. It’s also important to know what foods they like or don’t want to eat. Some foods may seem reasonable for beardies to eat, but that may not be the case.

For instance, you never want to feed your bearded dragon any insects you found in the wild, even if they’re part of your dragon’s regular diet. These insects can have parasites and diseases that could hurt or kill your dragon.

Foods Bearded Dragon Should Never Eat

  • Avocado
  • Dairy products
  • Seafood
  • Poultry
  • Red meat
  • Wild insects
  • Rhubarb

Bearded Dragon Feeding by Age:

1-3 months – As many crickets as they’ll eat in 5-10 minutes + 20% veggies -5 meals per day.

3-6 months – 50% veggies, 50% insects – 4 meals per day.

6-12 months – 50% veggies, 50% insects – 3 meals per day.

12-18 months  – 50% veggies, 50% insects  – 2 meals per day.

Adult (18+ months) – 75% veggies, 25% insects – 2 meals per day. 

Feeding Baby and Juvenile Bearded Dragons

For baby bearded dragons less than three months old, they need to have the opposite diet of an adult dragon. They need to eat 75% insects for protein and 25% plant matter. Split feeding them five meals daily. Allow them to eat as much food as they can for 10 minutes.

When the bearded dragon turns three months old, they will be considered juveniles. That means their diet will change to 50% plants and 50% insects. Juveniles will eat four times a day, but it will decrease when they reach adulthood twice daily. Keep these in mind if you have a young bearded dragon to adjust their diet accordingly.

How Much Should a 6-Month-Old Bearded Dragon Eat a Day?

Typically, a juvenile bearded dragon can eat between 20 to 50 insects every day. They only consume a few greens and vegetables. Adults eat more greens, and it should be offered daily. They don’t eat many insects anymore upon maturity. Offer 3 to 5 worms as well at least times a week.

For six-month-old beardies, their feeding habits will change from when they are babies. Protein should be 2 to 3 times per day for baby bearded dragons. Greens and veggies are not that important for their diet during this stage. Once the beardie reaches six months and older, they will need more greens and veggies than insects.

What Should a 6 Month Old Bearded Dragon Eat?

Babies and juveniles need to be fed with small feeder insects. Crickets and other feeder insects can be offered 2 to 3 times a day. But make sure to get rid of the uneaten insects after feeding time is over. Crickets are known to bite, and the baby beardie may fear insects.

Juvenile bearded dragons that are six months old are no longer babies. During this stage, they need to eat 50% veggies and 50% insects. Make sure to feed them on time. They should only eat 2 to 3 times per day at this age. Their diet should consist of fruits and vegetables as well. They usually eat 20 to 60 crickets weekly at this stage.

How Often Should You Feed a 6-Month-Old Bearded Dragon?

When feeding a 6-month-old bearded dragon, they need to have green and veggies on their diet. The frequency should still be 2 to 3 times daily to make sure they grow and develop correctly. Baby bearded dragons and 6-month-old beardies need to eat live food most of the time.

If you have a 6-month-old bearded dragon, it can be expensive for a while. They need to eat more live food compared to adults. The best thing to breed your feeder insects is to be more cost-effective. During this stage, you should introduce more greens and veggies to your pet. That way, they can pick the greens they want to eat.

Unfortunately, most of the plant matter may go to waste at first. They still don’t need a lot of greens and veggies at this point. But they still need to have greens to balance their diet. Still provide them feeder insects since they still need a lot of protein. It will help their development and growth quickly.

As a bearded dragon owner, ensure that your pet will have the right size of food. The food should not be more significant than the gap between their eyes. It will help reduce the risk of impaction and some cases of paralysis for bearded dragons. It’s good for the beardie’s health to have their food bite-sized.

If you feed your bearded dragon large chunks of food, it may need veterinary care. Doing so will lead to spinal cord compression, which will cause paralysis of your reptile. Even if it’s too big for them, the bearded dragon will still eat the food. They have no idea that can hurt them.

When they are in the wild, bearded dragons may eat big chunks of food. It can paralyze them, and they struggle to survive afterward. As pets, your bearded dragon may die due to large chunks of food. It’s best to get smaller pieces of food to avoid the beardie from choking as well.

How Many Crickets Should a 6-Month-Old Bearded Dragon Eat?

Baby bearded dragons should be fed around 25 to 80 crickets every day. Juveniles or 6-month old beardies can eat from 25 to 60 crickets per day. For the adults, they should only eat between 10 to 20 crickets daily. They don’t need as much protein as they mature, so crickets should be limited.

Depending on the bearded dragons’ age is how many crickets you should feed them. Young beardies will need to eat more crickets. It will help their growth and development during this stage. When they transition to adulthood, they will need to eat more variety greens and vegetables. Crickets and other insects should be less than when they are young.

Unlike cats and dogs, bearded dragons will stop eating once full. The recommended number of crickets is only an estimate. They may need to eat more or less cricket depending on their feeding sessions of 2 to 3 times a day. Juveniles 3 to 12 months old will need to have at least 2 to 3 times of feeding a day and lasts for 15 minutes.

What is a Good Feeding Schedule for a Bearded Dragon?

When your bearded dragon reaches the juvenile stage, that means that its diet will also change. It should already develop a good body mass by this stage. Their fat reserves will also be developed, so they don’t need a lot of insects anymore like babies. The plant matter should be increased this time.

Juvenile beardies are around five months old to 18 months old. They need to be fed around 50% of insects and 50% of greens. The feeding frequency should also decrease at this stage. Although it still depends on the bearded dragon. Usually, juveniles need to be fed at least three times a day.

When you feed a juvenile beardie, give it half insects and half greens in every feeding. You can also provide your bearded dragon greens in the morning, insects in the afternoon and mix them for dinner. Depending on your schedule, you can adjust their feeding time accordingly.

What Are Bearded Dragons’ Favorite food?

Bearded dragons are omnivores which means that they can eat a variety of food. Their diet is consists of insects, fruits, and vegetables. It’s essential to provide them with a varied diet since it’s essential for their health and wellbeing. That makes them fun to feed and also makes a unique pet.

These reptiles can eat different types of live food. They can eat crickets, mealworms, king worms,and more. Vegetables must be included in their diets, such as sweet potato, pepper, leafy greens, and more. Fruits can also be given to them as a treat occasionally. Foods can also keep them hydrated.

How Do You Take Care of a 6-Month-Old Bearded Dragon?

If you have a 6-month-old new bearded dragon, they’re not hard to care for. As long as you set up an appropriate habitat, they should be happy. Feeding them balanced and nutritious food can ensure that your juvenile will grow and develop to become a healthy adult in the future.

1. Enclosure

Even if you have a baby bearded dragon, it needs to have a tank size of at least 20 gallons. They need to have the right tank size to serve as their home. If you started this small, that means that you have to upgrade it after a few months. When the bearded dragon turns six months old, a tank upgrade must be done immediately.

2. Substrates

The enclosure needs to have substrates which are a layer on the floor of the tank. You can use sand which is the most popular substrate for the bearded dragon’s enclosure. Just make sure not to have small rocks that your beardie may accidentally eat.

3. Lighting and Heating

It’s a requirement in every bearded dragon enclosure to have a light source and UV light. The beardie will also need heating at night if the temperature drops. The UV light will help the beardie process calcium to avoid health problems. It’s usually placed in the basking area.

4. Decorations

Providing tank decorations will make the enclosure look nice, but it can also keep the beardie busy. They need to have hiding places and other accessories to avoid boredom. Mental stimulation is vital for bearded dragons to stay happy and healthy. They also like climbing, so it’s good to provide elevated spots inside the tank.

5. Diet and Hydration

Give your bearded dragon clean water in a dish and change it 3 to 4 times a week. That will be a great water source for them to clean themselves and drink. Make sure that the water is not too deep for your reptile. A shallow water bowl will avoid the risk of drowning.

If your bearded dragon doesn’t like drinking water, misting can be done. Mist their tank several times a week to keep your beardie hydrated. Feed your pet insects and greens based on their age. Take out uneaten insects to avoid them crawling around the enclosure all day. Cut fruits and veggies into small pieces to prevent digestive issues.

6. Gut Loading and Dusting Insects

Providing the nutrients for your bearded dragon is an essential requirement to keep them healthy. The best thing to do is gut load the insects before feeding them to your beardie. To do this, provide the insects with various healthy fruits and veggies. Fish pellet or gut loading formulas are also good.

The insects will be able to pass their nutrients to your bearded dragon. It will help them to become strong and healthy as they grow. Dusting feeder insects with vitamins and calcium supplements is another way to feed more nutrients to your pet. Do this regularly to keep the beardie healthy.

How Big Should a 6-Month-Old Bearded Dragon Be?

A 6-month-old bearded dragon is around 11 inches in size. It will be between 16 to18 inches upon adulthood. Bearded dragons will stop growing once it reaches their sexual maturity. It can happen between 8 to 18 months. Some beardies may be smaller or bigger than the reptiles at the same age.

1. Genetics

Genetics is one of the factors that can affect the bearded dragon’s size. It plays a significant role in the maximum size of the beardie. Depending on how large their parents are, size can be inherited by the bearded dragon.

2. Gender

The gender of the bearded dragons can also influence their size. They are sexually dimorphic, but it’s more subtle than other lizards. The differences between male and female beardies can be seen from their femoral pores.

It’s the bumps on their tails in the ventral area. Female beardies can grow up to 16 to 19 inches in length. They are smaller in length and head size than male bearded dragons.

3. Diet

Bearded dragons need to eat a complete diet to help them grow and develop. Avoid feeding food that is low in nutrients. It can stunt their growth and become smaller compared to others. High-fat insects must be avoided as well. It can cause Imbalance to their nutrients.

Bearded dragons’ diets will change depending on their age. For juveniles, they need more protein than adult beardies. Feed them 75% insects and 25% of plant material at this stage. Adults should be fed 75% of greens and 25% of insects. Following the recommended diet will help your bearded dragon reach its full potential.

READ MORE: What Do Bearded Dragons Eat? Ultimate Guide

4. Enclosure

The bearded dragon’s size to adulthood can be affected by its enclosure. They need to have enough room inside their habitat. If the tank size is incorrect, it will not provide them enough space. It can stunt their growth and development. They need to have enough space to exercise as well.

A 40-gallon tank should be enough for juvenile beardies. The adults need to have at least a 120-gallon tank to live in. The correct lighting should also be provided. Aside from UVB light, feeding the bearded dragon some calcium and vitamin D will be helpful to their growth.

5. Husbandry

Lack of husbandry and poor health care can reduce their size and weight. If the bearded dragon becomes ill with impaction or parasites, it can prevent the beardies from having enough nutrients. Having health issues can affect the beardies’ physiological function and grow slow.

Can a 6-Month-Old Bearded Dragon Eat Mealworms?

Yes, a six-month-old bearded dragon can eat mealworms. It’s a tasty treat that you can provide your pet. When they become juveniles from 5 to 18 months, it will be safe to eat mealworms. But it should only be supplied as an occasional treat. Beardies should have fruits, veggies, and other insects to stay healthy.

Offer mealworms to your juvenile beardie one to two times per week. It can only be given as a treat to a juvenile beardie. Make sure to provide more greens, fruits, vegetables than insects to them. Feed them baby mealworms instead since they are easier to digest. One to two mealworms should be enough for the juvenile bearded dragons.

How Many Mealworms Should a 6-Month-Old Bearded Dragon Eat?

Bearded dragons prefer mealworms because their tasty. But it would be best not to feed them as many mealworms as they want to have. Just offer it as a treat once your beardie turns five months or older. Mealworms should not be provided to baby beardies since they can suffer impaction.

Juvenile beardies can have one to two worms in one feeding. It’s okay to do this once or twice weekly. When the beardie is over 18 months old, they can digest the mealworms better. For baby beardies, it’s best to avoid feeding them mealworms. Just give them 40 to 90 medium-sized insects instead. 80% of their diet should contain protein, and 20% should be greens.

How Many Bugs Should a 6-Month-Old Bearded Dragon Eat?

For 6-month-old bearded dragons, they can eat 20 to 50 bugs every day. Beardies can eat a wide variety of live food, such as feeder insects. They can also eat greens and veggies. It’s essential to provide your bearded dragon with a balanced diet. Offer fruits as a treat and offer it sparingly.

In the wild, bearded dragons can eat almost anything. Their diet consists of crickets, cockroaches, worms, and small animals like mice. They also need to eat some greens, veggies, and fruits. Depending on the food availability, beardies need to hunt in the wild.

How Long Can a 6-Month-Old Bearded Dragon Go Without Food?

A 6-month-old bearded dragon should not go without food for more than 24 hours. It can affect their growth and development when it happens. But healthy adult bearded dragons can survive without food for about four weeks. They have enough fat storage compared to a juvenile beardie. During the brumation, bearded dragons can survive without food for up to 4 months.

How Often Should a 6-Month-Old Bearded Dragon Poop?

Baby beardies poop more often compared to juveniles and adults. They can do this up to three times a day. But once a day should be good enough. A 6-month-old bearded dragon is already considered a juvenile, and they only defecate once a day. But sometimes, internal parasites and health issues can make the beardies refuse food.

If the bearded dragon doesn’t eat, it will not poop regularly. It can be caused by stress, such as bullying another bearded dragon inside the tank. If your beardie seems to be not eating much and not defecating regularly, try to know the reason behind it. A visit to the vet is also a good idea.

What is a Healthy Bearded Dragon Poop Looks Like?

A healthy bearded dragon poop should mix two kinds of wastes. First is the solid digested food waste. The other one is a softer yellow to whitish urine. When the color, amount, consistency, size, and other changes occur, check if the beardies are sick. A watery poop indicates ls an issue which is diarrhea. Keep your beardie hydrated if it happens.

READ MORE: Do Bearded Dragons Pee? Everything You Need To Know

What Poop Colors to Look Out For?

Bearded dragon owners must always check if the beardies poop has an abnormal color. It can be a sign of a health condition, and your pet may need to have medical treatment. These unnatural colors of poop might be green, yellow, red, or black. Consult a vet if you notice any of these poop colors from your bearded dragon.

READ MORE: Bearded Dragon White Poop? All You Need To Know


1. How Much Should 8 Month Old Bearded Dragon Eat?

An 8-month-old bearded dragon is already considered an adult. They need to be offered insects 3 to 4 times per week. Greens and veggies should also be provided at every feeding time.

2. How Much Should a 5 Month Old Bearded Dragon Eat?

A 5-month-old beardie is already a juvenile at this point. It is no longer a baby, so it needs a balanced diet of 50/50 insects and greens. They still need to be fed 2 to 3 times daily at this stage.

3. How Much Should I Feed My 8 Month Old Bearded Dragon?

Adult bearded dragons should have 80% of greens and vegetables, while the remaining 20% should be consists of insects. When the beardie reaches adulthood, they need to consume more plant material than insects.

4. How Much Should You Feed a 7 Month Old Bearded Dragon?

When the bearded dragon turns seven months old, the feeding frequency will decrease. During the juvenile stage, the beardie needs to be fed three times a day. It should consist of half-plant matter and half insects in every feeding.

5. How Many Crickets Should a 7 Month Old Bearded Dragon Eat?

A 7-month-old bearded dragon can eat around 25 to 60 crickets a day. Baby beardies can consume between 25 to 80 crickets. Adult beardies can be fed 10 to 20 crickets daily. They need to have more plant matter as they reach adulthood.

6. Can a 5 Month Old Bearded Dragon Eat Mealworms?

Yes, a 5-month-old bearded dragon can already eat mealworms. But is still not recommended to offer mealworms as part of its daily meals. Make sure only to provide it as an occasional treat for your juvenile bearded dragon.

7. Can a 4 Month Old Bearded Dragon Eat Mealworms?

No, it’s not recommended to feed mealworms to a four-month-old bearded dragon. Mealworms have a hard shell, and it can be hard to digest. A tough exoskeleton will be harder to digest for baby beardies. It’s also hard to bite and chew for beardies at this stage.

8. Can a 5 Month Old Bearded Dragon Eat Super Worms?

Superworms are not good staple insects, and they can pose a risk for a 5nmonth old bearded dragon. It can cause gut impaction, which can be bad for the bearded dragon’s health.

9. How Many Mealworms Should a Lizard Eat a Day?

A lizard can eat a very few mealworms once or twice a week only. Mealworms are not healthy anymore in large quantities. But you can still feed your bearded dragon 5 to 10 mealworms. Give it as a treat to ensure the safety of your lizard.

10. How Old is a 7-inch Bearded Dragon?

A 7-inch bearded dragon is probably two months old. Their size may depend on different factors that affect their growth. It’s still normal for a two-month-old beardie to be around 7 inches.

11. How Old is a 12-inch Bearded Dragon?

A 12-inch bearded dragon can be around three months to a year old. The juvenile can measure between 8 and 11 inches in three months. They can measure 16 to 22 inches by the end of their first year.

12. How Old is a 14-inch Bearded Dragon?

A 14-inch bearded dragon is a fully grown reptile and can be around 12 to 18 months old. It means that when the bearded dragon reaches this size, it’s already an adult.

13. How Big is a 1 Year Old Bearded Dragon?

When the bearded dragon reaches a year old, it can measure around 15 to 18 inches in length. Some may be a little smaller or slightly bigger than other bearded dragons at the same age.

14. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mealworms Everyday?

No, mealworms can be offered to bearded dragons as a treat. They are a good source of protein but its also high in fat. It’s not a healthy option for bearded dragons, but you can give it to them sparingly.

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